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Scar's POV :

Yesterday was a handful at school, I knew changing schools would mean learning some stuff about the new one but jeez that was a lot.

I was headed to art class, which was my first class of the day, I walked through the door and went to take a seat.

Getting my everything ready for class when someone sat on the table, I looked up just to see the avian sitting in front of me. ,, its quite cute when you look up at me " he smirked. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look in another direction.

He placed his hand in my chin and redirected my view back to him. Locking eyes with each other.

Why aren't they breeding?

I dont know, but Scar. Scar. Look at me. Look directly at me.

Yeah I'm looking. *Giggles*

SCAR. I'll do this one more time alright? Look at me.

Okay. *damage* oh my.. THIS WHOLE TIME?

I could feel my face blushing, but I could see Grian having slight pink blush covering his face. ,, well that's a first " he blurred out. ,, being in love? " I smirked. He rolled his eyes. ,, though, you should get off the table "

,, or else what? You'll push me off of it? " he leaned closer ,, you wouldn't hurt a fly " he smiled but then got off the table and walked to his friends.

The last thing he said wasn't really cute.. but that didn't stop me from blushing.


The ultimate betrayal!

You can't just stab a man in the back Grian!

Oh yes I can!

,, there is not even free seats here " said Grian. Joel and jimmy looked my way before turning back to Grian. ,, you can sit next to scar " jimmy smirked and pointed towards me.

,, you guys suck " he said before walking to my table, he pulled the chair back, sat down and crossed his arms.


In middle of class while I was taking notes a paper ball hit me on the head and landed on the table. I turned around to see Joel and jimmy high giving each other and laughing. As I was about to take the ball and open it Grian snatched it and opened it.

Whatever was written on the paper made him look back at the two and give them a deadly glare to which made them stop laughing and calm down. He quickly ripped it to bits and threw it on the floor.

I don't know what was written on that note but whatever it was it made him mad.


I was walking towards the cafeteria when I saw a sad mumbo standing in the middle of the room, I walked up to him and asked him what's wrong. ,, Joel stole my money " he said while having the most disappointed look I've ever seen.

As the trio was passing by to leave the cafeteria Grian shoved some money in my hand and continued walking. ,, uh.. Here " I gave the money to mumbo ,, oh what? How did you get my money back? " he lit up. ,, Grian gave me them " I said. He looked at me confused but to be honest, I was just as confused as him.

I turned around to see if the bad boys were still here and they were still slowly but surely making their way out, they were walking next, to pearl when Grian stuck his foot out and tripped her. ,, HEY! " she turned angrily but they didnt stop, soon enough they left.

,, are we talking about the same Grian here scar? the one that just tripped pearl, bullied the whole school for 2 years and gave you detention, just gave you back my money? "

,, maybe he wants to change? " I shrugged my shoulders.

,, he wouldn't of tripped pearl then. Speaking of that we should probably ask if she's okay. " mumbo and i both started walking towards pearl.

,, are you alright pearl? " I asked. ,, yeah but that moron just tripped me out of nowhere " ,, you paid the price for my money " mumbo laughed. ,, did you get the money from joel back? " she asked.

,, wouldn't say I got them back.. It was more of Grian gave scar the money back because why not. " we all laughed. ,, Grian must really like you scar, He has never been this nice to anyone besides his little friends. " she smiled.

,, also, Scott's party is on Saturday. You're going rightttttt? " she asked while blinking a few more times than normally.

,, yeah, definitely, just text me the time " ,, I don't have your number.. As a matter of fact, none of us do... "


Word count : 822

Sorry for the short chapters but I'll be spending a few days at my dads house and won't have internet, so the next chapter won't come out until at least Wednesday.

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