10th Chapter

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The day was going well until lunch time came...

I was heading to the cafeteria to meet up with Sammy when I felt a grip on my arm. I immediately turned around to see who I was going to kill and for my surprise (not) I found Justin looking at me.

"We need to talk." He said sternly.

"We don't have anything to say to each other except for goodbye." I gave him an innocent smile and released myself from his grip.

"Amanda please! I'm really sorry for what happened... I wish I could take it back! I promise I will never hurt you again. I was angry and wasn't thinking right, please forgive me." I could see in his eyes that he was being honest and he really did regret it, but I know that he would do it again without thinking twice.

Because that's what always happens. They beat you up, they beg you for your forgiveness and then they do it again. Doesn't matter how sorry they are after they've done it, they will repeat it. And I will not let him do it again, at least not to me.

"Oh fuck off." His eyes widened in shock at my words. "What?" I snapped.

"You never cuss."

"Well I do now. Goodbye." I started to walk away. I can't believe I was going to lose my precious lunch time because of this asshole.

"No." He spun me around making me stumble a bit. That was it. I was mad.

I stepped on his foot with all the strength I had and when he bent down in pain I punched him right in the nose. He groaned loudly in pain and a huge smirk appeared on my face. That will teach him not to mess with me.

"Miss Anderson, I'll see you in the detention after school." I heard someone say. I knew that voice too well... Charlie.

I turned around to face him with a shocked look. I didn't know he was right behind me, otherwise I wouldn't never hit Justin! He handed me a pink note that had the word 'detention' in big black letters written on it.

I groaned in frustration. When I looked up I was surprised to see the expression on Charlie's face. He was... Amused?

He then left leaving me there alone with Justin still holding his bleeding nose tightly. I thought Charlie would help Justin and take him to the nurse's office, but I guess he likes him just as much as I do now.

Charlie's P.O.V.

I had just left my last class of the day and was finally ready to go home and relax. I had nothing else to do here today, or at least that's what I thought.

I heard a harsh 'no' coming from around the corner and immediately headed there. Whoever said it didn't seem very happy with whatever it was that was going on.

And that's when I saw Amanda beating up this guy. I know I should've stopped her right after she stepped on the guy's foot, but I didn't want to. I recognized the guy. He was the same one who hit Amanda on Saturday, so yeah he deserved it. He deserved so much worse than just a bleeding nose.

But as a teacher, it was my job to give her a detention. Not that I minded doing that since I was in charge of supervising the kids in detention this week and no one else got a detention today besides her.


I'm sorry that this chapter is sooooo tiny, but I clicked on 'publish' by mistake and now I have no idea how to undo it... But don't worry, I'll try to publish a big chapter tomorrow!

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