Chapter 12

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Julien decided to go to a different planet on the other side of the wormhole with Kira and sisko leaving Dax in charge of the station and me in charge of the infermry. Let's just say it's a part of my training. I'm sitting at his desk typing up a report to bajor about my training. It's something I have to do every month, and then I have to list everything I learned in it. I hear someone walk in. I turn the chair around with my legs to see keiko and Molly walk in. Well more like she's carrying Molly on her hip. She looks up at me. "I though you were your brother for a second." She says, with a smile.

"Sorry to disappoint." I say, as I stand up. I pick up my tricorder that's on the desk next to were I was working.

"You didn't." She says,

"So what's the problem?" I ask,

"My head hurts." Molly says, holding her head.

"I know baby." She tells her. "It's been hurting her for a couple of days, and she feels nauseous and refusing to eat."

"Well sit her down and I'll take a look." She does.  I take the tricorder and run it over her. "She has a miagrain. I'll give her something for it and she should be good in about thirty minutes. Give or take. It should also help with the nausea."

"Thank you. How's studying going? I could help if you need some."

"Thanks, but I think Juliens doing well although I have a feeling he's going to be panicking when I leave for a few days for the test."

"He won't be going with you?"

"We don't know yet." She nods, I grab the hyprospray I'm looking for and inject it into mollys neck. "Alright you're all set." I say, keiko picks her up placing her on her hip. Then Carrie's her out of the door. I go back to work on my paper.

'Maybe he's right.' Clark says, talking about a message from the pedifil I used to see back home when I was little.

"Shut up." I say, even though I know she's not going to.

'What if you really are his clone? Just a female version. You both look exactly alike besides the female and male aspects of you. Plus the heart and the leg but that's it.'

"Shut up." I warn,

'It would make sense as to why you're like him.'

"I said shut up!" I yell, throwing my tricorder across the room. It shatters against the wall. I run a hand over my face.

"What did the tricorder do?" Dax asks, standing in the door way.

"Please. Go. Away." I say, she continues to stand in the doorway.

"What's wrong?"

"Is it possible for me to be my brothers clone?" I ask, she walks in and sits down on one of the beds.

"I suppose it is. All you have to do would switch the Y chromosome with a X chromosome. But you already know that. What is this about?" I grab a padd and pull up the message. Then I hand it to her. "Curzon, used to deal with. Never did like him."

"He's a pedifile." I mutter,

"That's what curzon always thought. I take it you were a victim." I feel tears begin in my eyes.

"I don't want to talk about this."

"Does Julien know?" I shake my head. She nods. "If you let me take a blood sample for genetic testing I can compare it to Juliens. That way I can tell if you are his clone."

"Don't I have my DNA on file?" I ask,

"Yes, but not under starfleet. It's under medical so I won't be able to get to it." She picks up a serenge and takes some of my blood. "I'll tell you as soon as I know anything."



"Can you just keep this between me and you."

"The clone thing? Or..?"

"Both. Atleast until we know about the clone thing."

"Of course." With that she leaves. I hate that I talk like an adult when I'm a 14 year old. I guess I can think Clark. I keep working, and shut Clark out of my mind. Even though she keeps trying to talk. I don't let her. I can't deal with her right now.

I finish my report and send it in. Then Dax comes back in. "I just got results."

"It's true, isn't it?" I ask, already knowing the answer,

"What are you going to do?"

"Tell Julien when he gets back." She nods,

"If you need to talk. I'm here."

"Thanks. I appreciate it. I just don't know rather I should hate my parents right now or miss them."

"Sounds like to me Julien is the one raising you." I nod,

"He's been taking care of me for as long as I can remember. He's more of a father to me then anything. He's always been there, and the sad thing is he's going to be there until he's gone. I can't explain it but I know I'll go after him. I can't do that."

"Maybe not, but you'll have me. Well at least my symbiont."

"Thanks." With that she leaves. Leaving me alone. Soon Julien comes back. When he does he notices the look on my face.

"What happened?"

"I'm your clone." He laughs, the sees I'm not joking.

"Oh, you're serious." He says, sitting down on a bed.

"Yeah, Dax confirmed it. I guess that explains the health problems." He nods, grimly.

"We can't tell anyone. If starfleet found out."

"I know. The same thing would happen to me as it would to you if they found out." He nods. Then we just leave it at that.

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