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Scar's POV :

,, Goodbye mother! " I yelled before closing the door. It was my first day in this new high school, we had to move to this city, so for year 3 and 4 I'll be studying here.

I didn't have many friends at the old high school, so I hope I can make more friends here. As I was walking to school I heard a door being slammed which took me by surprise and made me flinch.

I looked behind me and it was a guy, he looked angry for some reason, he was blonde with ocean blue eyes, it was visible that he was shorter than me. He was wearing the same high school uniform i did.

I turned around and waved to him, he looked at me strangely and walked up to me.

,, who are you supposed to be? " he squeezed his eyes a little for a second before normally opening them again.

,, hello there! I'm scar, judging from your uniform we're in the same high school! " I put my hand forward to greet him, he looked down at it and then up to my eyes.

,, I don't know who you are and what your plans are, but never speak to me again. " He opened his wings and launched himself in the air.

I guess he just wasn't in the mood.. He was quite angry before, its alright to be moody from time to time.

From his accent you could tell he was British, what was he doing in Canada then?

The high school was already in my view, With every step I took I was closer and closer.

As I was about to walk in a guy stopped me, he had black hair and a pretty mustache

,, hey, are you the new transfer student? " he asked.

Are all people British here? I thought to myself. ,, yeah! Just moved in last week, you must be..? "

,, mumbo, I'll be showing you around the school " he smiled. ,, I'm scar " I placed my hand forward to greet him hoping I don't get rejected once again.

,, nice to meet you scar " he shook my hand. ,, Did you get a piece of paper? " he added.

,, oh yes, with my classes and locker " I handed it to him. ,, lovely, let's get going "


,, alright so this is the art class room, math.. English.. And while we're here, your locker is close by, I'll show you " he started walking towards some lockers ,, oh and if you see a parrot and two other guys, ignore them "


,, why? " I asked.

Mumbo sighed and started explaining ,, those 3 are troublemakers and they kinda owned the school, the principal is even scared of them "

He slapped a locker ,, this is your locker "
,, thank you " I opened it and got out some books I had for my next class.

,, why are they so scared from the three? "

,, no one knows, but the bad boys- "

Bad boys..

I turned to him ,, They're called the bad boys?! "I started laughing. ,, yeah.. When you point it out it sounds hilarious " he giggled ,, but they've been friends sense elementary school, the name just stuck with them "

Suddenly the locker door shut, which made both of mine and Mumbo's attention go towards it.

,, well well, look who we have here " said a tall guy with brown hair and a green highlight, behind him were standing the parrot and a.. canary?

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