Chapter 3

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"Ok, can you handle this?" Julien asks, as he leaves the infirmary. He's had me helping him out a lot lately. I don't mind. It gives me something to do. Besides Clark sometimes puts in her input and that can be interesting.

"Yeah, just remember be back in an hour." I say,

"I will." With that he disappears out of the doors. An hour passes and he still hasn't shown up. I sigh.

'You're going to go find him, aren't you?' Clark, questions.

"Why do you bother asking?" I feel her sigh. Then quiet back down in what ever corner of my mind she prefers to retreat to. I know I can always ask the computer, but something about going out and actually finding him seems to bring joy to Clark so I do it. I exit the infirmary and head to quarks. I check the first floor no sign of him. I walk up the stairs that lead to the second floor and find Dax and sisko eating lunch. I walk over to their table. They're both laughing.

Dax notices me first. "Hi Hazel," she greets.

"Have you guys seen my brother. He was supposed to be back in the infirmary ten minutes ago."

"No," she answers. I nod.

"Why don't you go play with Jake. I'll let you know if we see him." Sisko says,

"Thank you, sir." With that I leave. I find him talking to a ferangi boy on the promanda.

"Hazel, met nog." Jake says, introducing us. We end up watching as nog releases some type of bug. The three of us get into trouble. Julien, sits me down on a bed in the infermry. And if I'm being honest he looks like he could strangle me.

"Are you ok of your mind? What if one of those things got into your pump? I could be standing over your body in the morgue right now. Don't you understand. I don't feel like burying my kid sister, or explaining to mom and dad that you died." He yells. Then he storms off mumbling something. I sigh. Sometimes I want to throw myself out of the airlock. I don't know how long I stay there sitting on the edge of the infirmary bed before I leave, and walk into a mob that's yelling at Odo. Who locked himself in his office.

'Let me take over.' Clark says, I agree. Then I'm watching from a window again.

Clarks pov

I slip my hand in the back of one of the mobsters pants and pull out a carrdasin disrupter. I storm to the front of the crowd and fire one shot up in the air. They all settle down. "Girl you can't save him." I smile at the man who said that.

"I'm 23 years old who shares a body with a 15 year old. I used it work with major Kira back in the resistance before I was killed. My name is Clark."

"I don't care who you are. We must get him. He works for the carrdasins." Another one shouts.

"Yeah, he's been here since they were." Someone else shouts.

"So then are you saying Kira is one of them as well? Last I checked she was here when they were. He's not one of the bad guys, and even if he is there has to be an investigation. We don't know it's him, so go home." Someone is about to throw something again, and aim the disrupter at her. "If you throw that. You will be on the ground before it hits me." She slowly drops the weapon, and they all leave. Odo comes up from behind me.

"It's strange. You saving my life again." I turn around to face him. He looks the same as ever.

"What do you say? We get a drink sometime catch up. And by drink I mean what ever Hazel like and you can just sit there."

"Sounds good." He responds,

"Hazel, what the hell happened." I hear the commander say, from somewhere behind me. I turn around and see him standing next to O'Brien and Kira.

"It's Clark, and I just saved your chief of security's life, so if you don't mind I'm going to hand controls back over to Hazel and convenience her to eat something because I'm starving." I hand Kira the disrupter and go back into her mind. I settle down in front of the window again staring out of it.

Hazels pov

"I'm sorry. Did anyone get hurt?" I know I shouldn't have apologized for her actions but I did anyway.

"It's fine. It was a good idea to put her in charge." Kira says,

"Your brother is in the infirmary. I know he's worried." Sisko says, I nod to him and step into the infirmary. I see something inside of a contaminant filed.

"Julien, what did you do?" I ask,

"Just because there's something strange going on doesn't mean it's my fault." He says,

"I leave the infermry for a couple of hours and you have something growing in a containment field. Sounds like your fault to me."

He runs his tricorder over it. "It's some type of DNA. I'm hoping it will be enough to clear his name."

"It better. Clark, jsut had to stop a mob from attacking odo."

He puts down the tricorder. "What! Are you guys ok? Is your pump ok?"

"Yes and yes. How can I help?"

"By keeping a closer eye on this then I can. I'm going to try to figure out the sequence."

"It looks humanoid." I mention.

"Yes we believe for it to be some kind of life form."

"A clone?" I ask,

"Cloning is illegal."

"We said they did it legally." Dax says, walking in. "Any luck."

"My sister thinks it's a clone." He says, filling her in.

"It would make sense. If you strain your eyes enough you can make out the beginning of a bajoriens face." He gets out of his chair and pushes me aside.

"My god."

"What is it, Julien?" Dax asks,

"Hazels right. It's a clone. A clone of himself." Odo ends up taking care of it. Apparently killing your clone is illegal. That night I meet Clark in her true form. Or at least what she used to look like. She was the opposite of me. She had long blond hair where mines black and shoulder length, blue eyes where mine are brown, and pale skin where mines tan. She was a freedom fighter. I don't know what I am. We had an interesting conversation. I'll say that much.

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