Chapter 4

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I walk in the infermry and sit down on the edge of one of the beds. I then lay back on it. "How was school?" Julien asks,

"How is it possible to fall for someone in under a month?" I ask, he sits down on the bed next to me.

"I can't help you there, but can you tell me his name?" I turn my head so I'm looking at him.


"Well, he seems like a nice boy."

"He is."

"Word of advice: don't do anything too rash."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I once knew this boy in middle school and hat I ended up falling in love with. I kissed him before I told him I liked, and well that didn't end well."

'I knew it!' Clark claims. I ignore her. "You're gay?"

"I can't believe you couldn't tell."

"Well I'm sorry. Im not good at this." He laughs then pats me on the shoulder.

"It's fine. Come on we have work to do." I get up and help him. So we do. Kira comes in with O'Brien.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask, as Julien continues to shine the light in his eyes.

"I don't know." He responds, I take the tricorder and run it over O'Brien the results say nothings wrong with him. "Computer, continue neural imaging scan and stimulate visual cortex."

"All visual responses are normal." The computer responds, he sighs.

"Hazel, I'm going to run some more test. Do you think you can research this, and figure out what it is?" I nod. He puts on some head phones and keeps asking the computer stuff. I keep typing and coming up with nothing. O'Brien then grabs a padd and starts typing. "Find anything?" Julien asks,

"No, what about you?"


"What has he written?" Kira asks, i take the padd and try to read it. I feel Julien pair at it over my shoulder.

"I wish I knew." He answers. O'Brien says some more strange things.

'Fuck.' Clark says, 'what?' I ask, 'I'm taking over.' She responds. Then I'm watching out the window.

Clark's pov

Bashir shove O'Brien on a bed. I turn to Kira. "Old friend."

"Clark." She says, I nod my head. Bashir turns to me.

"I know what's wrong with him. It was something that was always a theory to take the carrdasins out. I never thought it was actually built."

"So you know who caused this." She says,

"I wish I did. I'm giving Hazel control. She's better at this then I am. You know that." I place my hand on her shoulder and smile.

She puts hers on top of mine. "It's good talking to you again. Old friend." I smile again. Before sliding my hand out from under hers. Then I lay down in front of the window and watch.

Hazels pov

"We need to tell sisko." I say to both of them. They don't argue. The three of us head to ops. "Doctor, major, hazel." Sisko greets.

Julien explains everything to him. "I'm not sure I follow you doctor. You said he's anphisic but all of his test came up negative." Sisko says,

"Then the device that Clark was talking about must be real." I say, 'of course it's real. These people weren't amitures. If they wanted something done. It would get done.' Clark says, defending herself. I don't answer.

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