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Hanbin walked behind Zhanghao and wrapped his arms round his thin waist as he nuzzled his nose against Zhanghao's neck. Zhanghao looked at Hanbin through the mirror smiling.

"Hyung...you look pretty" Hanbin said looking into Zhanghao's eyes through the mirror. Zhanghao playfully hit Hanbin's thigh

"I'm Handsome" he said but Hanbin shook his head
"You're pretty to me" He said and pecked Zhanghao's neck. Zhanghao playfully made a throw up face making Hanbin chuckle.

Zhanghao picked up his necklace and wanted to wear it but Hanbin took it from his hands.

"Let me help you" he muttered unhooking the necklace. Once he wore Zhanghao the necklace, he looked at him through the mirror smiling.

"Thank you" Zhanghao said softly arranging his hair.

Gunwook walked in and laid on Matthew's bed. Zhanghao and Hanbin turned in sync as they looked at him. Gunwook groaned and sat up looking at them.

"Hao hyung..I'm hungry" he said rubbing his belly.
Zhanghao left Hanbin's embrace and walked to Gunwook. He held  Gunwook's hand.

"Really? What do you want me to make for you" He softly asked and Gunwook broadly smile and rubbed his chin thinking of what to say.

"Mmm anything hyung. I don't really care, I'm just too hungry" he said and Zhanghao sighed rubbing Gunwook's hair.

"You must really be hungry" he said softly. He stood up "I'll be going now okay? Ask Gyuvin to give you some snacks in the meantime" Zhanghao said

Gunwook sighed "He didn't want to" he said
"What?" Hanbin said putting his hands on his waist.
"He didn't want to? Come on. Let's go" Hanbin said and Gunwook smiled mischievously as he followed Hanbin.


"Gyuvin-ah" Hanbin called as he entered their room.

Gyuvin was on his bed with Tae Rae watching a movie on Gyuvin's laptop. They had snacks all over the bed. Courtesy of Gyuvin.

Gyuvin paused the movie and looked at Hanbin and Gunwook who stuck out his tongue at him.

"Yes hyung?"

"Give Gunwook some snacks" he said and Gyuvin immediately sat up. "Hyung..I can't..he almost finished my snacks last night" Gyuvin said unconsciously pouting as he spoke.

"At least let him have one" Hanbin said and Gyuvin groaned looking at Gunwook who was making funny faces at him. "Fine" Gyuvin muttered and grabbed a pack of chips. He threw it directly at Gunwook's face.

"Ow-" Gunwook exclaimed when the pack hit his face. Gyuvin smirked in victory.

"Yah!" Stop that. Apologize now" Hanbin said. Gyuvin bit his lip not wanting to apologize. Tae Rae softly pinched Gyuvin's side

"Go on, apologize" Tae Rae said and Gyuvin sighed.
"Fine..sorry" he said and Gunwook smiled.
"Apology accepted" Gunwook said smiling.

"Always remember you're his hyung. No matter how annoying he may be" Hanbin said and walked out of their room.

"You're really annoying" Gyuvin said glaring at Gunwook.


"Yes! You're doing great!" Zhanghao shouted from the kitchen when Matthew asked him if he was getting the dance steps to Over me.

Ricky was teaching Matthew the steps to Over me as Matthew wanted to look sexy.

"Yeah yeah just like that and then you hold the ribbon and twirl" Ricky said in English to Matthew.
Matthew nodded smiling.

Ji Woong walked into the living room with Yujin on his back. He dropped Yujin on the couch while he stood up watching Ricky and Matthew.

"Hyung. Join us" Matthew said pulling Ji Woong's hand. Ji Woong stood in between Matthew and Ricky.

Ji Woong looked at Ricky. "You can continue teaching" he said and Ricky nodded. He started all over again.

Mr. Park walked out of his room with Hanbin. "We're leaving here by 2pm. We'll be going to the company, the dance for the song has been prepared"
Hanbin nodded.

"This time we'll add more additions to the choreography. I'm not taking a no Hyung" Hanbin said and Mr. Park nodded smiling.


Hanbin, Gunwook and Matthew were in front of the large scale mirror. They were trying to learn the dance moves first before teaching others.

Ricky was with a tab at the end of the practice room trying to learn the legwork in the choreography. He ruffled his hair and placed the tab on a chair.

Zhanghao walked to him and decided to join him. They kept practicing for hours. Try over and over again.

Yujin brushed his hair backwards as he looked at the wall clock. It was already 11:34pm. That meant that they had been practicing for ten hours straight.

Yujin sat on the floor beside Gyuvin who was also panting like he was. He scooted closer to Gyuvin expecting Gyuvin to start his skinship but Gyuvin didn't. Rather Gyuvin was busy looking at the Choreographer.

"Hyung pass me the bottle" he said and Gyuvin immediately gave him a bottle not removing his eyes from the Choreographer. Yujin gulped all the water at a go and dropped the empty bottle.

The choreographer looked over to them.
"Yah no slouching. Get up" He said sternly. Gyuvin and Yujin stood up and jumped at their spots to warm up their bodies

Gyuvin walked back to his position and got back into his dance mode. Yujin got into his position feeling weak and feeling a pain in his ankle.

The Choreographer sat in front of them as he watched them dance. He made them repeat it over and over again. Yujin felt his head get heavy as his sight began to get blur

"Yah Yujin! Get a grip of yourself! What are you doing?!" The choreographer shouted over the music.
Yujin nodded and brushed his wet hair back. Gyuvin glanced at Yujin as saw how he was staggering.

They danced for a while but the choreographer suddenly paused the music.

He stood up and walked to Yujin.

"Do you think you're doing a good work? Add more energy. You can't perform well if you keep dancing like this. You can do this, come on let's go again" he said patting Yujin's shoulder.

Yujin nodded even though he couldn't see him clearly. Once the choreographer turned. They heard a thud.

Everyone turned to the sound and saw Yujin on the floor unconscious.

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