Chapter 8

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I walk into Odos office. He looks up at me from his computer. "Hazel, how can I help you?"

I sit down in the chair across from him. "I have a few questions the first one is: how do you convince someone that you're not his girlfriend?"

"Still having problems with him?" I nod, "well I'd just kiss someone else in front of him. That would tell him."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks. What was Clark like when she was alive?"

"Still no contact?" I shake my head. "Well she was stubborn. She was transferred here for disobeying orders. Joined the resistance here soon after. Always getting in trouble. She was in here quite a lot. She was good though me her and Kira were close." I nod,

"Hazel, I need you in the infermry." I hear Julien tell me through my badge.

"Duty calls." I say, as I get up. I leave and walk into the infirmary. To see a women and a man laying on different beds and my brother scanning them.

"Julien, who did you kill?" I ask,

"Why do you always think I killed someone?"

"Because if one of us it going to be a murder it's going to be you."

"Says the one who shares a body with a dead resistance fighter." I roll my eyes, even though Clark is gone he still has a point.

"Fine. You win. But what happened anyway?" I ask, as he pulls a sheet over the man.

He turns and faces me. "Me and Dax found a shuttle that was on fire. The prisoner didn't make it."

"But the jailer did."

"I just heard. What's the status doctor?" Sisko asks, walking in.

Julien walks over to him closing up his tricorder. I don't think I've ever realized how tired he looked before, and deep down I know that I'm the cause of it. I haven't exactly made things easy on him. "Well the guard is stable. The prisoner isn't."

"What crime did he commit?" Sisko asks,

"I don't know." Julian answers, somethings wrong. I don't know what, but something just seems off. "Hazel, can you take the body to the morgue." I nod. Then I put the body on a stretcher and take it over to the morgue part of the infirmary. I put him in the wall then I walk back in to see Julien looking at something on a computer.

I sit down on one of the beds. "This is going to sound weird, but I've been looking into it and for bajorens to be a doctor you don't have to go to school if you have someone in your family to teach you. You still have to take the final test but still."

"I'll talk to the school administration about it."

"I'm not old enough."

He shrugs, "maybe not, but I can still try. Now go. Hang out with your friends." I nod, and find Jake and nog walking around the promenade.

"How's your leg?" Nog asks,

"Still limping but I'll live." Jake nods,

"Have you asked Julien yet?" He asks,

"Yeah, but something seems off about him."

"What?" Nog asks,

"I don't know." We hang out a while later and then I go back to the infermry. The gaurd wakes up.

"Where is he?" She asks,


"I need to see him."

"I can get my brother."

"Can't you show me?"

"I'm not a doctor. I just help." She nods,

"Are you sure he's dead?" She asks,

I sigh. "I shouldn't be telling you this since I don't know you or the situation, but ever since he's gotten back to the station. He's seemed. I don't know. Off."

"He's in him."

"Like sharing a body?"

"Yes, but he'll take over."

"Lovely. I'll try to find him. You stay here."

Julien then walks in. "I was about to go looking for you." I say,

"Really. Oh i see my patients awake."

"Are you Julien?"

"What? Of course."

"Hazel, get away. That's not Julien." I hear Dax says, he runs towards her and knocks her to the ground before I get a chance to move. He then turns to me and pulls out a phaser i didn't know he had and points it at me. I throw my hands up, and eye the hyprspray that's sitting on the desk. If I can get to it and injected into his neck that should knock him out, but in order to do that i'd need to confinscate for my leg. I wish Clark was here. She would be able to help.

"Julien, put down the phaser." He smirks at me,

"No, see I'm not Julien." Then I feel something I haven't felt in a while, and just like that I'm watching from a window.

Clark is still alive.

Clarks pov

"I don't know who you are, and personally I don't give a damn. But if you don't hand the controls back to Julien bashir I'll be forced to end you, and I will do so smiling as I bash you out of his head."

He laughs, "girl, you can't defeat me."

"Don't test a pissed off bajoren." With that I leap to the hyprospray that's at the desk. He fires but I'm abled to duck before he hits me. I grab the spray off the desk and toss it to the gaurd knowing I'll never be able to reach him before he shoots me. Then I tap my com. "Clark, to security we need some in the infermry about five minutes ago." The guard lunges and injects it into his neck. She then walks over to me.

"What was that?"

"See he's not the only one that shares a body with someone. The difference is I let the owner of this body use it whenever and I only take over when necessary. I was a freedom fighter. So this is sort of my gig." With that I hand back controls to hazel and go back to the window.

Hazels pov

I'm still in the floor when odo, sisko, and Kira walk in. "Clark?" Odo asks,

"She's not available right now, would you like to leave a message?" He shakes his head.

"Is it possible for me to talk to her?" The gaurd asks, as Kira and sisko pull Julien up on a bed.

"Yeah," I let her take over.

Clarks pov

I get up off the floor since Hazel can't seem to do anything herself. "Clark, your alive." Odo says,

"You think you can get rid of me that easy? Besides after I helped Hazel wake up I sort of put myself into a coma." I then turn to the gaurd.

"Thank you." I salute to her. If anyone deserves it it's her.

"Just doing my job." With that I give Hazel back the controls.

Hazels pov

After the guard left and we got the prisoner out of Julien. He contacted the school to which they agreed that I can start. With his supervision of course.

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