2nd Chapter

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Beep beep beep

I woke up startled by the sound of my alarm clock. It was now 6:00 a.m and I had only been able to fall asleep two hours ago. So, no. It wasn't a good night.

Despite how sleepy I was feeling I got up, but immediately sat down again. My whole body was aching.

"Hurry up, sweetheart!" I heard my mom say from outside my bedroom. I quickly took a hot shower which helped a lot with the aching I was feeling. Then I picked out an outfit that consisted in black tight jeans, a flowy, spaghetti strap, light blue shirt, a white jacket and my favorite black high heeled boots. I was a true fashionista and no one could take that title away from me.

After applying a bit of makeup, I was officially ready to go eat a nutritious breakfast. And by nutritious I mean chocolate cereals with lots of milk.

When I entered the kitchen, both my parents were already there eating. My dad was reading the newspaper and drinking his coffee as usual and my mom was washing the plate she had used to put her peanut butter sandwich on. They were creatures who loved and strictly followed their routines and that is why I know exactly what they eat at every meal.

After I finished my cereals and washed my bowl and spoon I was ready to drive to school.

Usually, Justin picks me up in the morning so I don't have to drive, but he texted me this morning saying that he couldn't come today. I guess he's still mad about yesterday. I can't really blame him, though.

"Bye Mom" I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Dad." I did the same to him.

None of them said goodbye or even spare a glance towards me, but it was okay. I was used to it, and maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. At least I don't have those super clingy parents who won't let me breathe on my own.

I drove calmly to school. I couldn't get another speeding ticket or else my dad would freak out and that is something I don't want to happen.

I looked at my face in the small mirror that I had in my purse and winced at my reflection. I had huge dark circles under my eyes (not all the makeup in the world could cover those up), and a huge bruise on the upper corner of my right eye. What was I going to tell everyone?

When I arrived to school everything looked just like it did yesterday, except that I wasn't with Justin in the car and that needed to change immediately.

I got out of the car and spotted him next to a group of jocks that he sometimes hanged out with.

"Justin!" I called him. When he saw me, a smile appeared on his face and he started walking towards me.

"Hi." He hugged me and then analyzed my face making me feel self-conscious about the way I looked. "What happened to you?" He asked concerned.

"Oh, not much. I fell down the stairs last night." I chuckled at myself and he immediately relaxed a bit. "I want to talk to you."

"Okay, what is it?" he said calmly.

"Do you remember the conversation we had yesterday?"

"Yeah, Amanda you d-" I cut him off before he could say anything else. I needed to get this off my chest while I still had the courage to do it.

"You're right. I mean, we should be boyfriend and girlfriend. No one makes me feel the way that you do and I don't know what am I so afraid of when it comes to dating, but I'm sure I want to get rid of that fear with you." I admitted.

I meant every single word that I said. Justin was a great guy and he deserved someone who wasn't afraid to put a label on their relationship and I wanted to be that person. Nothing would change, we already acted like a couple and everyone thought we were one.

A huge grin appeared on his face and he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and started spinning me around.

He then put me down and leaned over pressing his lips against mine.

I am not a fan of PDA, but right now I couldn't care less about what others might think, my boyfriend is kissing me and I'm loving it.

We pulled away a few seconds after. We were both out of breath by the intensity of that kiss. Sure we had kissed before, but nothing like this one. This kiss had so much emotion behind it that was almost scary.

"Now that's a kiss." a voice came from behind me and I immediately turned around to face Sammy who was staring at us with a silly grin plastered all over her face.

"Well, isn't that what a boyfriend and girlfriend are supposed to do?" I said with an innocent smile.

Sammy's eyes widened and her mouth dropped in surprise. She knew I had commitment issues and that was the only reason keeping me and Justin to become a couple. After so many months of her nagging me about it, we were finally together.

She shrieked with excitement as she pulled me into a tight hug. Not just any tight hug, this one was a proper suffocating hug and in seconds I would be out of air and eventually dead.

Yes, I'm a drama queen, but that's all just part of the charm.

"I'm so happy for you two! Finally you guys are official!" She was literally shouting every word that came out of her mouth. But I didn't care. That way everyone would know that Justin is no longer available.

We all burst out laughing at Sammy's excitement. This girl had way too much energy.

"Wait, what the hell happened to your face?" Damn it! I honestly thought she wouldn't notice it...

"What happened to yours?" I said with a fake horrified look.

"AH AH... Very funny. I'm serious." That she really was. I hated when Sammy was serious.

"I fell down the stairs last night" I said like it was the most common thing in the world.

Justin cleared his throat not letting Sammy say another word. I was glad he did that. Sammy didn't seem convinced by what I had said, neither did Justin, but Sammy wasn't like him. No, she would ask more and more questions, unlike Justin who just lets it go.

That is one of the things I love about him. He knows when he should or shouldn't talk about things and for that I'm grateful.

"We should go. You wouldn't want to be late for your next class, now would you?" Justin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and I gave him a confused look.

That was until realization struck my brain and a loud 'OHHH' left my mouth. The new math teacher! I had math in the morning today.

He snorted and placed his arm over my shoulders leading the way. Sammy still had a bit of seriousness in her face, but was soon replaced by a grin.

Instead of telling me that I shouldn't seduce my new teacher because it was wrong, like any other normal friend would do, Sammy encouraged me to do so.

Sammy went to her class and Justin walked me to mine.

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you doing this, Amanda..." he said in a low tone of voice.

"Trust me, okay?" I gave him a warm smile. "I probably won't even do it. He's probably just like a mini version of Mrs. Johnson and I will be so repulsed by him that I won't even want to look at him."

He laughed at what I said and gave me a small kiss on the lips before leaving for his own class.

I walked in and the teacher was already inside. He turned around to face me as I stood still in the middle of the way.

Jesus Christ, I was completely wrong about this new teacher.

Charlie's Picture -------->

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