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Grian's POV :

Ding dong

The door bell rang and I ran toward the front door, stumbling down a few stairs, like if I was a second late the person outside the door would disappear.

I hoped it was scar, because we have a project to make and if he doesn't come soon I swear I'll just do it myself.

I make my way to the door and grab the knob and pull the door, it would be quite stupid if it was a push door, I know they exist, but like do you just shove off the person outside? it doesn't make sense.

,, Grian! " yelled a familiar voice, it was scar. ,, Finally.. What took you so long " I rolled my eyes.

,, Jellie had a little.. Accident " he shook his head in disgust. ,, oh.. Feel you buddy " I laugh

Scar walks in and starts taking off his shoes ,, do you have a pet as well? " he asks. ,, in fact, I do actually " I smile.

,, parrots? " he questions. ,, That.. No.. That would be imprisoning my own kind "
,, right " he giggled. ,, I have two cats " I say as I hear little paw steps coming out way. ,, this is maui and pearl "

Pearl comes and sniffs scar while Maui is leaning against his leg asking Scar to pet him. They obviously love him.. A lot. They're not this friendly with everyone.

,, Wouldn't they eat you? Since you're like a bird? " scar asks while patting Maui ,, yeah.. They would.. but we feed them so that they wouldn't " I smile kindly. They're used to me by now and wouldn't try any murder towards me. But they were one of my nightmares when we first got them.

,, we also feed them because we don't want them to starve but you get my point " I laugh. ,, should we go up and start on the project? " asked scar. ,, oh yes, let's go " I grab scar by the hand and drag him to my room.


Standing in front of a whole crowd that you're sure despises you is nerve-wracking.. As we slowly came to an end to the presentation, we turn to the teacher when both me and scar are finished presenting.

,, good job boys! " she smiles. And as we were about to sit the students clapped.. At scar? No. At our presentation? Probably. But us too, they were clapping because of the good work we did, despite hating me to bits.

,, go sit down " the teacher pointed to our empty seats, and we walked towards them. ,, uh next up is jimmy and joel "

I turn and look at joel and jimmys face expression, they're terrified, and I couldn't help but chuckled.

Suddenly scar grabs my hand which takes me by surprise, i give him a confused look and glance at our hands that give warmth to the other.

,, are you alright? " he asks calmly. ,, yup, What's wrong, scar? " now I'm worried, is he okay? Should I ask if he's okay? I think to myself, but my thoughts are interrupted by scar. ,, you're just a little shaky, did you eat? " he genuinely looks worried, caring..

,, I did, don't worry. Just a little stressed " I flashed him a smile, he squeezed my hand and smiled, and we both put our attention back at the presentation. But secretly I kept looking at scar.

I was stressed, a lot, I expected the students to trow rotten tomatoes at us, at Scar..

A student that sat in front of us, turned around, ,, pst " i practically jump. ,, Im sorry, I didn't mean to scare you " he giggled. Then continued ,, I'm Michael "

,, hey Michael " me and scar greeted him. ,, you did great with the presentation " he smiled. He's too nice.. This isn't normal, they should be hating me..

,, thanks " scar said. ,, why don't you hate us anymore? Why don't you hate me anymore? " I said. They're too nice, I don't believe that they could be so forgiving after all I've done to them.

,, Joel and jimmy talked to us, they explained the situation.. And we forgive you! Besides, martyn is much, much worse "

,, what do you mean? " I asked. What have I missed?.. ,, martyn is crazy, that guy wanted to kill you, he's waiting for you with a knife " Michael exclaimed.

My eyes widened ,, thanks for the warning " I blur out. ,, of course! he needs to be stopped though " and then he turns around to face the teacher. I look at scar and he has a terrified expression.

,, you'll be alright scar, don't worry " I give him a comforting pat on the shoulder. ,, I'm not worried about myself.. I'm worried about you "

I could feel blush covering my face as I looked away. ,, I'll be fine " I mumble. Its lovely how he can make all my worries disappear into thin air.


The school bell rang, I gathered all my things in a hurry, I am going to go home and get the watcher's book. If I can save myself with something or someone, they would be the Watchers themselves.

,, Grian, why are you in such hurry? " scar asked. I grabbed my backpack and put it on my back. ,, I need to get a book before lunch break ends "

,, I'll borrow you my boo- " ,, its not a normal book" I cut him off and started speed walking out of the classroom, surprisingly scar could put up with my speed and followed me all the way until we were in front of the school.

,, you're not gonna make it in time by walking " he yells so I can hear him. ,, wasn't planning on walking, thankfully I have wings " I opened them and launched myself in the air.

I flapped my wings, flying through the air at high speed, I am going to get that book and I will stop martyn. As i was approaching my house I landed.

The front door was locked so I unlocked it and rushed to my room, moving the chair, shaking the covers, lifting the pillows.. Where did I put the goddamn book!

Every single inch of my room was looked around, I looked under the bed and finally there it was! I  took it and made my way out of the house, of course I locked the door, and started flying back to the school.

I opened the book and scanned the pages looking for a certain page. I land back in the schools front yard, where for some reasons scar is still there.

,, yeah, that differently isn't a normal book " he smiled. ,, yup! " I say while still browsing the pages. ,, why are they blank? " he asks. ,, because you're not a watcher scar " I giggle.

After a while of searching, I believe I found it. ,, what exactly are you looking for? " ,, I'm gonna talk to the watchers "

,, you can do that? " he looked excited. ,, well I guess so " I answered. ,, alright, I just need silence and focus. " I sit down in the ground and close my eyes.

The instructions say to relax.. And focus..



F o c u s

And I drift off.


Word count : 1251

So little update in life, I have 2 more weeks of school, the hardest left but after that summer break starts!

I've also had little issues with mental health, motivation, free time and so on, but its getting better

Also don't forget there will be a sequence to this book, and it will be much better than this one, because i might be rushing this one because my motivation is dying, and dying fast

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