Chapter 10

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So sometimes I'll do random crossovers with other shows and books. This is one of those times, and they will appear randomly throughout the story. Just thought you should be aware.

Today has not started well. Let's start with me forgetting that my leg is parlayed and going to stand on it when I got out of bed to only fall on my face on the floor with Clark's laugh echoing through my head. Julien runs in still in his pjs. "Are you ok?" He asks, I give him a thumbs up from my spot on the floor. He walks over and helps me sit on the bed.

"Today is going to be one of those days." I mutter, grabbing my crutches so I can grab some clothes to change into.  I balance on them and head over to my closest.

"It's too early to judge that. You haven't even gotten to school yet."

I groan. "Don't remind me." I answer, as I pull out some clothes. I then turn to him. "Can I change?" He walks back into the main room the door closing behind him. I sit on the edge of my bed as I get dressed then I put on my leg brace.

Everything's fine until mrs O'Brien asks me to come up to the board. Turns out I started my period and I didn't know. I grabbed my stuff and had Jake walk behind me as I went to my courtiers to change.

Then when I was walking to the infirmary I run into my least favorite person who ended up hitting me in the face. Clark took over and hit him. I think she broke my hand. I walk into the infirmary to see four men I've never seen before. Plus Kira, sisko, odo, Obrien, and of course my brother who I walk over to and hug because I'm on the verge of a break down.

"What happened?" He asks, I let go and back away.

"I fell on my face this morning, started my period in the middle of class, got hit in the face, and I'm 90% sure that Clark broke my hand because it hurts like hell." He gives me a look. "Sorry, but I could care less about my language right now." He takes out his tricorder and scans it.

"It's broken. Who hit you?"

"Who do you think?" He shakes his head as he heals me. 

"Alright, go grab a tricorder." I give him a solute just to annoy him. He rolls his eyes. I start with a tall man, who ami kidding they're all tall except for the older guy.

"So he's your boyfriend?" He asks, I can't help but laugh.

"No, he's my brother. Also I'm 14 and he's 27 I think." I answer, his scan comes back clear. "Well you seem to be fine." Then i turn to sisko. "Who are they?" I ask,

"We think they're from the past." I shake my head.

"No, if they did their electron field wouldn't be off. They're from another universe."

"How do you know that?" Julien asks,

"I got bored once so I decide to read on it." I answer, with a shrug.

"Hear that Sammy? Perfect match." The dark hair man says to the light haired one.

"She's 14 Dean." Sam says, Julien then scans me.

"What are doing?"

"Seeing if you're right." With that he scans the old man. "Hm, you are."

"You sound surprised."

"Doesn't hurt to fact check."

"Move. I need to talk to Clark." Quark says, staring at me. I roll my eyes but let her take over.

Clarks pov

"You have me." I say, crossing my arms.

"How do you get rid of family?"

"Im not the person you should be asking."

"I know, but you have a sister."

"Yeah who's probably dead."

"Clark Rosetta?" Kira asks,

"Yeah." I respond, the newbies seem confused. I don't question it.

"She's still alive. She was in the resistance as an inside person. We were in the same cell until I was transferred here." She tells me. My heart speeds up at a speed that's not healthy. I can't help but hug her. My sister who I haven't seen since we were separated at five is alive. My little sister is alive.

"Thank you." I let go.

Hazels pov

We aren't able to send them back where they came from. They just sort of disappeared. We don't know where to. Right now I'm calling Clark's sister. We both agreed that I should exsplain things. "Hello. Who are you?" A women who can't be more than 22 answers. She has long blond hair pulled behind her head and blue eyes. She looks a lot like Clark.

"I'm Hazel bashir. I'm here to talk to you about your sister." I see tears begin to form in her eyes.

"She's dead isn't she?" She asks, looking at me. Waiting for me to tell her she's not.

"Not exactly."

"What does that mean?"

"Well physically yes, but somehow her conscious lives inside me. I can't explain it but it does. You can talk to her if you want." She starts crying tears of joy.

"Are you still on tarko nor? Or well I deep space nine now."


"I'll be there tomorrow. There's two people I'd like her to meet." She says with a smile.

"Nice meeting you, Clark."

"Call me Rosetta. We're practically sisters."

"I will." With that she hangs up. I turn around looking at bashir.

"I'll tell sisko to get courters ready for her."

"Thank you." I say to him. He nods.

"I take it Clark will probably want to hang out with her tomorrow so I'll give you the day off."

"Thanks." He nods, then walks away. Leaving me alone.

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