Chapter 2

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I'm not crazy. I just have another conciseness living in my head- Rodney mckay 

"Why don't you hang out with Jake?" Julian asks, as he takes a sip of his rackajeno. I swear that's the only thing he drinks.

"Because I don't know him." He places his cup down on the table.

"I know, but you need to make friends." I sigh, he won't leave me alone about this.

"Why? This place is going to fall apart." I say, this then he sighs  I can tell that he's done with this conversation.

Then a carrdasin walk over to us. "It's doctor bashir, isn't it? And you are Hazel. May I introduce myself?"

"Yes yes of course." Julien says, slightly panicked. It has to be gay panic. He never panics. Also when he saw him he decided to stop man sitting and sit up straight. Which is the closest thing to straight that he's ever going to be.

"You know I think Dax wanted to talk to be about something." I say, as I stand up. The carrdasin is definitely interested in him. Besides Julien can handle his own gay panic without me. I have better things to do anyway.

"But-" he starts, still gay panicking.

"I'll see you later." With that I leave. I find Jake walking around on the promanda. So I join him. A bright light then flies into me. I feel myself collapse on the floor. When I wake up I'm sharing a room with someone else. I'm also not myself. Turns out I have a dead bajoren now living in my body. I step out into the promanda and Jake runs up to me.

"What's going on?" He asks, I tell him everything. "So a bajorn is sharing your body?" He sums up.

"Yes, though I get full control. Though she keeps nagging me to get one of the earrings. I think I'm going to ask Kira. She knows more then I do." He nods. We wonder around for awhile. Clark, keeps talking, and to be fair it's annoying. She won't stop judging  my outfit choices. We end up running into Kira. She looks stressed and panicked. 'Let me handle this.' Clark says, I close my eyes and when I open them again I'm watching from a window.

Clarks pov

It's been a while since I've been a teenager. I must say it's strange. "Hazel," she greets. I reqonize her voice as Kira nerys. An old friend of mine that I met when she was transferred to this station when it was still ran by the carrdasins.

I shake my head. "It's Clark. Long story. Anyway she wanted your opinion on something." She looks confused but nods anyway. Either she doesn't remember me or she's to stressed to care. It also doesn't help that my voice sounds strange. I have an accent that I can't place. I don't like it. "Since I'm bajoren she wants to know if she can wear one of the ear rings for me. She also doesn't know what type I guess if that makes sense. And she won't ask me." She nods,

"Just go to one of stores." I nod, and she runs off. I walk over to one of the stores like she suggested. I pick up one similar to the one I had when I was still alive. The clip is rough from all the different pieces of metal on it. The chains hang slightly below her ear. And there's a blue gem wrap in metal twine that goes in her ear lobe. With that I leave. I let her take her body back, and I get in a comfortable position in front of the small window.

Hazels pov

That was strange. I don't want to go through that again. I walk into the infermry to see Julien, putting up hyprospays. He turns around and sees me. "How are you holding up?" He asks, getting ready to grab his tricorder.

"Nothing. I'm just adjusting. Can I help you?"

"Sure. Put these over there." He says, handing me some hypersprays and pointing over to table.

"How am I going to be able to share a body with a bajoren freedom fighter?" I ask,

"Looks like you've already figured that one out." He says, placing his hand on my back. I tense immediately. I always have since I was a child. It was because of this doctor they took me to. I'm not going to get into it.

He removes his hand. "Are you ok?" He asks, I look up and see worry in his brown eyes. I look away.

"I'm fine." He always asks me that. It's always the same answer. I finish helping him then I go find Jake. To be honest he found me.

He places his hand on my shoulder as way of greeting. I tense. Not as hard as I normally do, but I still tense enough for him to notice. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't."

"Then why did you tense?" I know he won't be as easy as Julien to throw off.

"Why not?" That didn't work.

"What happened?" He asks,

"It doesn't matter." I feel myself shutting down. I always do this. He places his hand back on my shoulder and I tense again. This time he doesn't remove it.

His eyes meet mine, and I feel like he's staring into my soul. "You can tell me." I feel myself begin to break down. I hate it when I do this. I begin having flash backs. Back to when the doctor would freely run his hand all over me, and I let him because I believed it was something he needed to do. When I come out of it I realize that I'm sobbing in Jakes arms. My face is pressed tightly against his neck and my tears are on his neck. "I didn't mean to push you. Let's get you to your courtiers. I open the door and he helps me settle down. "I can get your brother if you want." He says, I nod. Then he disappears. I wrap up in a blanket. 'You want me to take over for a while?' Clark asks, I tell her no. 'As comfy as this is you can't stay like this forever. You have a war to fight. The war is to beat your mind, and that's a war harder then any other. So get your ass up out of bed and get a glass of water or food. Or even change out of your clothes.' I don't respond. 'Don't make me take over your body.' I still ignore her. To my surprise she doesn't take over my body.

Julien walks in. He sits on the edge of my bed. "Jake told me what happened. Do you want to talk about?" I shake my head then sit up. I rest my head on his shoulder. He doesn't move. He also doesn't say anything. He just lets me stay there. And I'm glad he does.

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