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--- Grian's POV :

I was at Scots party, sitting in the kitchen and drinking.. Well alcohol. Why? Because these loud voices in my head are driving me crazy and it looks like they wouldn't stop unless I drink even more.

Cup after cup, bottle after bottle, I only drank a few bottles of beer.. Not many, but not sure exactly how many either.

I took a sip out of the bottle of beer and placed it down. It was quiet, finally. I look to my left and I see Scar with pearl coming in through the from door.

A smile immediately spawned in my face, I went there to greet then. As I got close I could see Scars eyes widened in surprise, I guess he didn't expect me to be here.

I came close to the two and looked at scar, he was terrified, but I just smiled and grabbed him. ,, I'll just borrow him for.. I don't know how long. bye pearlll " I waved pearl goodbye and dragged scar along with me.

I pushed him first in a room and walked in right behind him, I closed the door and locked it, saying he looked terrified now would be an understatement..

,, I'm not going to hurt you scar " I started walking towards him. ,, then why did you lock the door? "

,, you ask too many questions " I pinned him to a wall. ,, and you don't give enough answ- " i cut him off by kissing him. He looked shocked. What if he didn't like me the way I did.. What if he didn't like the kiss..

,, are you drunk? You taste like acohol " he asked, the realization that maybe he didn't like me that way, it that I didn't ask for consent hit me. ,, I'm sorry " I apologized. ,, for? " ,, kissing you without consent " I said. ,, so it was intentional? " he smirked.

,, of course it was, do you really think just because I'm A LITTLE drunk I go around kissing everyone " I rolled my eyes. He just smiled and leaned in and kissed me. I didn't hold back and kissed him back.

I cupped his face with my hands, and he placed his hand on my waist. I tilted my head a little while he was nibbling on my lower lip.

He then gently turned me around and pushed me to the wall, still holding the kiss, we switched places, he was no longer pinned on the wall by me, rather me being pinned by him.

One of my hands slowly made its way to Scars hair and played with it, while my other hand went over his shoulder and was on the back of his neck.

We both pulled away for air, I really wanted to curse at the fact that it was necessary to breathe to survive.

Even though we pulled away we were still close, both breathing heavly for air. I looked into his eyes and they were a pretty emerald color, they weren't red.

The voices stopped coming in but flashbacks didn't, it was like they were coming from past lives..

Our noses touched and our eyes shut close, it was calming to say the least. But then I heard someone trying to open the door. I opened my eyes and turned to the door.

,, its locked " I said. ,, Grian? ". It was Joel. ,, yeah? " ,, wanna go get drinks? " he asked but then added ,, also, unlock the damn door "

,, second " I said. I turned back to scar and he said ,, I don't really drink, I honestly came here just for pizza "

For pizza. For pizza!

,, Please tell me I'm not the only one that gets these stupid flashbacks " I mumbled. ,, you're not " he replied. ,, Griannnnnn " joel was getting impatient.

I unlocked the door and grabbed scar by the hand. ,, finally- oh.. " joel looked at the both of us. ,, did I interrupt anything? " he asked.

,, no no " said scar. ,, well a little bit, but doesn't matter, come on " I added.

We walked to the main bit where it was the most crowded. Scar went to go get pizza while me and joel walked over to the drink area where jimmy was, Joel got a drink for himself. I had enough for tonight..

I turned around to check up on scar, and saw a guy standing in front of him and yelling at him.

,, I'll be back " I told Joel and jimmy. They gave me a nod. I then started walking towards those two to see what the deal was.

But it seemed like scar had no idea what happened either, and the guy was shouting at him for no reason.

,, watch your tone " i said while walking in between the two. ,, finally " he said. I had a confused look on my face. He grabbed me tight on the arm and said ,, I looked everywhere for you "

I pulled my arm back and clenched my fists. I stared at the guy. I could feel my eyes glowing purple, but he wasn't scared, I was about to punch him when his eyes started to glow white.

He was a listener..

My eyes widened and I took a step back. ,, who are you? " I asked. ,, martyn " he answered coldly.

,, you already figured that I'm a listener didn't you " he smirked. ,, you're a smart boy " he lifted my jaw to better face him. I just gave him a disgusted look and waited for him to finish talking.

,, you know, not a lot of people like you and your little group.. And they wanna get rid of you guys " he leaned forward. I moved away from his touch. ,, which gives me the power to fulfill their wishes "

I turned to Joel and jimmy, if Martyn was really here to get rid of me.. Or well us. We were in trouble. Big trouble..

I turned back to martyn but before I could react or do anything I saw a big white flash that blind me. I rubbed my eyes, but then I felt my body hit a wall before dropping to the floor and everything went dark and quiet.


Word count : 1042

Yes, I did disappear for a little longer buttttttttt I did plan out a whole other book which will be a sequence to this story 😏

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