1st Chapter

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Mr. Johnson walked slowly towards my table with a few white sheets on his right hand. He was giving us the tests that we had done yesterday. Math was definitely not my best subject ... I hadn't passed a single test in two years! Slightly my fault, but Mr. Johnson wasn't doing a very good job as a teacher either.

He was now just inches away from me and I could already smell the breath of alcohol and old age coming from his mouth. I'm pretty sure he's older than my grandfather and that's saying a lot since he's eighty.

"Another F miss Anderson." Well, thank you captain obvious...

He looked like a mad and disappointed with life Santa Claus. He placed my test on top of my table, on the superior right corner a big, red F was written. I flinched at the thought of my parents' reaction once they found out I had failed again.

They were going to yell at me so much... Tonight I probably won't be able to sleep well.

I was an excellent student in every single one of my other subjects! EVERY SINGLE ONE! Except for math. And that was not acceptable where I lived. 'Be good at everything or don't even bother doing nothing.' That's what my dad tells me every morning before I leave home for school.

"Well, as you can see your grades are improving slowly, but steady. With the exception of a few students, of course." Mr. Johnson looked directly at me when he said the last part. A few students started laughing quietly at the disapproving look the old man was giving me.

"I'm sure you'll get even better, however I'm afraid you won't get better in my presence anymore. I'm leaving today." My eyes widened at his words.

"What?! For good? " I asked a bit too loudly than I probably should, but in my defense the man that I have hated since freshman year is finally disappearing from my life!

"Yes, miss Anderson. Not that it's any of your business, but I was offered a better position in another school."

"Oh that's so sad, I'm going to miss your classes a lot."

"I can imagine... Especially with that grin on your face."

I hadn't noticed I was smiling like an idiot until that comment came out of his mouth, but screw that! I don't have to put up with him anymore!

The bell rang and all the students quickly got out of the classroom. It was time to eat! My favorite part of the day.

"Oh my God, have you heard?" Samantha, my best friend, asked enthusiastically as she sat down on our table. Yes, our table. We were popular enough to have our own table at the cafeteria and no one dared to seat on it.

Samantha, or Sammy as I call her, was amazing! In every sense of the word. Stunning and funny were the most suitable words to describe her. Those and loud.

"Heard what?" I asked genuinely not knowing what she was talking about.

She rolled her eyes at my question, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Hello? Mr. Johnson is leaving and a new teacher is coming to take his place." She answered in a 'duhh' tone of voice.

I gave her a look that said 'And?'

"I heard that he's super hot, AND he's the principal's son!"

I nearly choked on the juice I was drinking with the news. The principal's son? Mr. Adams was probably on his late fifties or early sixties, so I guess it's possible that he has an older son. But hot? I doubt anything could turn out hot with those genes in its DNA.

"I know, right?! Maybe you'll finally pass math now." Sammy was joking, but that could actually happen. Without Mr. Johnson in my way, I could finally have a decent grade.

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