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Grian's POV :

I opened My eyes but its like they're still closed, its still dark, black all around me. The Watcher's kingdom isn't on earth, you can say its not even real, the only way to access it is through your mind.

From the pitch black that it was, a sudden light shined on me, a purple light, and now I can finally be aware of my surroundings.

There was nothing besides tall pillars and the watcher's themselves.. But they didn't look human.. They weren't human.. They're giant creatures, gods, covered by a cape and a hood. The fabric of the pieces of clothes they're wearing is sweeping the ground.

There's two watchers in the room.. I wonder where the others are. ,, You're unannounced " one said. Their voice echoing inside what you can call a room. His voice sent shivers down my spine.

,, I'm sorry for coming unannounced but I really need your help.. You see there's this listener called martyn that's trying to kill me and-  " ,, silence. " the other cut me off. ,, the others aren't here, you must go back " he said in a cold tone. ,, What! No please "

But they didn't listen to me, they got rid of me, they put me back to earth.

I gasped for air as I sat up. Taking small but many breaths, slowly trying to take bigger and bigger ones until my body can breathe back normally.

looking to my right, there was scar holding my hand worried sick. ,, oh thank god you're awake, are you okay? Do you feel alright? " he drowns me in questions. ,, I'm fine scar, well for now at least.. They didn't let me speak.. They're no help either " my look saddens. ,, I'll have to deal with martyn myself " I sound so much braver than I actually am.

,, We'll have to deal with martyn "

Looking up at scar and I can't help but admire him, I don't know if he's trying to act tuff and brave to make me feel better, but if that's the case, its really working.

,, I can't drag you to hell along with myself " I put my free hand on top of the one he's holding my hand with. He doesn't need to suffer the consequences of my own actions.

,, I wouldn't be doing anything I don't want to, besides, its an unfair fight between you three, they're two and you're only one " he says.

,, that's not completely true, joel and tim are on my side, as well as some students from the school, but I don't think the students would stand up to martyn and scott "

,, the more the better then " he gives me the most brightest smile, and for some reason there is a sudden urge to protect him no matter what. I promise, I'll do anything for him to be alive, well and happy no matter the cost.

,, you have no idea how much I love you " my eyes widened as I realized what words just slipped down my tongue, what words escaped my mouth, I've just said, the 3 word sentence, the 1,4,3 lettered sentence.. And for the first time..

I've actually meant it.

Memories from what I can only believe were past lives flooded in, and I couldn't be happier to see scar being in every single one of them.

I'm scared to meet scars eyes. What if he hates me now, what if he doesn't feel the same, what.. If he never wants to see me again..

I push through all my worries and I get the courage to look up at him, I meet his emerald green eyes that once used to be ruby red, once used to be yellow, and now are green.

He's smiling.

,, I love you too Grian " he says quietly, but enough for me to hear. Even though we met each other again? Not so long ago, we're connected far more than we'd ever known.

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