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Gun Wook and Yujin were gaming in the living room, they were very immersed in the game, pushing each other to make the other fail.

Han bin on the couch, reading a book, at the balcony was Ji Woong, meditating. Matthew was in the room working out while Gyu vin was munching on snacks as he watched Matthew

Ricky and Tae Rae were in the dining. Ricky told Tae Rae to play him something on his guitar. So Tae Rae started playing Beautiful- the goblin ost

Tae Rae began to sing to it as he played. It added to the calm atmosphere of the dorm. Ricky placed his head on his hand as he looked at his Tae Rae was playing and singing.

He was really into the song. Ricky couldn't help but feel goosebumps round his body. Tae Rae indeed was an amazing singer.

Yujin couldn't concentrate on the game anymore once he looked back and saw Ricky looking at Tae Rae some type of way.

"Yah Yujin-ah concentrate or they'll kill us" Gunwook said elbowing Yujin. Yujin nodded and got back to the game but his mind wasn't back though.

Han Bin closed his book and walked out of the sitting room. He walked into his room and saw
Gyu Vin seated on his bed eating chips as he was looking at Matthew that was doing pushups

He walked into the closet and changed. He got out
"Are you going somewhere Hyung?" Matthew asked panting as he stood up.

"Yeah I'm going to the company. To practice" he said and Matthew folded his lips. He fiddled with his hands. "Do you want to follow me?" Han bin asked, he's known Matthew for years to know when he wants something

"Mhm. Let me shower. I'll be back" Matthew said and walked into the shower. Han bin sat on Matthew's bed, waiting for him.

He turned and saw Gyu vin looking at him as he was munching. He chuckled awkwardly

"Why are you looking at me?" Han bin asked.

"Nothing" Gyu vin said with a knowing smile as he looked between the shower door and Han bin


Gunwook removed his headphones from his head in anger. He turned and looked at Yujin upset. Yujin ducked his head down. He removed his headphones and placed it on the table.

"You had one job Yujin" Gunwook started

"Just protect the crystal. You had just one job" Gunwook said through his teeth making Yujin feel more guilty. He was lost in his thoughts that he didn't know when their opponent stole the crystal he was meant to protect

Gunwook sighed and rubbed his face in frustration

"I played so hard to reach this level. You messed things up, do you know that?" He said raising his voice a little making Yujin flinch. Yujin folded his lips into a thin line. A habit he did each time he got scolded

"Sorry.." he mumbled

Gunwook brushed his hair backwards
"Leave" Gunwook said dropping his console. Yujin bit his lip as he felt tears form in his eyes. He didn't mean to make Gunwook angry. He was just occupied thinking about Ricky and–

"Didn't you hear me?" Gunwook said in a higher tone, casting Yujin a glare. Gunwook valued his game really well, he started the game even before he got into boysplanet. He held his reputation of never losing a game but all that came to an end because of Yujin

Yujin flinched and stood up immediately. He quickly walked into his room. Gyu vin was on his bed watching videos in his phone. Yujin quietly laid on his bed, facing the wall

As he cried. He cried silently so no one would hear him. His pillow was drenched with his tears. He was so worried about his friendship with his Hyung. He hoped what he did wouldn't dent their friendship

"I'm so stupid. Why was I thinking of Ricky Hyung even though he never thinks of me"  Yujin said in his mind as he sniffled

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