Chapter 1

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The beginning is the most important part of work-Pluto

In the beginning we thought we could save the world. We couldn't. And perhaps that's why they call it the beginning. Things used to be simple, and then one day everything went to hell. This is the story of deep space nine. This is the story of the legends. The ones who will die alone.

"Let me see?" Julien asks, as I pull up my shirt to reveal the heart pump. I move my head and look the other way. It's an old habit that I've never broken. For reasons that don't matter. "It looks good. Now remember-"

I interpret him. "I know I know. If anything happens or feels off find you." He nods. Meet Julien bashir. My annoying older brother. We don't agree on anything.

"Listen, I know this isn't ideal, but it's the best thing for you. Mom and dad can't keep an eye on your pump 24/7 and even if they could. If something went wrong they wouldn't know what to do, and by the time they got you help you'd be dead." I've heard this speech a dozen times since we got here and we arrived last night. I pull my shirt back down, and do everything I can to keep the worry in his eyes from getting to me.

I roll my eyes. "I'm 15. I don't need a baby sitter." I say, crossing my arms, and glaring at him. Even though I know he's just trying to protect me.

"Hazel, I know I'm going to be busy, but I heard there's a tailors shop. We can go shopping." He says all of this as he gestures with his hands. I never understood why he does that. As if I don't also do that when I get worked up.

"What's wrong with my clothes?" I ask, outraged. My hands hitting the side of my legs. Why is he always judging me? Why can't he just let me be? Why can't I just have peace?

"Nothing, I just thought you would want to fit in more." I sigh. He really doesn't know anything about girls my age. I'm probably the only person on this station my age.

"I can't believe this." I mutter, then I hit him as hard as I can in his chest he stumbles back. I look down at my clenched fist and unclench it. I then take a few steps back. "I'm sorry Jules I didn't mean to." With that I exit our courters. I go down the dark halls until I reach the promenade. I climb the steps to the second floor and swing my legs over the edge of the floor. I wrap my arms around the railing and watch the people below.

"Hi. I'm Jake. what's your name?" I turn around to see who's talking to me. It's a boy with black hair and dark skin. He wears a smile on his face. One that I wish I could replicate right now. I just messed up. I hit the man who has been there for as long as I can remember. When I was little I was bed bound. In fear that as much as walking could cause my heart to stop. We shared a room and he always stayed in there with me.

They didn't get a pump for me until recently in fear of something. I don't know what. I know it's not Juliens advancements. I asked them about it and they just told me it's adult stuff and left it at that.

"Hazel bashir." He sits down next to me.

"What's wrong?" I can hear the worry in his voice. I don't know why he cares about someone he just met. But I appreciate it. Hopefully we can be friends. I live Julien but I think we would just annoy each other too much to be with him all the time.

"I hit my brother, and now I'm watching these people. I don't understand how they can just pretend everything's ok. It's not. This station isn't going to hold. Somethings going to happen."

"How do you know?" I can feel him looking at me. I keep my eyes on the people below.

"Just a feeling." We both fall silent.

"Why did you hit him?"

"Out of anger I suppose. Now I just plan to avoid him."

"How?" Can he please stop asking questions? I'm not the computer.

"I don't know." I keep watching the people below.

"There you are." I hear Julien say, I close my eyes and sigh.

"You know my plan was to just avoid you forever." I say, not turning around to look at him. That's not true. I was going to talk to him at some point. Just right now I want to be alone away from him. 

"I know. Why don't we get something to eat? We haven't really hung out since we got here. Come on it will be like old times."

"But it's not old times."

"Then new times. "

"Alright, where to?" I ask, as I climb to my feet. I always forget how short I am next to him.

"Quarks." we walk to quarks. Then we sit down at a table on the first floor. A waiter walks over. "Two raqojenos." Julien orders. He walks off.

"I'm not allowed to drink that."

"I won't tell mom and dad if you don't." I nod. "So the boy..." he starts.

"He was just being friendly."

"Uh hu." Protective Julien at his finest.

"Doctor, I didn't know you had a daughter." I look over to see a man in a starfleet uniform. He has dark skin and black hair. I have to cover my mouth with my hand so he can't see me laugh.

"She's my kid sister."

"Hey!" The guy starts laughing.

"I'm commander benjerman sisko."

"Hazel bashir."

"Nice to meet you. You know I have a son about your age." Julien starts coughing.

"You're going to throw yourself in a heart attack." I tell him, "besides I don't think he's trying to set us up." Julien kicks me. I kick him back.

"No, I'm just saying it might be nice to have someone your age."

"Is his name Jake by any chance?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I ran into him earlier. I must say you guys look alike."

"Thank you." I nod and he walks away,

"So you're friends with the commanders son." I roll my eyes.

"Don't you have someone to be operating on?" I ask,

"No, don't try to change the subject."

"He's nice and I just met him. So calm down."

"Not possible." The waiter comes back with our drinks and I drink some.

"It's strange."


"Being able to get around with out a wheelchair. It's something that's going to take me awhile to get used to." He shrugs.

"I never really thought about that."

"You never had a need to."

"Well I should go. See you in our courters?"


"Make sure you leave the main light on."

"Why?" He shrugs,

"It's hard to explain. You'll understand one day." I nod having not a clue as to what he's talking about.

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