Chapter 6

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"Where's that brother of yours at?" Sisko asks, as him and Kira try to ply open the hatch. All while O'Brien is trying to get controls back.

"I don't know, but my tricorder is reading three life signs." I tell them,

"There's supposed to be only two." Sisko says, stepping away.

"Doesn't matter. There's not enough juice in there to release the doors." Just then Julien shows up.

"What's the situation?" He asks,

"Well we have three life signs, the door won't open, and life support is failing. Why did you drag me here again?" He ignores my last comment and gently pushes me out of the way.

Clark whistles. 'Someone's in a good mood.'

"Not now, Clark." I mutter. Kira pulls out her phaser. I grab her arm. Looking her dead in eyes. Doing something only three people are brave enough to do. "It won't cut. Not in time." She glares at me. Then lowers it.

"I think Clark is wearing off on you." She says,

"We share a body. What did you expect?" The runabout then opens up. O'Brien looks at the mystery women as if he knows her.

We bring the three of them to the infermry where Julien scans them and then releases them. He nods to me then leaves. I sit down on the edge of one of the beds clashing my hands together in my lap. "Somethings off." I mumble,

'I agree, but there nothing we can do about it.' Clark informs me. I sigh.

"What do you suggest then?"

'Why don't you do what kids your age normally do and hang out with your friends.'

I roll my eyes at her. "We've been over this. I'm not normal."

'Don't make me take over the controls.' She threatens,

"Fine." I mutter, as I get up. I walk into the promanda to see Julien yawning and walking away. "You alright?" I ask,

"I just got super tired all of a sudden." He says, yawning again and walking away. Dax walks over to me.

She follows my line of sight to him. "What's wrong?" She asks,

"I don't think I've ever seen him that exhausted before." I tell her,

She shrugs. "He's probably just tired." I shake my head at that, and she walks off. I walk up to the second floor of the promanda where Jake and nog are sitting. I sit down on the other side of Jake.

"You look like an exhausted mother with twenty kids at home and a dead husband." He says, as way of greeting. 

"Wait what happened to her husband?" Nog asks,

"Who's my husband?" I ask,

"Isn't it obvious that it's jake." He says,

Jake throws his hands up in defense. "Wait what!" He exclaimes,

"Wait so how did he die?" I ask,

"Why do I have to die?" Jake asks, we both ignore him.

"He was killed." Nog answers,

"Who killed me?" Jake asks,

"What about the carrdasin spy?" Nog suggests, talking about garak.

"No, I think Julien is interested in him." Jake starts choking on air.

"Why do I have to die?" He asks again,

"Because sweetheart you're meant to die." I say, in the sweetest voice I can muster, and just for effect I kiss him on the cheek. Causing him to blush slightly. I don't pay any attention to it. I can feel Clark laughing in the back of my head. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"See you guys are a cute couple." Nog says, Jake glares at him.

Clark chuckles. "Shut up." I mutter, Jake turns and looks at me. "Talking to Clark."

'Nog has a point.' She says, I would kill her if it meant I didn't have to kill myself in the process.

"Well she's siding with nog." I tell them,

"Yes!" Nog yells excitedly, I groan.

"What are you three doing?" Odo asks, from behind us.  We all jump up and run. We stop in some hallway.

"I should go home and check on Julien. He seemed off when I ran into him earlier."

"Ok. We'll see you later." Jake says, with a smile. I walk away. It doesn't last long. Next thing I know a couple of kids jump me, and Clark takes over.

Clarks pov

I know Hazel has no fighting experience so I take over for her. I kick one of the boys in the ribs, and elbow another in the jaw. It's still not enough. They over power me. I feel them do something to my leg and I scream out in pain. I feel her heart begin to speed up. I jab someone in the stomach with my elbow. My vision begins to blur. I can't see. I can't breathe, and worst of all I can't feel my leg.

Hazels going to kill me.

Hazels pov

I'm in a dark room with a girl with her back turned. Only it isn't a girl. It's Clark. Her blond hair is in a messy braid, her pale skin seems paler then normal, her traditional bajorn clothing are torn. And I realize that this is what she looked like when she died.

Then I remember being beat up. I guess that caused her to go back into this. She wasn't able to make herself look like how she did when she was living. "Are we dead?" I ask, walking over so I can sit next to her. She holds her hand up in a motion for me to stop. It's bloody.

"Don't come any closer. I don't want you to see me like this." She tells me, so I stop.

"Clark, are we dead?"

"I don't know. I held them off for as long as I could."
She tells me, her voice sounds sad and broken. Not like the strong one it normally is.

"What happened?" I ask, she twists like she wants to look at me. Then she stops. Like she remembers she isn't supposed to show me what she looks like.

"I tried to hold them off. Then your heart speed up, and I went blind and I couldn't feel one of your legs."  I sit down in the darkness and close my eyes.

"Then I guess that means I'm dead."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because it sounds like my heart stopped. Not so much the leg part but the rest does."

"I don't know. I'd hate to think this is what heaven looks like." She says,

"Who says we went to heaven?"

"Fair enough. It's been a good run. Me and you. Hasn't it?"

"The best. Thanks for making hang out with the boys for the last time." She gets up swaying slightly but keeping her back turned.

"You're going to see them again. You're going to see them again because you're not dead. Not if I have anything to do with it." I smile at her.

"Thanks for everything." She walks over to me on wobbly legs. Her face bloody and beaten. Blood runs down her hand and she's holding her other hand over a stomach wound. She try's to kneel in front of me, but collapses to her knees instead. Her blue eyes meet mine. She then smacks me.

"No, because Hazel bashir you're going to wake up, and we're going to talk about this when we're both alive and well. Now wake the hell up!" She yells,

My eyes pop open and I sit straight up gasping.

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