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Hanbin and Tae Rae smiled as they checked out their concept pictures for their debut album Youth in the Shade.

"This is alright" Tae Rae muttered and Hanbin nodded. Hanbin looked away from the screen and his eyes landed on Tae Rae's neck. His eyes widened as he saw bruises peaking out of the turtleneck Tae Rae wore.

"Tae Rae..what's this?" He softly asked not wanting to worry Tae Rae. Tae Rae saw Hanbin's eyes on his neck and he immediately covered his neck with his palm.

"U-Uh it's nothing" Tae Rae said and quickly walked out. Hanbin followed him. "Tae Rae.. let me see. I promise I won't judge you. Tae Rae" Hanbin said softly as he held Tae Rae's hand.

Tae Rae sighed. He trusted Hanbin and believed Hanbin would keep to his words. So he slowly slid down his cloth and Hanbin's eyes widened as he saw how bad the bruise was.

But he didn't want Tae Rae to panic more so he kept the shock to himself. "What happened?" Hanbin said holding Tae Rae's shoulder and making him sit down.

Tae Rae gulped and looked away. Hanbin saw his shaking hands and quickly held them. "Come on, tell me" he said gently. Tae Rae sighed.

"It's...Mr. Shin. He has been abusing me for the past weeks" Tae Rae said and Hanbin immediately stood up in shock. "Mr..Mr Shin? Are you sure it's the same Mr Shin we know Tae Rae?"

Tae Rae nodded. Tae Rae kept fiddling with his hands in worry "and...he touches me too" Tae Rae added and Hanbin's eyebrows furrowed.

"He touches you? Inappropriately?"
Tae Rae nodded. Hanbin's chest heaved in anger as he saw how affected Tae Rae was. He quickly held Tae Rae's hand.

"Come on, let's go tell Hyung" Hanbin said talking about Mr. Park. Tae Rae's eyes widened.

"No no, h-he said...Gunwook.. no" Tae Rae began to freak out making Hanbin more worried.

"Tae Rae calm down. What do you mean by Gunwook?"

"He wants to cut Gunwook out of the group...if I don't allow" Tae Rae said, his eyes desperately begging Hanbin not to speak. Hanbin sighed as he brushed his hair backwards.

"We really need to speak to Hyung." Hanbin said and walked out holding Tae Rae's hand.


The boys were sat outside while Mr. Park was in the boardroom with the CEO, Vice and the other respected executives of Wakeone. Once Hanbin told Mr. Park, he immediately sent an email requesting for an emergency meeting.

It was absurd for a mere Manager to hold a board meeting but the Personnels of Wakeone were kind enough to see what he wanted to tell them.

Ricky was rubbing Tae Rae's hand and that comforted Tae Rae. His heart was at rest knowing he had all his friends looking out for him.

But Gunwook couldn't help but feel guilty at the same time, appreciative. He felt so bad after finding out from Mr. Park. He immediately went to Tae Rae to apologize for being the reason.

Once Mr. Park got out of the board room, the boys stood up and went to him. Mr. Park looked at them with a smile. "After the meeting, the board members decided that I should take legal action on this and that Mr. Shin will be voted out of the CEO position"

The boys sighed in relief. Tae Rae didn't even know when he started crying. Ricky quickly wiped his tears and cupped his face

"Hyung, it will soon be over okay?" He said gently and Tae Rae nodded his head. Zhanghao placed his hand on Tae Rae's back, rubbing it to soothe him.

"Don't cry, hm? Let's go out for lunch. You can pick anything. Come on, cheer up" Mr. Park said and tickled Tae Rae lightly making him chuckle.

The boys smiled as they watched Tae Rae smile.


Gyuvin took a piece of cut steak and brought it to Yujin's mouth. Yujin groaned and moved his mouth away from Gyuvin's fork.

"Hyung, I'm full" Yujin whined. "Eat it so you'll grow well" Gyuvin said rubbing his hair gently.

"No Hyung, I'm really–
Before Yujin could finish, Gunwook bit off the steak from Gyuvin's fork. "I don't mind Hyung, feed me" Gunwook said making kissing faces at Gyuvin.

Gyuvin grimaced "Now I'm full just by looking at you" Gyuvin said and Matthew and Ricky laughed at Gunwook.

"Yah, take that back" Gunwook said making them laugh even more. Tae Rae sighed as he smiled. His heart was finally at ease. He felt more relieved that he didn't commit mistakes because of  his situation.

He looked at Ricky that was smiling at the bickering Gyuvin and Gunwook. He looked down and saw their intertwined hands. He smiled unconsciously.

Ricky had helped him out a lot during his episodes. He felt grateful to Ricky. He realized that Ricky has always been there for him. He squeezed Ricky's hand softly making him look at him.

"Thank you. For being with me through this. And for helping me to remain sane. I really appreciate you" He whispered making Ricky smile as his heart warmed at Tae Rae's words.

"I'm ready to do anything, as long as it's for you Hyung" Ricky whispered back and this time, it was Tae Rae's turn for his heart to melt. He smiled and looked away as he felt his face heat up

"Cute" Ricky mumbled smiling as he saw Tae Rae's reaction.

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