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The boys were really tired as they got into their hotel rooms. They performed at the kcon Japan and got to meet Zerose just as they had wished.

Ji Woong, Matthew and Hanbin were put together in one room by Mr. Park. While Hanbin was taking a shower, Matthew was on his phone on the bed while Ji Woong was at the balcony, enjoying the cool night breeze.

His phone chimed and he looked at it and a smile immediately appeared on his face. He walked into the room and closed the door to the balcony.

Matthew watched him as he put on a cap and a black face mask. "Hyung" Matthew called and Ji Woong looked at him.

"Yeah?" He replied putting on a black cardigan.

"Where are you going to so late?" Matthew asked as he scanned Ji Woong's outfit.

"I'm going to meet a friend at the lobby. I'll be right back. Tell Hanbin too" Ji Woong said and Matthew could tell by his creased eyes and vocal tone that he was overly excited to meet the person.

"Okay then" Matthew said and looked back to his phone. Once Ji Woong left the room, Matthew stood up and immediately put on a face mask and wore his hoodie.

He grabbed his phone, he went to the shower door
"Hyung, I'll be out in a bit!" He shouted.
"Okay! Be careful!" Hanbin shouted back.

Matthew closed the door and looked around. He saw Ji Woong get into the elevator. He took another elevator to the lobby.

Once he got out of the elevator, he walked and saw Ji Woong stand and look around. He saw someone wave at Ji Woong. Matthew walked closer and sat on a seat.

He looked closer to the person and immediately recognized the face. Yoon Seobin. He acted some bls with Ji Woong.

Ji Woong and Seobin immediately hugged each other. They hugged tightly like they haven't seen each other in forever.

Matthew's heart clenched watching how they embraced each other. Seobin cupped Ji Woong's face and muttered words Matthew couldn't understand.

Seobin held Ji Woong's hand and they walked out of the lobby, into the elevator. Matthew stood up and followed them, he covered his face well with his hoodie and got into the elevator with them.

Seobin clinged on Ji Woong's arm as he whispered into Ji Woong's ear making Ji Woong chuckle.
Matthew scoffed at the sight. The elevator opened and they walked out.

Matthew walked the other way to not look suspicious but once he turned, he saw them getting into a room together. Before they did, he heard Seobin say to Ji Woong.

"Don't worry, I've gotten everything prepared" Seobin said smirking.

Matthew looked away not believing that he stalked Ji Woong. He brushed his hair back and walked into the Elevator.

Matthew got into the room and saw Hanbin on the bed watching a tv show. He removed his mask and hoodie and huffed as he made his way to the bed.

He laid beside Hanbin and rested his head on Hanbin's chest. Hanbin brushed Matthew's hair softly as he felt Matthew sigh.

"Where did Hyung go?"

"To meet a friend" Matthew replied. He couldn't help but wonder what they were doing in that room. His jealousy was eating him up and Hanbin could see the frustration on his face.

"Yah relax. If he said it's a friend, it's a friend. Hm?" Hanbin said rubbing Matthew's head. Matthew nodded as he sighed.


Matthew squinted his eyes as he woke up to the bright sun. He yawned as he rubbed his eyes, he felt a weight on his body and saw Hanbin's leg on his leg.

He gently removed his leg and was about to stand up but he heard the door chime so he hurriedly pretended to be asleep.

"Shit, I shouldn't have drank the entire bottle " He heard Ji Woong say.

"Hyung didn't come back last night?"

He heard ruffles for awhile then he heard the shower turn on. He sat up and checked the time on his phone. It was 7:23 am.

Matthew still wondered why Ji Woong came back late. A knock came to the door and Matthew immediately checked the screen and saw Mr. Park.

He opened the door. "Good morningggg~" he said pinching Matthew's cheek. "Morning Hyung" Matthew said and Mr. Park smiled.

"You boys should get ready, we're leaving today, we have a flight by 11" he said and Matthew's eyes furrowed.

"Weren't we supposed to go back tomorrow?"

"Yes but the company called and urgently, they need to see you guys" Mr. Park shrugged. Matthew nodded. "I'll let them know" he said and Mr. Park left.

Matthew turned and was about to wake Hanbin but something quite far from him caught his attention.
He walked towards where Ji Woong placed his black Cardigan, the one he wore last night.

Something was falling out of the pocket. Once he picked out the thing, his eyes widened and he immediately dropped it in shock.

He quickly took his hand wipes and wiped his hand in disgust and disappointment. He stepped back in disbelief as tears welled his eyes. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. He turned around and covered his mouth with his hands. So he wouldn't wake Hanbin with his cries.

"A friend huh?"

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