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Grian's POV :

I suddenly woke up, the headache was killing me but then i realized, the room wasn't home.. Where was I?.. I quickly sat and scanned the room. There was a desk, a closet, a door, and a bed which I was sitting on, but none were familiar. I wasn't home.

So where was I?

I looked at the door which started opening and through it walked scar, with jimmy and joel right behind him. When scar saw me awake there was relief in his eyes.

,, you're awake! " yelled Jimmy and jumped on me to give me a hug ,, yeah, good thing he's awake, now don't hug him too hard, we don't want to send him in a coma " Joel smiled.

I stared at scar. ,, no questions? " he asked. ,, none " I smiled. ,, not even like " where am I? " or " what happened "? " ,, nope "

I figured it was scars house since I've been to joel and jimmy's plenty of times. ,, I have a question though " said Joel. ,, ask away " I said.

,, so.. We're kinda skipping over the part that you were knocked out on the floor when we found you, and the bleeding didn't really prove that it was from you being drunk "

,, oh, so that's why I have a killing headache " I forgot I had a little drink.. Or two. ,, you're missing my point " said joel

,, Right, right, uh so " I didn't know how to start this conversation. How do I tell them oh well, you know martyn is a listener and he wants to destroy us

,, alright, as we know I'm a watcher, right? " joel nodded. ,, well martyn may or may not be a listener " I said. ,, are the listeners bad? " asked scar.

,, no. The watchers are " I smirked at him. ,, oh.. " he mumbled. I turned back to joel and continued ,, so now martyn and many others want to get rid of us. "

,, fair enough " Joel replied. ,, eh.. And the listeners get their power from people's wishes, so the bigger the wish, the strong the power "

I could see the realization slowly hitting Joel. ,, so he's more powerful than you? " asked jimmy. ,, probably " I answered.

There was little silentece before joel spoke. ,, alright, we'll leave you to rest Grian, martyn is in our school, so we might have a ruff day tomorrow " he was signing to jimmy for them to leave.

,, bye guys! " I waved them goodbye. Scar went after them to lock the door.

I don't want anything bad happening to joel and jimmy.. But if martyn's plan is to destroy us, its beyond my power to protect them..

Scar came back and closed the door behind me, I bought my knees to my chest and lowered my head in between. I could feel tears forming in my eyes..

And for some reason, I let them out. Tears started falling down my cheeks and wiped them with my sleeve. I felt scar sitting next to me and pulling me close, I turned around and dug myself into his chest.

It felt comforting.

Scar's POV :

I hope he was alright, I had no idea on why he was crying, but I pulled him closer, he turned around and started sobbing on my chest. I rubbed his back in a comforting way.

I've never really looked at his wings from up close. Saying they're beautiful is an understatement.

He lifted his head to look at me, he had slightly puffy eyes and tears rolling down his face. ,, i-I don't want to do this anymore " he stuttered. ,, don't want to do what anymore? " I asked.

,, I don't want to be evil anymore " tears steamed down his face. I brought my hand close to his face and wiped his tears with my sleeve. This sight of him could break my heart into a million pieces.

,, you don't have to be Bad if you don't want to " I said. ,, no scar, you don't understand, they want blood ". ,, who are ,, they?" "

,, The Watchers "

He hugged me tightly, I wasn't sure if I should continue asking questions, but I knew nothing about it, there was no way to help Grian if I didn't know about this topic.

,, unless I do something bad, they won't stop, they speak, like voices, they're like unstoppable records that tell me awful stuff until I do something evil "

He tighten his grip on the hug ,, and now, martyn wants to hurt joel snd jimmy because of me, and the worst part is that I cant even protect them.. "

,, how did you meet jimmy and Joel? " I tried distracting him. ,, oh well " he smiled ,, those idiots saw me bullying a child and they thought it was fun so they joined in " it worked, the sadness was slowly disappearing from his face.

,, Do you wanna know why they're named The Watchers? " he giggled.

,, why? " I asked.

,, because they watch everything, they know everything. " he smirked. ,, everything? " ,, everything. "

,, how did you get chosen by them? " I realized I started asking to many questions..

,, well, I wasn't really one of the chosen ones.. It was more of passed by the family line " he answered. ,, I didn't do anything bad to be chosen, but I had to do some things to shut up the voices "

,, so you have demons in your mind talking to you? " I laughed. ,, basically " he joined in on the laughter. ,, the power can be used in good days as well, but they don't like that, they hated me for that "

,, I wonder why " I rolled my eyes in a joking way. ,, it was useful when you disappeared, i had to keep an eye on you one way or another, I didn't want you dying " he smiled, but I looked at him confused.

,, I remembered something at the party, I remembered when we had a llama named pizza, and I remembered us trying to steal a cookie from someone. "

Him telling me what he remembered slowly brought some of my memories back. ,, I remember monopoly mountain, we had a little house on top of it, we loved it there, we had awesome memories all over the world, until our deaths.. "

,, how did we die? " I asked and shortly after regretted it, his face slowly turned pale. ,, I can't remember " he mumbled. But I could tell he was lying, but it didn't matter, I found out I was with him in

Past lives?

And that was good enough for me.


Word count : 1081

Damn.. They talked a lot.. And i mean A LOT.

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