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"Who would have thought, One can spend that much time into producing absolute rubbish" Taejin suddenly said and the smiles on the boys' faces dropped.

"Do you hear what've made? As for the vocals, it's not a lie that you guys have it abundantly but in the song it's just all over the place. No harmony, no flow" Soonhee the female vocal instructor said

"And Gunwook, you're rap..*sigh* it's faster than the beat. You could have just followed the flow, Tae Rae, your use of adlibs was the only pleasant thing to hear" Taejin continued

"In total. I give this one star. I mean, I expected much from you guys, seeing you debuted. *sigh* you should have just left the work for the company"
Soonhee said.

The boys slowly stood up and walked out of the recording studio. None of them spoke as they walked out. They met Mr. Park on a phone call. Mr. Park turned to them, he covered his phone and said to them "You did well" he said and continued his phone call.

They boys looked glum as they walked into the company's cafeteria. The rest sat down while Yujin and Gunwook went to get their orders

Ricky sighed softly and unconsciously started picking his palm. A habit he grew when nervous or sad. Tae Rae whom was sat on his right hand, used his left hand to rub his back and held his hands with his other hand.

"You did well, okay? Don't worry" Tae Rae said and Zhanghao sighed when he heard Tae Rae.

"No. In fact we should worry. We spent two weeks preparing, for what? Absolutely nothing" Zhanghao said and brushed his hair backwards.

"Hyung. It's not like that. We just need to record again, we should take the corrections they made into consideration rather than sulking" Matthew said looking at Zhanghao in worry.

"Hyung, Matthew hyung's right. Us sulking on our mistakes won't make the song better. It's better we start working again" Gyu vin said.

Zhanghao sighed looking down "I don't know anymore" he mumbled. He felt his eyes get brimmed with tears. He had spent sleepless nights preparing the song. He didn't want the mass to think that they only got to debut because of their visuals rather than their talents.

He struggled with everything, he wanted to make it perfect. He didn't want to get criticized. He knew how newly debuted idols were prone to judgement and criticism. He didn't want that to be the case with his group.

He knew how much effort and hard work he put into the song only for it to get a bad review.

"I think...We should let the company make the song" He slurred his words. Everyone looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you the one saying this Hyung?" Han bin asked looking at him in disbelief.

"What do you want me to do? I mean, you heard what they said in there. That just alone, tells us how inexperienced we are in producing. We should leave the higher ups to make the song" Zhanghao said brushing his hair backwards.

"Really? You're going to let their words get to you Hyung? If you were going to at the end let them make the song, you shouldn't have given us hope on us making the song..this is hilarious" Gunwook said standing up.

"Yah don't talk to him like that" Hanbin scolded but Gunwook just took his drink and walked out.

Gyu vin sighed at the situation.

"I think we should all calm down. The last thing we want to do is put the blame on each other. Let's just sleep this over, tomorrow we can start recording. Okay?" Ji Woong softly said looking at them

Everyone nodded except Zhanghao. He knew he would stay up all night again trying to make the song better.

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