Chapter 5

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Clarks pov

I know I shouldn't. I know it's wrong, but most of the time I can't sleep. When that happens I often take over her body and go on a stroll. She doesn't like it, but she doesn't stop me. I don't think she can. I walk through the promenade to run into odo. He looks as jolly as ever. "Amber, you know kids aren't supposed to wonder around the station this later." He tells me, with his arms crossed.

I roll my eyes, "good thing I'm not a kid."

"Clark." He says,

"The one and only." I inform him, flicking my- ambers hair off my shoulder.

"Does Amber know?" He asks,

"Yeah, she doesn't get too mad about it as long as I don't run or train."

"You miss it." He says, anyone else wouldn't have a clue to what he's talking about, but I'm not anyone else.

"Yeah, it doesn't help that Amber doesn't fight. She just helps heal people. Which I know is important, but she's just the complete opposite of me. How am I supposed to live in the body of an innocent when I'm a monster?" I ask,

"Clark, you're not a monster."

I shake my head then change the tophic. "What do you know about Jake?" I ask,


"Because Amber has a crush on him, and I want to make sure he's not a threat. Because if he harms her I will kill him, and we both know that you won't be able to stop me." I tell him, crossing my- ambers arms. Trying to look like a threat. Which is impossible when you're trapped in a fourteen year old body of a girl who doesn't even look threatening.

"He's a good a kid. I'd be more worried about nog if I was you."

"The ferangi boy? He doesn't scare me." He shakes his head.

"Go to bed Clark. Even you need sleep."

"So do you." I tell him, as I walk away. I walk back to the courters and see Julien sitting on the couch.

"Hazel." He says, sounding pissed. I roll my eyes.

"You wish. She's currently asleep. Would you like me to wake her?"

"Clark?" He asks,

"Yup. Couldn't sleep so I thought I'd stroll the station."

"Don't do that. You scared me." He says, running a hand over his face.

"I know you try to take care of her anyway you can, and I respect that. But you should know that I do the same. You protect her too much. Now you like you're about to shoot me. So I'm going to bed and I suggest you to do the same." I tell him, walking into ambers room. It's not how I would decorate it, but I guess it's not that bad. It's just not how I would think she would decorate her room, and I'm body mates with her. Wait no that sounded weird. I lay down on the bed and force ambers eyes to close.

Ambers pov

I wake up laying on top of my blankets once again. I know Clark has something to do with that. "Clark." I says, rubbing my eyes. 'Yeah,' she says. Sounding groggy. I pull my self out of bed. "Did you take my body out on a stroll again?"

'Yes," She answers, as I grab a white shirt and some jeans. That's my uniform. Juliens given me a job I think.

"Next time do you mind getting under the covers?" I ask, pulling on the shirt.

'I never had one during the occupation. Why start now?'

"Fine you win." With that she settles down. I leave the courters and head to class which is the same as always.

"Amber!" Mrs obrian calls as I leave.

"Someone's in trouble." Nog says, I hit him in the arm. Then turn to walk inside.

"What's wrong?" I ask,

"Nothing. It's just that you're my best student, and well nog is struggling an-"

"I'll help him when I can. I should probably go put up with my brother." She nods, then let's me leave. I walk out to see Jake and nog waiting for me.

"What was that about?" Jake asks,

"She was wondering if I could help nog. I told her I can."

"What about tonight? I mean it's Friday. We can all study in my courters." Jake suggests,

"Sounds good. I'll be there at eight." Nog nods in agreement. Then I walk into the infermry.

"Hazel," Julien greets,

"Hey, is it ok if I go to jakes at eight. Me, him and nog are having a study session." I ask, as I walk over to a tray of syringes to sort through.

"Yeah, just be back by midnight."

"Or what? My carriage is going to turn back into a pumpkin."

"Hazel, I'm serious."

"Alright alright." I say, bringing my hands up in defense.

"I take it your day was good."

"Average, but yeah. How's yours?"

"Oh you know the usual." Eight comes around faster then expected. The three of us study. Nog leaves first. I end up falling asleep on Jake. For some reason Julien didn't seem mad about me not coming back at midnight.

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