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Grian left the door open. No one was really watching if I was in detention.. I can just leave. I head to the door and pulled the knob.

It was the lunch break so that meant mumbo and the others were waiting for me, I went towards the cafeteria.

Trying to find my way to the cafeteria, I know I said my memory wasn't That bad.. But I have no idea where it was..

Looking left and right to see if there's any signs but yet nothing except.. Joel looking blood thirsty at me. I really messed up..

Grian realized joel was looking at me once more, he looked annoyed.. Great, the only one that protected me now is annoyed at me.

I continued walking and soon found crowds of people walk toward somewhere, I followed them and it led me to the cafeteria.

I looked around and saw mumbo on one of the table waving at me. I waved back and walked towards him and his friends.

,, hey scar! " ,, hello! " ,, hi " I got greeted by his friends ,, this is pearl and iskall " mumbo introduced them. He looked at me and asked ,, you don't have food? " ,, uh.. Yeah good idea, where do I exactly get some? " mumbo laughed. ,, ill get it for you mate no worries " he pated me on the shoulder and then walked off in some direction.

,, soo, i know we just met, but to be honest I'm just curious if you're coming to scotts party " pearl asked. I looked confused and then she added ,, well you see, mumbo isn't a party person and iskall isn't free, I just want to go with someone ".

,, well I'm not sure.. " she then cut me off ,, you don't have to drink or anything! Just keep me company and make sure I don't die " she smiled. ,, there will be pizza " added iskall. ,, thats the only reason I was tempted to going to the party in the first place " he smiled.

I looked at the entrance of the cafeteria, Grian was standing there, leaning on the wall. ,, sure then, but im doing it only for pizza " I smiled.

For pizza. For pizza!

Pearl and iskall for some reason turned around, it wasn't like I was smiling at Grian.. I smiled because of the pizza bit..

--- Grian's POV :

For pizza. For pizza!

I've never seen this scar guy in my life. But yet I get so many flashbacks of his voice, being followed by mine.

There's something about him that's so familiar, I know how he would've acted, sounded, and felt when I first saw him.. But.. I don't remember him having Green eyes.. They were ruby red.. So it might not even be the same person.

He was staring back at me as well, like he was returning the favor of being watched.

I saw Joel behind him smirked, my Eyes widened before I shouted.

--- Scars POV :

I was repeating Grians words Why are you so familiar to me? All of us three were staring the avian, I did it because I was in deep thought, they on the other hand did it because they thought I had a crush on him. Pft I would nev..

Suddenly The avian's eyes widened ,, JOEL " Grian shouted.. For him? No.. It didn't sound like he was shouting for him, he was shouting AT HIM.

Pearl and iskall turned around and their eyes widened as well. ,, GRIAN. " He shouted back even more mad than he was before, the voice came behind me. I turned around and he indeed was behind me.

He was holding a chair above his head ready to hit me with it. He moved his view from Grian back to me. He furrowed his eyebrows.

Grian walked up to joel as fast as he could ,, Joel what did we say abou- " he turned to me and realized I was looking at them. He looked at the table and grabbed a bowl with spaghetti, and rubbed it in my face.

The bowl dropped down on my lap and I had spaghetti everywhere on me. He didn't care though. ,, HEY! " yelled pearl at them. Grian gave pearl a death stare before grabbing joel by the hand and dragging him out.

I looked at them both. ,, well uh.. That was unexpected.. " I chuckled. ,, what did you do to anger Joel that badly.. " iskall looked worried. ,, they threaten people, but they've never actually went to hurt anyone.. "

Uh oh ,, I might of fought him.. I wanted to stop them bullying me, its my first day and this was the forth interaction with them.. " ,, you should go clean yourself up, we'll wait for you, we don't want a confused mumbo on where we went " they smiled.

I got up from my seat and walked out, great, another treasure hunt of where the bathrooms were.. I swear I saw one around the school entrance. So that's where I went first.

To my surprise, there was a bathroom, I could've jumped from happiness right then and there. I think everyone in the school saw my new fashionable spaghetti outfit.

I walked in the bathroom and started to take the spaghetti off of me and into the trash bin. I'm so glad there wasn't any sauce on them. I walked to the mirror to check if I had any left on me, but I didn't, as I was about to leave I heard the 'bad boys' talking and coming this way.

Dammit, from all the bathrooms you had to come to this one? I ran to the toilet stalls and hid in one of them. Closed the door and got quiet.

,, How many times do I need to tell you Joel to leave scar alone?! " said the avian. ,, he started it first, plus why are you defending him over us Grian? Do you like him or something? "

My eyes widened. ,, no. As I told you before, we don't know where he comes from or anything about him, except that.. I get flashbacks like I've known him.. Well. "

,, what are you saying? " added jim. ,, from all i know he could be a listener that already had fought me and bitten me in another life.. " his voice went sadder.

,, he feels.. It doesn't matter, what does matter is you Jimmy keeping joel away from scar as much as possible. Please.. " no one said anything so I just guessed they nodded.

,, you two should head to class. " ,, and you? " asked Joel. ,, uh.. I'll join you, I just need to do something " I heard footsteps heading out and quieting down, so that meant they left.

I was opening the stall door, and I widened my eyes. In front of the door i saw a parrot looking at me smirking. ,, You're not good at spying "

,, I wasn't! I swear "

He looked at me ,, I'll ask you again, but please answer me, Why do you seem so familiar to me? "

He was scared of some kind of listeners, what if I say I'm one of them? That would scared them away from me and my friends.

,, I'm a listener. " I said. ,, no you're not. " ,, yes I am? " ,, you're not a listener scar, you don't know what they even are. " he smiled.

,, uh.. yeah.. But you said to your friends that you th- "

,, that I thought you were a listener? That was for them to leave you alone, don't get me wrong, I don't like you, but I'm not scared of you either. "

My eyes saddened, I don't like you , why do I even care.. Its not like I like him.

,, but for some reason my guts don't want to see you hurt, how ever much I want to do it or imagine it. So for that reason I won't be hurting you, but you better not mess with joel nor, im not stopping him next time. "

I hugged him, but he pushed me ,, I dislike being touched, personal space, thank you. " ,, of course " I backed away.

He was about to leave the bathroom then he turned around ,, this doesn't mean we're friends, got it? "

,, mhm.. "

And with that he left, why did I feel even worse than when I came here with spaghetti all over me..

He doesn't like me, so what, I don- I don't like him either. I don't need him as a friend.


Word count : 1410

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