Chapter 15

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I'm laying in the floor of our courtes as Julien is having an external crisis on the couch. "And then he said I looked cute." Did I mention the gay panic?

"At least you don't have nog trying to set you and garak up." I complain, from my spot on the floor.

"You're 15. Your life shouldn't be this complicated."

"I'm your clone. Of course my life is complicated." He groans.

Then the com in our room goes off. "What?" We ask at the same time both sounding annoyed.

"Doctors, we need you in sickbay." With that it ends.

"Do you think I need to put my uniform on?"

"Why did he refer to me as doctor?"

"I don't know, but seriously do you I need to put my uniform on?" I look at him to see he's wearing a mitchmatched outfit.

"Yes." He groans again, before I hear a thud. I look over to see him laying on the floor. His head touching mine.

"You need your uniform."

"And you need to change." I reach to the side 'accidentally' hitting him in the face. "Ow." He complains, but pulls himself off the floor anyway. I do the same.

"Why can't they just let us suffer in peace?" I ask, as I pull myself to my feet.

"Because there is no peace. Specially for doctors. Even doctors in training, and that's what we are. So let us be tortured."

"Aren't you the optimist." I say, as I walk into my room.

"Do you expect anything less?"

"No not really." I answer, as I put on a random dress that Clark likes. Who's been busy having her own crisis in the back of my mind. I step out of my room as he walks out of his.

"Let's go save the world, shall we?"

"We have to destroy it first." He laughs at that, it's something we used to say when we were kids. We walk into the infermry to see a baseball player and a hopgalblin as well as Winston church hill and a flirtatious Dax. Sisko looks annoyed.

"Took you long enough."

'Can I shoot him?' Clark asks,

"We don't kill people, Clark." I mutter, Julien gives me a look.

'Can we go back to laying on the floor?'

"Clark." I warn, I then see Kira standing looking angry.

'Kiras hot.' She says,

"Clark!" I yell, causing everyone to look at me.

'What? She is.'

"Allow me to kill her. Please." I say, pointing to my head.

'You can't do that without killing yourself.'

"You know maybe you should have possessed Julien. That way you two can gay panic together." I fuss eyes still on me.

'I'm not gay panicking.'

"You just called Kira hot!" I yell, Kira shots me a glare then proceeds to look uncomfortable.

'Oh so you have a problem with me being a lesbian now?'

"No, my brother is gay, remember?"

"Don't pull me into this." Julien says, throwing him hands up in defeat. Sisko starts filling in Julien as me and Clark continue to bicker. Then they leave. And guess what? We still have to be on duty.

I collapse down in one of the beds. "Can I throw myself out of an airlock?"


"Why not?"

"Because then I'd have to explain to mom and dad why you're dead."

"You people suck."

'Oh get over it.'

"Clark, please for my sanity."

'Like you have sanity.'


"Keep me out of it." He says, typing away at his computer. Soon they get rid of them. We go back to our courters. We spend the night eating and talking and complaining.

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