1.10 ( The end )

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Grian's POV :

,, what kind of a devil is scared of thunder? " scar laughed. ,, THE KIND THATS ME " I turned my head the other way, looking away from him to show I was " mad ".

" But we won't get any candy if we wait any longerrrr " scar whined. It was the end of October, 31th to be exact, it was Halloween!

Me and scar have matching costumes.. In a way. I am dressed as a devil and he's dressed as an angel.. White suits him so well..

When he was coming to mine to pick me up we heard thunder from the distance and I immediately took scar in, he has been whining the whole time he was here, and honestly I want candy too but not at the cost of thunder.

The scarier part is the lightning, when it strunks with such power in it, but that is the scarier part, but I am mostly afraid of the sound.. I really hate the loud bangs, snaps and cracks. No.. I hate those stuff in general.

" listen G, the thunder won't hurt you and we should really get going, when you get scared you can just squeeze my hand "

My head turns towards scar. " If you really wanna go that bad, go by yourself. " i said. " If you'd rather leave me for some candy, go ahread. "

" Grian no.. I'd never choose anything rather than you. I won't leave you but I would love if we could go together "

I hesitated, this fear of mine is stupid.. " okay.. Fine " on half the sentence, if you even can call it that, scars expressed light up. It took so little to make the guy happy and his happiness was priceless.

He crabbed my hand and sprinted through the door " wait! Let me at least close the door " I ran back " BYE MOTHERR AND FATHER " " Bye dear- " I heard as I closed the door and ran back to scar.

,, fancy watch " scar said. " oh.. Thanks! Its actually really.. Fancy? "

Scar laughed to my reply. " no no.. Look " I said tapping the screen and clicking the weather. The weather app opened and protected above the watch in 3D.

" fancy indeed, you can also move the projected stuff " I turned it around, first 90° then 360°. I closed the weather app opened a clock, closed that opened a searching website.

" It even talks and tells me news! But I need to turn that on wait.. " tapping a few times on the screen and clicking a few stuff, I went to settings and turned that ability on.


The voice from the watch spoke. Scars jaw was on the floor from shock. " don't question my parents.. " I laughed which soon he joined in.

We walked on the sidewalk and slowly made our way to the more busy neighborhood. Scar was right, with this large amount of children it would be hard getting any candy.

" we're acting like those little kids.. " While smiling I pointed at two kids that looked like they were 4 years old. They were dressed as the white swan and the black swan " why? " he asked.

" isn't it obvious? " I rolled my eyes jokingly. " besides shouldn't we leave the younger kids to get more candy? " I look at scar. " but.. Candy.. We're kids too "

" fair. " I grabbed scar by his hand and dragged him towards a house where we were going to trick or treat at. We climbed the few stairs and we were faced with a door, I rang the bell.

" Trick or treat " we said as the door opened. " hello kids! Oo nice outfits " ,, thanks " scar replied. " we sadly ran out of candy.. uh.. Wait here " the man disappeared into his house.

After a few minutes the man came back with fruits in his hands " we ran out of candy so uh.. Heres fruits " he put them in our baskets " thanks sir " we turned to leave " have a happy Halloween! " " you two kids! "

We visited a few more houses and everyone had excuses to give us fruits, some said " you kids are too old for candy " or " fruits are healthier than candy, and as older kids you should know that "

I'm starting to think they are all making a plan to trick everyone into having fruits instead of candy this Halloween.

Thunder still can be heard from the distance and I grab scars hand and squeeze it. " you alright, Grian? " He asked worried.

,, yeah.. " I answered quietly. Suddenly scar pulled me close and hugged me. " Grian, I need to tell you something "

" I'm listening "

" From the moment I saw you and first talked to you I feel in love with everything bit of you, starting a friendship and being friends was the best decision I've ever made. "

He looked into my eyes, they shined brighter than the sun, his emerald green eyes stared at my ocean blue eyes as he continued.

" I didn't think it was possible loving you any more than I already did, but getting to know you better just made me fall even more deeply in love with you "

Rain drops started falling from the sky onto us. " Grian.. Would you make me the happiest person on this planet and be my boyfriend? "

I nodded several time before I could finally say yes, scar leaned in and kissed me and I didn't hold back and kissed him back.

After some time we broke the kiss " Grian.. I love youuuu sooooo muchhh " he said as he played with my hair " I love you more angel " I smirked and we kissed again.

And at this moment everything felt like it was in the right place, just right.<3

[ The End ]


Sequel :

First, I wanted to say thank you all so much for reading my story/s and for all the understanding, love and support!

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First, I wanted to say thank you all so much for reading my story/s and for all the understanding, love and support!

Second, this is the first ( of many ) stories that I've finished, which makes me very excited!

Third, this is the end to this story, a beginning to the new one.

Forth, happy birthday to me!

Remember you are loved, stay safe and I hope to see you in other stories!<3

Goodbye! ( but not forever<3 )

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