Chapter 7

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I've lost all control of my left leg. I'm only able to use it with the help of a special brace. Don't ask me how it works I'm not an engineer. I was supposed to go home today but dax has a trial and apparently Julien decided to testify. "Are you sure we should be doing this?" Jake asks, as I get ready to stand.

"He told me to keep practicing." I tell him, as he catches me as i fall. He sits me back down on the bed.

"You ok?"

"I'll live." I mumer, I still haven't heard anything from Clark.  I'm not even sure if she's alive at this point. I push myself off the bed again and mange to stay standing this time.

"Think you can do it?" Jake asks, as nog gets on the other side of me. So if I fall he can help Jake hold up my weight. I move my bad leg first. It's hard and slow but I mange. I wobble a bit as I put all my weight on it as I move my other foot. I mange to make it to the door with the boys on both sides of me.

I feel myself smile, and I pull Jake into a hug. Since he's the closest to me. "I did it." I say into his neck. I let go and slowly back up.

"Where's mine?" Nog asks, I pat him hard on the shoulder. "Ow!"

"You asked." Jake laughs, keiko walks in holding her head.

"Hazel, I didn't know you were up." I shrug,

"Figured I'd practice walking. Are you ok?"

"My heads hurting." She says,

"Alright, give me a sec. Also don't tell my brother. He might kill me." She laughs,

"I won't tell if you won't." With that I walk over to the medicine. I grab something for her headache. Then I inject it into her arm.

"That should help."

"Thank you." With that she leaves,

"Now what?" Jake asks,

"I don't know." I answer, "quarks is off limits and I doubt we'll be allowed to sit on the promanda."

"Wouldn't hurt to try." Nog suggests, then the world starts to spin. I feel my face meet the floor and then darkness. I don't see Clark like I did last time. It's just empty space. I'm afraid that she died. I'm not going to lie she was starting to grow on me.

I liked her. I open my eyes to see Julien sitting next to me. "Hi." I say,

"You're awake."

"Looks that way. Why aren't you with Dax?"

"They don't need me right now. Odos trying to find something to set her free, but it doesn't look good."

"Why did I black out?" I ask,

He sighs, "I don't know. I think it has something to do with Clark."

"I haven't heard from her since the incident."

"Maybe when you got beat up she traded her life for yours which caused your system to go into wack."

"Am I going to die?" He doesn't answer. He just sits there watching me. "Julien, am I going to die?" I ask, hearing the tears in my voice. He just looks at the ground like he's ready to break. "Julien, I'm fourteen. You can tell me."

"Doctor, we need you." Sisko says, popping his head in.

Julien stands up and places a hand on my shoulder. "You're not going to die. Not if I have anything to do with it." He says, shaking my shoulder for emphasis. "You're my little sister. I'm not just going to let you die." With that he turns and leaves.  Leaving me alone. I look down to see I still have the brace on. So I decide to ignore him and get up. I limp over to the wall using it as a crutch to help me. I make my way into quarks. To see what's going on.

Kira sees me and walks over to me. "What are you doing?" She asks,

"Watching my brother defend someone he cares about."

"He likes her?"

I shake my head. "Not in that way. He sees her as a sister. I know that because what he's doing for her is the same he would do for me."

"It's not looking good."

"She's going to make it, Kira. Trust me." She sends me a small smile.

"I think clark wore off on you some."

"She not dead. Don't ask me how I know. I just know she's not." She nods then walks off. Then some boy comes over and kisses me. I stand shocked.

"I should have asked first, but do you want to be my girl?" I think I understand why Clark dislikes humans. Then again I am one.

"No." He takes my hand.

"Too bad. See you tomorrow at eight." With that he leaves, Julien meets my eyes and I know he saw. After he gives his testimony he walks over to me.

"Who was that?" He asks, i shrugged.

"Someone who just forced me into dating them. What do I do?"

"Tell him you're not interested."

I glare at him. "I tried. He didn't listen." 

"Well he's kind of cute. Just give it one date and then afterwards break up."

"Jules, I don't think I can survive a date with him. He gives me the creeps."

"I'll tell you what. I'll convince garak to have dinner with me tomorrow and we'll keep an eye on you from a far. Deal?" I nod,


"Your my sister. Anything less would be a crime." I hit him in the arm. The trail ends with Dax getting free. The next night is the date. Garak and Julien follow just like he promised he would.

It doesn't go well. The food was alright. I mean it's quarks. What do you expect? When I told him I'm done he grabbed my arm and dragged me back to his quarters. And forced himself on me. Luckily by the time he took my shirt off and started sucking my neck odo, Julien, and garak busted in and arrested him. Juliens been trying to get me to talk about it. I've been refusing to. Like I said the date went bad.

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