Chapter 14

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"Hazel." I hear Jake say from somewhere behind me. I finally talked to him after everything.

"Yeah?" I ask,

"You want to hang out?" I give him a faint smile.

"I'd love to."

"Hazel." Julien says,


"I need you in the infermry." I place my hand on jakes should.

"Later." With that I leave. "What going on?"

"Well we have you from the future in the infermry."

"They're shouldn't be any contact between us then." He shakes his head.

"That's the thing. She's here to change the future. That's why she wants to talk to you."

"Great." I mutter,  I walk in the see a women with blonde and black hair that falls to her shoulders, she's wearing a bajoren earring and a leg brace. She's wearing a uniform I have never seen. It's black pants a long sleeve dark brown shirt that drops down around her neck. The buttons are over to the side. She's wearing knee high boots and black gloves.

"We need to talk." She tells me. I nod. "What I'm about to tell all of is most likely going to get me killed but you have to know. These events haven't happened yet. In fact you're going to think I'm insane. So let me start."

"There was the domion. We fought up against them. We almost won. Almost. We didn't. We lost and when we did they took over the alpha qudrebt. They killed everyone they could. A small restance group formed lead by Kira, but it didn't last. None of it did. If that isn't bad enough the federation went dark. I became an assin for them after Julien joined section 31. It got worse. Earth is gone so is every other planet. You have to win the war against the domion. Now starfleet may still turn. But at least this way you'll have a chance." And then she dropped dead and disappeared.

"Strange." I say, everyone turns to look at me. "What?"

"How come Clark didn't comment?" Julien asks,

'Because I most likely stopped coming out. I would never let you go dark and if you did I wouldn't have any part of it.'

"She said because if I went dark and she couldn't stop me that she would never talk to me again." I answer,

"Lovely." Julien says,

"Maybe it was a fluke." Sisko says,

"Doubtful." I respond, everyone leaves except for me and Julien. I sit down on the foot of one of the beds.

"Talk." He says,

"It's nothing." I say,

"You're lying."

"Yeah," I answer, looking down. "I like him but I'll never tell him. And I'm going to go into hiding." He laughs,

"What are you going to work on a cargo ship?"

"Possibly." He shakes his head.

"You'll live." With that he gets to work leaving me alone.

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