16th Chapter

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Hey, where are you? I need you...

Helloo, should I report you as a missing person?

Now I'm getting really worried Sammy. Come on, it's not funny anymore.

And those texts were followed by many others with a similar contend. I hadn't heard from Sammy the whole weekend, today was Monday and I was officially freaking out. If she doesn't respond to any of my texts or calls by the end of the day, I'm going to call her dad.

I just hope nothing bad happened. This last few days have been nothing but a huge disappointment. The only good thing was that my dad has been in a good mood lately, probably because I'm in a shitty mood. Charlie's words haven't left my mind and now that I can't get a hold on Sammy my anxiety has reached dangerous levels.

I arrived at school and was immediately greeted by Justin. "Hello, gorgeous." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Do you want me to hit you again?" I kept on walking hoping that he would get the hint that I wasn't in the mood to put up with his crap, but of course he didn't.

"You know I'm not giving up on you, right?" He said grabbing my forearm tightly. I looked at him giving him a warning look.

"Is there a problem here?" A male voice came from behind us. As soon as I saw the person I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"What is this? Asshole day?" I said in a low tone of voice, but loud enough so both Charlie and Justin would hear.

"What was that Miss Anderson?" Charlie said with raised eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and released myself from Justin's grip. "It was nothing Mr. Adams, me and my girlfriend were just having an innocent conversation." Justin said looking at me from head to toe with a smirk.

I snorted. "You have the imagination of a two year old." I snapped and made my way to my first class. There was no way I would miss another class due to any of those two, I had already fallen behind and I just couldn't afford having any more bad grades.

The day went by pretty slowly and now I was finally heading to my locker to pick up some books before I leave. Justin kept trying to speak to me but I would always find a way to ignore him. Today was definitely not a good day. Sammy still hadn't said anything and I just couldn't wait any longer.

I pressed Sammy's dad's number and waited. After the second ring he answered. "Hello?" I could tell by his voice that something wasn't right.

"Hello, Mr. McCaine. This is Amanda, I was calling because I'm worried about Sammy. I haven't heard from her in a few days and I was hoping you could tell me if everything was okay." I was straight to the point.

"Oh. Uhm... I thought she had told you." He sighed. "Amanda, Sammy's in the hospital. She- she has cancer." His words caught me completely of guard and I could move for what seemed like ages. "I'm really sorry, Amanda. But if you'd like to visit her, I wouldn't mind giving you a ride. I'm sure she'd appreciate it. "

I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "I'd love to do that. Thank you, sir." I said with a shaky voice before I hung up.

Tears were falling down my face, but I couldn't care less. My best friend had cancer and I wasn't there to give her my support. What kind of a best friend was I? I quickly gathered all my books from my locker and headed to my car, cleaning the tears in the process.

I stepped inside my car and drove home. I wanted to clean myself up before Sammy's dad gave me a ride. I didn't want her to see me break down, I needed to be strong for her. I needed to be her best friend, the best friend that she deserved.

I went to my room and thank God my parents weren't home. I don't think they would not let me go see Sammy if I explained to them what was going on, but with those two you never know. I just couldn't risk it. I quickly washed my face and picked up the teddy bear that was on top of my bed. And no, it wasn't the one Charlie had given me. That one was safely hidden in my closet.

I heard the sound of Sammy's dad's car parking and I rushed downstairs. I got in his car. "Hi, thanks for driving me." I said.

"No problem. I think she'll be really excited to see another face then mine." He chuckled and I smiled at him.

The drive was quick since the hospital was near my house. As we walked through all those doors with patients inside of them, my heart clenched even more. I just didn't know if I was prepared for what was coming. I needed to be.

Suddenly, Mr McCain stopped in front of a white door and his body tensed up. "Well, this is it. Just, please, be careful with your words. She's a bit... sensitive." I nodded and he opened the door letting me in.

Sammy looked exhausted and overall sick. Her skin was white as paper and she had a scarf placed around her head. A bunch of tubes and machines surrounded her. She slowly looked up and her eyes widen a bit before a smile was formed on her lips. I smiled back at her and rushed to her side.

"Hey you! How's it going? I said as enthusiastically as I could.

"I'm just... you know... I've seen better days. I'm sorry I didn't tell you right after I found out, I just couldn't find the strength in me to do it." she looked away, probably feeling embarrassed.

I grabbed her hand tightly and when she looked at me I gave her a warm smile. "I will always be here for you. You are my sister from different parents." She laughed. A genuine laugh.

I and Sammy talked for hours about everything and anything, until she asked me the only question I was dreading. "What's happening with you and Charlie?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And nothing will ever happen between me and him. He said it himself." I looked down not wanting to face her shocked expression. The same expression I had when he said those words.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I don't really know. Saturday I woke up and he was lying on the floor and then my parents arrived and for some reason we got both got locked up in my bathroom and then we had a fight and he said that he would never have anything with me." Tears were now threatening to fall. " I don't even remember how he got in my house."

"Oh, that's probably my fault. I called him Friday night after I found out about my disease for him to make sure you arrived home safely. You were just too drunk to be trusted on your own." She explained.

Now everything made sense. But that still didn't erase his words from my memory. "I know he's lying." Sammy said.


"About not having anything with you. I know he likes you, he cares so much about you Amanda." She said.

"And how would you know about that?"

"Because of the way he immediately went to rescue you Friday night when I called him, because of the way he looks at you, for kissing you and Caleb says he doesn't talk about anything else with him besides you. Are does enough reasons for you to believe in me?" she asked.

"Then why did he say that he would never have anything with me?" Even if Sammy was right I don't think I would be able to let him in my life. The last time I did that I got slapped. I think that's a sign from God warning me not to get close to any masculine figures.

"I really don't know." Sammy grabbed my hand and I smiled at her.

"Wait? How would you know that he only talks about me with Caleb?" Sammy immediately started to blush. "Oh my God! You are so into him!" I shrieked with excitement.

"Shhh! Even if I did like him, I could never have anything with him... It would be selfish of me to drag him into all of this." The sadness in her eyes was heartbreaking. Sammy didn't deserve this. She deserved to be happy.

"Does he know?" I asked cautiously.

She shook her head. "No, I couldn't tell him either. In fact, you are the only one who knows, so feel special." She forced a smile in my direction, but I knew she was about to cry.

I hugged her carefully, not wanting to hurt her. "Now darling, we need to do something with that hideous scarf." I said pointing at the one in her head. She laughed.

"Can you buy me one, please?" I laughed and gave her another hug.

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