Chapter 9

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"Hazel, have you seen my dress uniform?" Julien asks, as I put on a bajoren style dress. It was Clark's idea. I don't know why. She just thinks I should get more involved in bajoren culture. It's a dark blue dress, with light tan around the neck and a twine belt that has some that hangs down. With a light brown short jacket. Then I clip on the bajoren earring.

"No, did you lose it again?" I ask, as I walk out of my room that's the size of a closet to his which is basically the living room. "Does this look stupid? This feels stupid."

"It looks very bajoren." He says, without looking at me. Still running around the room looking for his dress uniform. I walk over to him and place my hands on his arms.

"Calm down. They don't know our customs. As far as they know doctors don't have dress uniforms. Now go put on your uniform. I told Jake that I'd meet him at his quarters. Don't kill anyone."

"Wouldn't dream of it." With that I leave and walk down the corridor. I walk over to Jakes quarters and knock on the door. Sisko answers.

"Morning hazel. Jakes isn't ready yet. Come in." He lets me in.

"He's not out of bed yet, is he?" I ask,

"Probably not. I see you're leaning towards bajoren fashion."

"It was Clark's idea. Personally I hate dresses." He laughs,

"Well it looks nice."

"Thanks. I take it you're getting ready for first contact?"

"It's a big deal."

"Yeah, Julien was freaking out about it this morning. I swear he's going to have a heart attack by the time he's forty."

"Your brothers a worrier I'll give him that."

"Yeah, since he's gotten me into the doctor program on bajor where he's able to teach me instead of me going away. Hes been testing me every chance he gets."

"How long does it take?" He asks,

"Well since he's teaching me I'm on the advance path. Meaning I'll be taking the final by the end of this year. Did you know that the bajorens and carrdasins system are so similar that it's thought that the carrdasins evolved from the bajorens?"

"No, don't tell the major that."

"I don't plan on it."

"Hey, dad I was wondering if I could bring this girl over to dinner." With Jakes words my heart sinks. Then I remember that I have a boyfriend. Even though I don't think he's my boyfriend. Long story.

His eyes meet mine. "Hi Hazel." He then points to my dress.

"Don't give me that look. I'm well aware." He nods,

"So who's the girl?" Sisko asks,

"Not me." I answer,

"Are you jealous?" He asks,

"Why would I be? When I have a boy who won't leave me alone."

'I can still kill him if you want.' Clark suggests, I ignore her.

"Thought you hated him." I shrug,

"Yeah, so who's this girl?" I ask, taking his fathers side.

"A bajoren." He answer,

"Well invite her over. I have to go." With that he leaves. After school I decide to look for Julien. I end up in quarks. I walk over to sisko who's sitting at a table.

"Have you seen Julien?" I ask, he looks at me like he's bored out of his mind.

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere."

"How's it going?"

"Take a seat and I'll tell you." I pull out the chair across from him and sit down. "This is the worst first contact I've ever seen. All they want to do is play games."

"So you're basically saying that I have more of a life then they do." He nods, quark walks over to us.

He places his hands on the table then asks, "can I talk to Clark" I roll my eyes,

"Sure. Why not." With that Clark takes over quicker then she normally does which is a surprise to me.

Clarks pov

I get out of the chair and hug my old friend. I haven't really been able to see him as of late. He hugs me back. I know hazels probably very confused right now. I don't care. I just need to be able to hug my old friend. I then let go. "I missed you to." He says, I roll my eyes,

"You know you love me."

"I'll never admit."

"Oh, I know. So what's up."

"Well you still owe me a drink."

"So you disturbed me just to remind me of the promise I made you?"

"Yes." I smile at that.

"Sounds about right." With that I sit back down. He walks away.

"You two know each other?" He asks,

"Old friends. I was born on this station. I often escaped. Always got dragged back here. He was the only friend I had on this station. Then I met Odo who I kept running into. Then it was Kira." Just then hazels annoying boyfriend of sorts walks over to us. He goes to grab my hair. I grab his arm before he gets the chance to. I then twist it at an angle that threatens to break it. "If you don't leave me alone I'll kill you, and it won't be fast. It will be slow and the most painful thing you've ever gone through."

"You're just a doctor in training you can't do anything."

"That's where you're wrong sweetheart. I'm a triage doctor meaning I can break every bone in your body while naming them. Starting with your carpal bones."

"Ok you win." With that I let him go.

"You should do your research next time." I say, as he walks away. Then I turn back to sisko. "I guess I should give back control to Hazel now and make her go to bed." With that I go back to watching through a window.

Hazels pov

I go to bed. When I wake up I'm watching from a window again. I know Clark is in control. We're in some kind of strange place. That even she doesn't understand.

Clarks pov

I hear screaming. I mean loud girl like screaming. I look down to see I'm not wearing the leg brace. Then o realize that my skin is lighter then normal. I run my hand over my nose to feel the ridges that I used to have. I'm on my own body. That doesn't stop me from running to the screaming. Sisko beat me there. "Who are you?" He asks, when he sees me.

"Clark. Don't ask how. I don't know. Anyway is bashir alive?" I also realize that I don't have her accent. Which is strange.

"Yes, Clark I'm alive." He says, glaring at me.

Kira then runs in. "Clark." She says, surprise in her voice.

"Miss me?" I ask.

"Always." Then Dax shows up.

"I heard screaming. Is everyone ok? Who's she?"

"Clark. Bashir. Everything's fine." I answer, all at once.

"We need to split up and see if we can find out where we are." Sisko orders, so we do. We all end up in the same room with a girl playing hopscotch. Kira walks over an tries to talk to her. She gets no response.

"It's a hologram." I try to tell her. She looks at me annoyed. Then bashir walks straight into a force field. For a doctor he's an idiot. I sigh.

"Why do I put up with these people?" I ask,

"I ask myself that question everyday." Sisko responds, we follow the hopscotch, then drink and antidote, bashir disappears hazels not too happy about that, jadzia dies. Then we make it home. Sisko wasn't too happy about it but Hazel was glad to see bashir again. And I went back to watching out of a window. If you ask me it was a win.

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