Chapter 11

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Clark is freaking out right now, and her sited hasn't even arrived yet. Every bajoren outfit i pull out she says no to. Until I pull out a long sleeved green dress that stops being green at my knees and turns into a dark red. I put that on. Then she makes me out on some red ankle boots, and pull my hair back with a white angel wing hair clip. "Ready?" I ask,

'I haven't seen her in years. What if she doesn't accept me?'

"I'll be right here every step of the way. Now are you ready? She should be here soon."

'As ready as I'll ever be.' With that she takes over.

Clarks pov

I take i deep breath before exiting our room. I don't see bashir. I guess he already left for work. I step out of the room and walk to the promanda. And then to the runabouts. I see O'Brien waiting for someone. "Hazel." He says,

"Try again." I say,



"Who are you waiting for?"

"My sister. What about you?"

"Keiko." I nod, the door opens and she gets out first. A kid with unruly blonde hair on her hip. Her husband I guess is on the other side of her with luggage. She's also pregnant. She has a bajoren peace earring. She's wearing a white shirt, and a grey skirt. I walk over to her.

I give her a smile. "Rosetta." I greet she smiles back, and gives me a side hug.

"Zoya." She greets, "how's the human treating you?"

"Good. We've had our moments. It's also hard saying she's trying to be a bajoren doctor."

"I like her." I laugh,

"It's good to see you again. It's been too long."

"Agreed." I then look to her husband. "This is ford Levi."

"So you go by ford now?" She rolls her eyes, I turn to him. "Nice to meet you." He nods, "and who's that?" I ask, patting her daughter on her head. She shifts her on her hip.

"This is ford zoya." She says,

"I'm honard." She laughs, then she starts sneezing.

"You ok?" I ask, she nods.

"Being pregnant sucks. I swear you never stop sneezing."

"I'll show you to your courters."

"We aren't staying with you?" Ford asks,

"Afraid not. Since hazels 14 she lives with her brother. Who's been taking care of her. He's her guardian, but I can sleep on the couch if you want. I don't think either will mind."

"That's ok." He says, i lead them to their courters. Rosetta hands zoya over to ford.

"You know a place to eat?" She asks,

"Quarks." I answer, she nods. "How far along?" I ask,

"Almost five mounths now." She answers,

"So any time then?"

"Basically." We walk into quarks and sit down at a table on the first floor.

"It looks different from what I remember." She says, looking around,

"I suppose it does. You know when the occupation was over I never thought I'd still be here, but it's not that bad. Hazels nice. Bashir does what he can. Honestly I enjoy it." She nods, after a while I walk her to her courtiers. Only to immediately hear screaming. The door is locked so I do the only thing i can think of and kick it down. I see ford holding a knife to her throat. I can't get to him without hurting her. It's just a chance I'll have to take. I run as best as I can which isn't faster then a walk since I still limp with this thing on. I jump on his back causing him to drop the knife. She elbows him in the stomach and I alert security.

Then she goes in labor. So I lock ford in the bedroom and help her on the couch. Then I tell zoya to stay in her room. She does. Then I let Hazel take over.

Hazels pov

"Breath." I tell her,

"Have you ever delivered a baby before?"

"No, but I'm about to." She has the baby, and it's up naming her after me. We hug and then her and Clark hug and she leaves. Could have been worse I suppose.

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