7th Chapter

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After I handed Caleb a bag with ice I rushed to the bathroom to see if I could find the band aid that he had asked me. Usually that's where people keep their first aid stuff right?

Charlie was still laughing his butt off, so I could forget any help from him...

First door on the left? Nop; that was a room.

Second door on the left? Bingo! Basically, Caleb's apartment was like this: you enter the front door which was located on the living room, then there was a huge glass door that separated the big living room from a long corridor; at the end of the corridor was the kitchen and then four other doors on the left and two on the right. The last door on the right was Caleb's room; the first on the left was another room, the second a bathroom and I have no idea what the other three were.

I entered the bathroom and started opening the cabinets until I found what I was looking for. I opened a small bag with a red cross painted on it and immediately spotted the band aids.

I returned to the kitchen where Caleb was pressing the ice against his eye and Charlie was sitting calmly on a chair just looking at his brother with a smile.

"Here, let me help you." Caleb's eyes widened a bit when I came closer to him. I can't blame him though, the poor guy must think that I want to murder him or something.

"Thanks." Caleb said after I placed the band aid on his forehead. I gave him an apologetic smile once again.

An awkward silence took over the kitchen. "Uhm... I should probably go. Thanks for everything and once again I am so sorry for what happened earlier."

I turned around but was quickly stopped by a grip on my arm. "Wait, I need to talk to you about something." Caleb had a serious face and when I looked over at Charlie he did too. I was starting to get nervous about this whole conversation, but still I nodded and he led me to his room.

I sat on his bed as he closed the door and sat on a chair. I gulped preparing myself for whatever it was that Caleb was going to say.

"As you might know, I brought you here last night." I nodded and he continued. "What you might also know is that I was the one you changed your clothes."

My eyes widened at his mention of seeing my body without clothes on. I know I wasn't completely naked, but I was still way too exposed.

"You had bruises all over your body, Amanda." His voice has extremely serious and to be completely honest, it kind of freaked me out a bit.

"Yeah, I fell down the stairs a couple of nights a go... That's why I also have a bruise here." I pointed at the corner of my eyebrow with the most confident look I could possibly give.

I could see by the look on his face that he wasn't buying it. I wasn't the best liar. I was a terrible liar, actually.

I let go of a sigh and prepared myself to do what I always did in moments like this. "Look, you barely know me, so don't give that judgmental look that you have plastered on your face right now, 'cause that's not okay." I got up quickly and grabbed my purse which was still on the same chair that it was when I woke up. "It's always easy to assume the worst in every situation, but when someone tells you that that's not the case you're supposed to believe in them. And honestly, I gave you no reasons not to believe in me and I'm kind of hurt that you doubt my words. But that's fine, it's not like we're friends or something. So I'm leaving now and hopefully we won't see each other ever again. Bye." With that I stepped out of the room and headed to the front door. I gave one last look at Charlie who by the shocked look on his face clearly heard the whole conversation and left.

When I was safely outside the building I let out a deep sigh and immediately felt bad about it all. But what could I do? It's better this way... As for Charlie, the game was still on and I still needed that good grade.

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