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Hanbin woke up and got out of his bed. His eyes landed on Matthew who was still sleeping. He looked away and looked at the wall clock. 6:34am it read.

He stood up and decided to shower early. His eyes landed on the upbunk. He saw Zhanghao sleeping there. Once he saw him, his heart clenched as he remembered what Zhanghao said to him.

He gulped and tried to look away but Zhanghao began to shiver. Hanbin saw he did not have any blanket so he quickly grabbed his own and covered Zhanghao, tucking him in tightly.

He brushed away strands of hair that covered Zhanghao's eyes, he placed his head better on his pillow and finally decided to let him sleep.

Hanbin got to the sitting room and saw Gyu vin and Yujin cuddled up on the couch as they were speaking in hushed tones.

"Morning hyung" they greeted once they saw him. Hanbin nodded and walked into the kitchen.
Gyuvin and Yujin looked at themselves, wondering why Hanbin emitted a different aura.

Hanbin opened the fridge and grabbed a bottled water. He took a swig and sighed as he brushed his hair backwards. He dropped his bottle on the counter and began searching the cabinets looking for what to prepare as breakfast.

At the end he decided to make Korean Kimchi toast and scallion pancakes. Yujin walked into the kitchen hesitantly. Not knowing how he would help Hanbin.

Hanbin looked at him and looked back at the eggs he was beating.

"It's fine Yujin. I can handle it myself" He said and looked back at Yujin, giving him a small smile before looking back at what he was doing.

Yujin nodded and slowly walked out of the kitchen.
Gyu vin looked at Yujin as he walked out.
"Something's definitely wrong" Yujin said to Gyu vin and started walking in the directions of the rooms.

Hanbin set the plates on the dining, properly covering them. He removed his apron and walked into the sitting room.

"Gunwook, Gyuvin, Tae Rae, Matthew, come eat. Yujin, go and call Ricky and Ji Woong hyung. Tell them breakfast's ready" Hanbin said with an expressionless face. The boys immediately scurried into the dining room, thinking Hanbin was mad.

Yujin walked into Ricky's room and saw him in front of a mirror, combing his hair and Ji Woong opening the windows.

"Um, Hanbin hyung said I should tell you that breakfast's ready" Yujin said and Ricky and Ji Woong nodded. Yujin was about to go but Ricky stopped him

"Yujin? Can you please get mine for me? I have something to do here" Ricky said looking at Yujin. Yujin scratched his hair as if contemplating.

"Uhhh I don't think that's a good idea. I think you should eat at the dining with everyone hyung" Yujin slurred his words not knowing how to put it. He didn't know what was up with Hanbin but he knew he was certainly moody.

"Hm? Is there a particular reason?" Ricky asked with an eyebrow up. Yujin licked his bottom lip and sighed. How would he make Ricky understand when he hasn't seen Hanbin.

Ji Woong could sense something off so he decided to pitch in. "Let's go Ricky. Let's eat together" Ji Woong said and hooked his arm over Ricky's shoulder.
Ricky smiled, Ji Woong was finally opening up.

"Hm, okay" He said smiling as he looked at Ji Woong. Yujin looked back and forth between Ricky and Ji Woong. He cleared his throat not knowing why he wasn't pleased with what he saw.

"Let's go" He said
- -

Everyone ate in silence. Mr. Park could feel the tension. It was as if they were told not to speak. He himself felt the cold aura and didn't want to speak up.

Hanbin looked at the table, only hearing clanks of the utensils. He wondered why everyone was quiet today. He was about to eat but stopped. He looked back at the boys


He realized Zhanghao wasn't with them. He quickly stood up and went to his room. He opened the door and immediately had eye contact with Zhanghao whom was looking at him.

First thing Hanbin noticed was his puffy eyes and redden nose.

"Hyung...did you cry?" Hanbin softly asked as he walked closer, his mind unconsciously erasing what Zhanghao had said to him.

Zhanghao tried looking away but Hanbin cupped his face softly and made him look at him.
Hanbin saw how red his eyes were.

"Why did you cry?" He asked softly as he gently caressed Zhanghao's bread cheeks with his thumb.

Zhanghao sniffed unconsciously as tears began to form in his eyes

"Sorry Hanbin...I didn't mean what I said..please forgive me" As Zhanghao said the tears in his eyes fell

"I feel so guilty knowing how much you worked hard for where you are today and I said those harmful words...I'm really sorry Hanbin..I'm sorry" Zhanghao said sniffing at intervals.

Zhanghao's face was at that time, wet. His tears had fallen, touching Hanbin's fingers. Hanbin wiped his tears and immediately hugged Zhanghao. His hand rubbing Zhanghao's hair as he hugged him tight.

"It's okay Hyung..I'm better now knowing you did not mean it" Hanbin said breaking the hug. He held  Zhanghao's head softly as Zhanghao looked at him sniffing.

Hanbin smiled seeing how cute Zhanghao looked. He leaned closer and pecked Zhanghao on his forehead.

"It's really fine hyung. Let's go eat" he said and intertwined his hand with  Zhanghao's.

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