11th Chapter

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I groaned in frustration at the thought of having to spend another two hours in this hell hole called school. Good thing my parents weren't home, I hope. They said they would come after Monday so... yeah you never know.

"Hello? Are you even listening to me?" Sammy said annoyed.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something else..." I said.

"Yeah, whatever. Are you coming to my house tonight?"

"Can't. Detention." Sammy's eyes widened at my words.

"You? Detention? Are you sure you haven't switched bodies with an alien or something?" Why it is that no one believes that I can break the rules now and then? I wasn't that much of a saint.

"Ah-ah. Very funny. I hit Justin and Mr. Adams caught me... So now I have to spend two hours in a room with him." I said closing my locker.

The bell had rang a few minutes ago letting us know that we were free to go and do whatever teenagers do. But not me. I was stuck here because I had touched a guy, with just cause, a little bit harsher than I should.

"Well, he did deserved it. No one has the right to hurt my best friend." Sammy gave me a sympathetic smile. She knew how much all of this actually hurt me.

I always thought Justin was a sweetheart. The perfect guy to have kids one day or at least be in a relationship with. When he acted like that Saturday, it was a real slap in the face. I never imagined my first boyfriend would do this to me. And yes, he was my first boyfriend.

Sure, I've been with other guys, but I've always thought that a romantic relationship was something serious. Something that I should only have with the right person. Look where that got me.

I gave Sammy a smile of my own "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. I have to go now." She nodded and I headed to Charlie's classroom.

I got in without knocking since the door was already opened.

"You're late." Charlie said without even glancing at me, which pissed me off a bit.

I sat on the first seat in the front row, right in front of him and crossed my legs. There was no one else in the classroom so I figured that I might as well use this time for my advantage.

"God, no. I can't be. I'm still a virgin." He immediately looked at me with wide eyes and I winked at him. He smirked at me and slowly got up from his seat.

"Is that so?" He said in a seductively.

I slowly nodded my head as he came closer to where I was. He leaned down and I could feel his breath brushing my lips. "Never took you as the good girl type of person."

I stared at his eyes for couple of seconds and then I got up quickly. I headed to his desk and sat on his chair putting my legs on top of the desk. I noticed a frame on top of it that caught my attention.

In the picture was a woman with black hair and blue eyes. She was gorgeous. She was covering her smile with her hand and Charlie was carrying her in his arms. They looked so happy together. He had something in his eyes in that picture that he didn't have now.

"Who's this?" I asked grabbing the picture so I could have a closer look at it.

I looked up as he came closer to me. His body tensed up at the mention of the picture. He cleared his throat and it was obvious that something about it upset him. "It's none of your business. Now go to your seat and shut up." He ordered.

"What is wrong with you?" I said harshly as I stood up. "First you're all nice and sweet and now you're acting like a jerk!"

"You're one to talk! You were such a nice person and now every time you talk to me you act like a slut!" He shouted.

I flinched at his words. I didn't know how to respond to that. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, but I couldn't hold them back. For some reason what he said really affected me.

"Amanda, I'm so- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that!" He placed his hands in each one of my arms trying to make me look up.

"Whatever." I grabbed my purse and left the classroom not giving a shit about detention anymore.

I just wanted to go home and cry in my room without anyone around. This thing of being a bitch didn't protect me as much as I thought it would.

Charlie's P.O.V.

I'm such an asshole.

Such a fucking asshole.

I can't believe I said those words to Amanda. I didn't mean any of it. I was just scared because of her question.

"Who's this?" She asked.

I didn't know how to respond her. I didn't want to tell her who the girl in the picture was, because if I did I would have to go back to the darkest moment of my life.

When she left I sat on my chair and stared at that picture. All the memories of me and Sarah started flooding my mind. Three years ago we took that picture.


I was watching TV and eating popcorn like I always did on Fridays when my front door opened with a loud bang. My eyes shot open towards the door.

"Charlie! Get your ass out of that couch! We are going camping!" Sarah shouted enthusiastically as she ran to the couch where I was. She jumped and landed on top of me.

"Get off of me, you elephant!" I said jokingly. I grabbed her by the waist and spun us around. Now she was laying underneath me and I was on top of her. Our faces mere inches away from touching.

She kissed the tip of my nose and bit her lip. Her blue eyes were sparkling like they always did when we were together. I was completely in love with this woman and I wasn't afraid to let everyone know.

I gently kissed her lips. "Hello." I said with a smile.

"Hello." She bit her lip, her cheeks starting to turn a different shade of pink. Even after 5 years of dating she still blushed when we were this close.

"Come on! We have to go now!" She said trying to push me away. But with no success.

"What do we say?"

"Please?" She said in a childish voice. She was so adorable.

I chuckled and moved away from her, letting her sit straight. "Camping? Was that what you were saying?"

"Yes! Let's go, Charlie! I know the most amazing place ever and I really want you to see it! Plus, I already have a tent, clothes and toilet paper." She whined.

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" I turned the TV off and stood up, she did the same and we headed to my car. I locked the front door and so we began our little trip.

That's what I loved so much about Sarah, she made me do things that I never thought I'd do. Take this situation as an example. I've only been camping once or twice in my entire life and I was definitely not thinking about doing it again, but here I was, driving to God knows where with this girl by my side to go camping.

About an hour and a half later we arrived to this beautiful place. It had lots of green grass and big trees and in the middle there was a huge lake. It was just perfect.

"Ok, let's take a picture." I said. I wanted to remember this moment forever in my memory. I placed the camera on the branch of a tree and set the timer for 20 seconds.

She was smiling at the camera, and then I picked her up just in time for the flash to appear. She loved that picture just as much as I did.

"Hey Sarah?" I said still holding her in my arms.


I stared at her blue eyes intensely. "Will you marry me?"

*end of flashback*

Tears started rolling down my eyes and I broke down. I couldn't take the fact that I had lost her. The fact that I was never getting Sarah back and that there was nothing that I could do about it.

I lost the love of my life, and now I'm afraid I might never find happiness again.

Picture of the Photograph ------------->

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