4th Chapter

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"So... Are you sure about flirting with Mr. Adams?" Sammy asked while looking at a couple of dresses that she was holding.

"I think so... I mean, it would be a massive challenge, right?"

"Yeah, and it might get you in massive trouble as well..." She said raising her eyebrows, giving me the 'I'm warning you' look.

"I thought you were cool with me doing this!" I said. She sounded so excited about it before...

"Well I did, but I think it was just the first time I heard it. Now that I gave it a thought, I don't think you should do it. Besides, you're dating Justin now."

I knew Sammy was right, but then again, some mistakes just demand to be made. And I really wanted to make this one.

I and Sammy walked around the mall for about 3 hours and I was getting tired by now. I'm not really a shopping for hours and hour's person. Sure, I like to buy some clothes and everything, but I hate having to spend more time than necessary in this type of buildings.

"Can we go now?" I whined as my best friend held a red dress in front of me.

"Sure! After you try this on." She threw the dress at me and I took one glance at it.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. It was stunning! I grinned at Sammy.

"Hey, if you're really doing the whole seducing thing, you might as well look hot as fire." She said giving me a wink.

I quickly got inside the dressers to try my new dress on and guess what? It looked amazing. It glued to my body perfectly and ended an inch before my knee. I looked hot in it.

I stepped out of the dresser still wearing the dress and Sammy had basically the same reaction as I did. Of course I didn't scream when I saw myself in the mirror like her, but I was just as excited as she was.


I'm bored.

Really, really bored.

Boredom has consumed my body.

I had dropped Sammy at her house a few hours ago and now I was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling doing nothing but that.

My parents weren't home for the weekend. At least that was what the note they left me said.

Amanda, we had a work emergency and for that reason we had to leave without saying goodbye. We will not return until Monday at least, although we're not sure of the exact date of our arrival. We left you money for a couple of weeks just as a precaution. Do not call us if it's not an emergency. Bye, sweetheart.

I was used to them being gone without a previous warn and for long periods of time. Once they left and only came back two months later. I don't really mind if I'm being completely honest, at least I get to sleep well while they're gone.

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