Chapter 13

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I walk down the hall with Julien on the way to the runabout. "Can't believe you're leaving me again."

"You'll be fine."

"I have seven weeks until I have the test."

"You'll be fine." We which it to see that O'Brien is already there. Julien turns to sisko. "Thanks for agreeing to keep an eye on her." He says, shifting his bag.

"It's not a problem." He says, I'm staying with him until he comes back. That's why I also have a bag over my shoulder. I pull him into a hug.

"Don't die." I say,

"Oh I won't." With that he lets go. "Don't miss me too much." He says, I shake my head. With that they get into the runabout. Sisko places a hand on my shoulder.

"Come on. Let's get you settled. I know Jakes excited." He tells me. He walks me to his courtiers then opens it. Jake is sitting on the couch. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Boo." I say, he fakes a jump. I then let go and back away.

"Hazel." He greets, with a smile on his face. I take off the bag and place it on the couch before walking around and sitting next to him. "Nog is going to come by later." He says,

"I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you both."

"Same. You starts helping your brother and you disappeared."

"I didn't disappear. I just live in the infermry now."

Sisko laughs at that. "Well I have to go." He says, as he leaves. Nog shows up a while later and we start helping him out. Nog leaves awhile later. Sisko comes in and we have dinner. Then we go to bed. Nothing really happens until two days later. When me and Jake get into a fight.

"Maybe if you weren't working all the time you would know!"

"I'm sorry that I've been busy."

"No, it's not just that. It's Clark. It's like you are her!" He yells,

"Maybe I am!"

"Odo shouldn't have arrested the guy. He should have just left him in there with you!" I feel tears begin to well up in my eyes. "I'm sorry I-" I grab my bag and leave. I go back to my courters. An hour later Julien walks in to see me crying on the couch. He pulls me into a hug.

"What happened?"

"Me and Jake got into a fight."

"Well whatever it is I'm sure you can fix it."

"No, he said you should have just let the guy you know." He sighs,

"Let me tell you something. Boys are dumb, but you'll find someone."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

"Maybe not, but for the record I'm not letting you die alone."

"We both know you're dying before me." He laughs at that.

"We'll see." There's a knock on the door and he gets up and answers, "I don't think she wants to talk right now." He says, to the person on the other side. He then turns to me. "Jake wants to apologize."

"Tell him I died."

"I'll talk to her." With that he walks back over to me. "The boy is upset. He didn't mean it."

"Maybe not, but he still said it."

"Just let me think." He doesn't push. For that I'm grateful.

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