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Tw : blood

Scar's POV :

Grian had stayed over at my house until he got better, he told his parents where he was so they weren't so worried, but eventually we had to go back to school..

I'm glad we're walking together to school, I don't want to leave him all on his own unless I have, for some reason, I think martyn is thirsty for him..

Blood thirsty.

I don't know why I care so much about Grian, its not live he's my friend or..


Maybe he was my soulmate in what we believe were our past lives, it could be just some dreams that we dreamed of as little kids but they feel real, and plus, that would be quite a coincidence.

As we're walking on the side walk, slowly making our way to school, I turn to check on Grian, He's visibly nervous.

He's cute when he's nervous.. What. No. Wait.

I put my hand in his and lightly hold it. He turns to me and then looks down at our touching hands. ,, for.. Comfort " Is all I can think of to say.

He squeezes my hand. ,, For comfort " he smiles. To be honest that was an excuse to get to hold his hand, though, it is very comforting, I also can't help but notice him blushing.


I just walked Grian to his classroom, and now I'm walking alone through the crowded hallway, I make my way to my classroom and get in it.

Strange.. Its quite.. Empty.. Again.

Though, this time, its now the bad boys in it, its martyn.. And scott behind him.

,, well, well " he smirks walking slowly towards me. ,, if it isn't the guy Grian was protecting at the party "

Great.. And for my luck, I'm alone.

He stops right in front of me, and we lock eyes. He keeps his smirk on his face. He lifts his arm to hit me. I catch it while still keeping eye contact with him.

,, oh damn, you were ready for it " he says. ,, Though the people have no beef with you, I'll still hurt you for the reasons that you're friends with Grian and it'll make him miserable "

How could he be a listener.. He's so much worse than Grian who is a watcher. I was about to say something when I felt someone kick me in the back of my knee, it was scott, the sudden kick made me lose my balance and fall over.

The placement of the table was perfect since I hit my head on it. I was laying on the hard floor, my head hurt.. A lot. I placed my hand on the back of my head where I have hit it.


I look at my hand and its.. Slightly.. Covered in blood.

I hear footsteps coming closer to the room, whoever is coming here is not walking.. They're running, and they're not alone.

Martyn and scott were looking at me from above, smirking, happy with what they've accomplished.

The footsteps sound like they're at the door. I looked towards it, and I see Joel and jimmy. Joel takes one look at the situation and walks forward with jimmy behind him.

He come closer to martyn and taps him on the shoulder, he turns around and Joel gives him a little smile before punching him. Jimmy on the other hand goes for scott.

Joel jumped on martyn and held him by the neck, choking him. Joel looks so.. Unafried.. Unbothered that martyn could basically kill him.. Jimmy was cornering scott. I was about to get up and help but I felt dizzy..

Dizzy.. dizzy.. di-zzy.. And the world went black.

--- Grian's POV :

I'm running as fast as I could to the nurse's office. I knew I shouldn't of left Scar on his own. I'm so glad Joel and Tim went to check in him.

I see martyn in the distance coming my way. I slow down and I'm not passing next to him. ,, going to see your boyfriend? " he says. I freeze. I feel anger bottling up inside me.

Why would he hurt scar when he should be getting rid of me. I turn around and was about to give him a piece of my mind.


He's wearing an eye patch. ,, I was going to give you a piece of my mind, but someone has already done that " I smile. ,, yeah, it was your fellow Joel " he rolls his eyes.

Oh joel.. You could've gotten hurt..

I start walking.. Fast walking..

I'm not in front of the door of the nurses office, I hold the door handle and twist it. Inside there Scar laying unconscious, with Joel and jimmy sitting on chair next to him.

,, oh thank god you're okay " I look at Joel. ,, of course I'm okay, you should've seen mine and Jimmy's sweet moves " he punches the air.

I walk close to scar and sit down on the chair closes to him, I take his hand and hold it between mine. ,, you could've gotten seriously hurt.. " I looked at the two.

,, but we didn't, plus, we saved scar " jimmy says. ,, well thanks for that babes " I roll my eyes and cringe at it. ,, you're welcome babe " they both laugh.

,, babe? " scar asks while opening his eyes. ,, Yeah, bad boys call each other ba- oh, you're awake! " says Joel.

,, what happened? " I ask. Scar starts sitting up on the bed and pulls his hand a little which makes me realize ive been holding onto it and pull them away. He looks at his now lonely hand and looks slightly sad.

,, well.. I got attacked and then your fellow bad boys came and helped " Scar smiled. ,, you two have some sweet tactics " he added. ,, thanks " they thanked him.

,, I'm sorry you got dragged into this message scar.. " I apologized. Joel and jimmy stood up so sudden. ,, I think we'll leave you two alone, we're kinda third wheeling.. " said jimmy And both of them walked out.

I turned to scar. ,, its alright Grian, you couldn't have known "

,, I could of done a better job at protecting you though.. We knew this was coming " my heart was shattering at the fact that other people will be paying for my mistakes.. My doings..

He cupped my cheek with his hand. ,, hey, hey.. Look at me. I'm alive and well! There's no reasons to blame yourself for anything "

i placed my hand over his and I leaned towards his touch.

Even if I know scar for a little time.. I feel a connection towards him. like I'd do so many crazy things for him and his safety..


Word count : 1162

I found a little free time to write a chapter, test week starts at school so i don't know how frequently the uploads are gonna be, but I will finish this book

Anddd I have a sequence for after its done, you might wanna stick around for it, its quite a story!

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