Chapter 16

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"Why are you laying on the floor?" Jake asks, as he sits next to me.

"Why not?" I ask,

"Because it's the floor."

"I have nothing better to do. Julien is off harassing the ambassadors. And this station could implode at any minute" I inform him,

"The station could always implode." He tells me, I shrug.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." I tell him,

"I know."

'Laying in the floor in the middle of a prominada is how you get killed. You know how many bajorens were executed in the very spot that you lay?'

"Clark, let me have my crisis in peace."

'No.' I groan.

"Trouble in paradise?" Nog asks, as he walks over to us.

"Nog, shut up." He takes a seat next to Jake.

"What did you do to your wife?" He asks, causing me to sit up.

"He's not my husband." I protest.

"We've been over this. You two are married and have ten kids and he's killed leaving you alone." Jakes face goes red.

"Nog, don't make me push you over the railing." I warn, Clark laughs. He shoots a glare at me.

"Hey." Odo yells from behind us. We jump up and run. Once we get to the first floor we start talking again.

"So what are you going to do on your last day before being a full fledge doctor?" Jake asks,

"We don't even know if I'll get it."

"You will." Nog says,

"Well I'm going to head to quarks for one. I know Clark wants to talk to him. Something about him owing her a drink." They nod, then I walk into quarks letting Clark take over.

Clark pov

I sit in one of stools in front of quarks bar. "Hazel, you aren't supposed to be here." He says,

"Try again."


"The one and only." I answer, looking down at the bar in front of me. "Do you ever think about it?" I ask,

"Think about what?"

"The occupation. My death." I continue.

"You know I do. I practically raised you." I nod,

"Do you think we'll make it. Bajor I mean."

"I'll tell you this. The bajorens are one resilient spieces so yes. You'll make it." I nod, I can't help but look over at the floor where I died. There's still a faint blood stain there from where the blood pooled out of my mouth. He follows my gaze. "I cleaned it the best I could. But blood stains."

"Yeah, it does." I look back at him to see he's started to shine a glass. "Want help?" I ask,

"I've got help."

"Come on it's free." He shakes his head,

"Im ok. Really zoya." He's the only person besides my sister that I allow to use my first name, and that's because he's like a father to me. Screw what anyone else says about him. If it wasn't for him I would have been dead long before I actually died. He study's my face for a second before nodding. "You're not looking forward to going back to bajor." I shrug.

"I guess."

"Never thought I'd hear those words come from your mouth." I glare at him, but he just turns and walks away. I guess I'm not as intimidating as I once was. Then again back then I wasn't sharing a body with a fifteen year old that has a bad leg and a heart condition either.

I sit there for a long time. Quark walks back over to me. "You stay here any longer im going to have to start charging you for rent." He says,

I laugh, "I'm broke. I should probably go and let Hazel back. She hasn't packed yet. Plus I think bashir is in denial."

"Sounds like fun." He says, drying a glass. I don't know why he does that. We have replicators. This isn't the twenty first century or something. I slide off the stool. "Clark, I'll see you around." He says, I give him a two finger solute like I used to. Then I leave. Walking to hazels and bashirs quarters. Then I give her the controls back.

Hazels pov

I walk into my room and pull out my duffel bag. I sit it on my bed. I walk to my closet and pull out every peice of bajoren style clothing I own which isn't much. I lay it out on my bed and begin to pack.

Then I start packing everything else I may need. Julien walks into my room a while later. "Ready?" He asks, his hair and uniform slightly disshovled. He also smells like smoke.

"What happened to you?" I ask, he rolls his eyes.

"Don't worry about me. Come on." I sling the duffle bag over my shoulder, and follow him out of the room. "I know I won't be with you, but you have ford. You'll be ok."

"I don't think she goes by that anymore." He shrugs. We walk the rest of the way in silence. We stop in front of the runabout to bajore. Jake and nog walk over to me. "What are you two doing here?" I ask to them.

"We wanted to say bye." Jake says, patting me on the shoulder. Nog does the same. Then he grabs Jakes arm and drags him somewhere.

I turn to Julien. Fear in his eyes. I pull him into a hug. He wraps his arms around me as tight as he can. "I'll be ok." I say, into his neck.

"You better call me." He says, I nod against him.

"I will. I should go." He doesn't let go. He just keeps hugging me. "Julien."

"I know." With that he lets me go and places a hand on my arm. "Be safe."

"I will." With that I board the runabout.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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