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Grian's POV :

Martyn is crazy. Martyn is crazy. Martyn is crazy. Martyn is crazy. I can't think about anything besides how far he'd go and hurt someone to get revenge.. No.. Just for power, not even revenge.

I haven't done anything to martyn, but he basically stands on more than half of the schools students side, making him the hero they all waited for.

But its not that simple..

I was forced to do all those awful stuff.. I didn't want to do them, i stop and turn to scar who was walking next to me, and he turns around and looks at me back.

,, grian? are you alright? " he asks so caringly.. What did I do to deserve his beautiful soul.. ,, everything is wonderful " I grab his hand and we walked into the classroom.

I looked around, martyn and scott aren't here, thank god, I dragged scar to our table, he sat down while I double checked if martyn really wasn't here, but he was this time, he was leaned on the door frame smirking at me..

I sat down on my chair when I felt something wet.. I felt my blood boil, and I snapped.

Scar's POV :

I turn to Grian who just sat up from all of a sudden ,, uh.. Gri- " the loud noise from the chair falling over cut me off, Grian was walking towards martyn who showed up at the door.

As Grian was getting closer, his speed kept getting faster and faster for every step he took. When he reached to martyn he stood in front of him making eye contact, but both didn't break it.

I stood up and was about to go to Grian for if he needed help, but it looks like he didn't because he jumped on top martyn. ,, you are messed up, crazy, what the heck is wrong with you " Grian shouted at the one bellow.

Grian grabbed martyn by the collar with one hand, choking him, while with the other hand he kept punching him.

Of course martyn would fight back, and he grabbed Grian and pushed him off, he stood up straight and swooped him up in his arms and took him out of the classroom.

I quickly rush through the door and started looking for Grian, they could be in the hall or in any of the classroom.

I peak in every slightly open class, but nothing.. Until I heard their voices.

,, You think you can just jump on me and punch me? " martyn shouted. I peaked through the door where the voice was coming from and I could see Grian being sat in a corner while martyn was standing powerfully in front of him.

I looked in the halls for something I could use to help and spotted a broom. I ran to it and grabbed it before coming back quietly in front of the classroom.

I tip toe into the classroom and get behind martyn. I charge the broom and..


Martyn was on the floor. ,, Scar!? " Grian looked up at me. I grab him by the hand and drag him out of the classroom.

Both of us running out of the school, and when we exit the school we both stop to catch out breaths.

,, oh void.. " Grian mumbles under his breath, both of us heavy breathing. ,, you saved me " he walks to a close bench and sits down. ,, that's what friends are for " I sit down next to him on the bench.

,, I wouldn't necessarily say.. Friends knock other people down for their friends but I'm glad you do " he smiles.

,, what happened? Why did you attack him? " I asked. ,, he left liquid on my chair.. Not sure what kind " he stood up and then continued ,, but now my pants are wet and I look like I've peed myself " He looked mad about that.

A giggle left my mouth by accident and Grians face softened, and a smile appeared on his lips. ,, here " I took of my  jacket and handed it to him.

,, my pants are wet.. Not my shirt scar " he laughed. ,, I know " I rolled my eyes ,, tie it around your waist and it'll cover martyn's doing "

A little ,, oh " escaped his mouth. He tied  MY jacket around HIS waist..


Grian got a notification on his phone, he took it out of his pocket and check who it was. I watched as his eyes scanned the message before looking up at me.

,, well.. We haven't missed much from the class, we just have a 2 partner project due next week.. And jimmy is partnered with joel, way to rub it in my face " he rolled his eyes.

,, we can be partners " I hoped he'd say yes.. He just smirked before answering ,, love partners? "

,, i- wel- uh- " I got flustered.. Flustered to a point I started stuttering. ,, I'm just messing with you, sure, if you're free on Friday you can come over at my house and we can make the project " he put his phone back in his pocket.


Word count : 936

Test week was moved to next week, I just have physics to worry about this week.. That's a lot of " weeks " 😭

its a short chapter, but. im working on the sequence, I'm too excited about it!

And how short does a chapter need to be to be called a short chapter? and how long of a chapter does it need to be so its marked as a long chapter?

Because i see it as if its under 1k words its a short chapter, but if its over 1k words its a long chapter

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