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Grian's POV :

Its been a week since the last event. I've finally found the place where I belong, I finally am at the place I belong. I'm not forced to be evil again, I don't need to hurt other.

And about martyn, he was expelled from the school, and he was transferred to the watchers, while his life is getting worse, mine is getting better.

But just because one problem is gone, doesn't mean all of them are. Today we're protesting about the school dress code, guys can wear everything and girls are basically getting yelled at for wear a normal shirt.

So.. All of the students that are protesting from this high school will be wearing shorts mini skirts.. Luckily! I'm one of them.

I'm not forced in this, I want to do this for their sake. I close the locker and start hearing towards my classroom but then I see scar.

His eyes are widened and he's staring directly at me. ,, hasn't anyone told you its rude to stare " I smirk at him. ,, I feel like an overprotective brother.. But what are you wearing.. ITS TOO SHORT GRIAN "

,, That's the point " I smile. He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me through the halls, he looks in every classroom like he's looking for something.

And finally, he looks like he found it, because he started walking in one of the classrooms and pulled me in with him. ,, what are you doing.. " I ask.

He suddenly shoves me against a wall and pins me to it. ,, you can't have yourself on display for everyone to see love.. " he says in a flirty voice. I can't help but give him a smile.

,, of course I can " I escape him with ducking over on one of the sides where his hands are placed. I could hear him sigh.

For some reason I turn my head and he's looking to the ground upset, I can't help but feel bad. I walk towards him until I'm in front of him and our eyes meet.

I place one of my hands behind his head and pull him closer to me until there's an inch from our faces, eyes, noses, lips..

The space between us is disappearing as our lips are connecting, our eyes closing. After a few seconds we pull back for some stupid air. I'm not sure I'm breathing, but of course I am because I'd drop dead if I didn't.

But yet, I can't catch my breath.. I'm staring at the ground embarrased for basically the first time in my life. I'm scared to lift my head and meet scars emerald green eyes. I'm scared the eyes that once looked so happy and hopefully now would look at me annoyed and pissed..

I feel a hand on my chin, I take that as a signal to look at him, and I do. And all my worries that he hates me, that he's eyes are full of hatred disapeared.. Hes eyes are filled with nothing but love and desire.

He pulls me in for a second kiss and I don't fight back, this time its a more passionate kiss. He picks me up and my legs wrap around his chest, then the next thing I know, I'm being placed next to the same wall and being pinned.

This time.. I don't escape, I don't leave, I don't run away, I don't want to..

I melt into the kiss, my knees started weakening and he was aware of this and he put his leg between mine, it being basically the only thing keeping me on my feet now.


People do give you weird looks when you're walking outside with a skirt, but I don't really care about people's opinions, as long as I have scar by my side, the world can burn for all I care.

,, hello ma'am "

,, hello! How many I help you? "

,, could I get a red slushy and a.. " I turned to scar.

,, a blue one please "

,, of course! Right away "

I'm not sure why I was blushing.. But I was. Scar looked at me and smirked ,, what are you- " I was about to ask but I was cut off by scar pulling me closer to him by my waist. I roll my eyes and move away.

,, aw man.. " he mumbles. ,, we're in public scar " I say rolling my eyes once again, I swear I can make my eyes get stuck up there if I do it a few more times.

,, yeah.. But- wait.. Are you embarrassed to be seen with me in public? " scar has a fake hurt looked drawn all over his face. ,, that's not what I meant sca- "

,, the slushies are done! "

,, oh yeah.. How much will that be? "

,, 2.30$ "

,, Alright.. Here, keep the change " I grabbed both drinks and handed the blue one to scar.

,, thank you! Have a nice day " the lady said.

,, you too! " I half yelled. ,, what a nice lady " I turn to scar and slurp on my slushy.

,, I'm lovely too " scar says.

,, jealous much " I laugh.

,, very jealous, love "

We walk over to a bench in the middle of a park. ,, Halloween is coming soon, what are you planning to dress as? " I ask.

,, wasn't planning to.. But now that you mentioned it, what are you going as? "

I can hear him slurping the drink from a mile away, though it isn't as annoying as it should be. ,, well.. I wasn't planning anything.. But! Maybe we could match.. " I mumble.

,, Yes. Grian.. I don't know as what, but please.. I'll do anything just to match with you " he now has his eyes locked on me, like I'm a treasured thing that could be stolen the moment he'd look away.

I whisper something in his ear and his eyes widened.

[ Cliff hanger buddies.. Promise its something cute though👍 ]

,, YES. " He says full of joy and I can't stop myself from smiling like an idiot. ,, Grian.. You have no idea how much I love you.. "

,, I.. Love you more.. Scar " I say, and he looks like he'll explode any minute now. I look away because I'm not gonna survive looking at his adorable face like this.

,, Grian.. Look at me "

I don't even hesitate, I look at him and he just smiles at me. He takes a sip of his drink before leaning towards me. I make him room and back away but he grabed me by the collar and pulled me for a kiss.

Suddenly I felt warm liquid being transferred into my mouth and my eyes windened. I can't spit it out.. Well I can't.. But I have a big change to wet myself with the liquid.

Scar pulled away, smirked and said ,, come on, be a good boy and swallow it "

I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now.. My emotions are all over the place. But one thing I do know is that, I did swallow it.

,, SCAR! " I yelled.

He just giggled


,, you have a purple tongue now " he smiled. ,, you're marked.. You're mine Grian.. "

I shut my mouth, I folded.. Whatever happened today is.. Too much.. But.. Can't say I didn't like it.

,, its getting late.. I should get going " I sat up.

,, no worries, I'll walk you home " he got up.

Today was a long and amazing day.. I can't wait for tomorrow. I know for sure tomorrow will be even better!


Word count : 1320


But in all seriousness, the next chapter will be the last one, BUT. I have the next book ready to go. I'm gonna say all the goodbyes to the book next chapter, don't wanna be sad rn.. Gotta write another chapter in the other book

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