12th Chapter

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It's been almost over an hour and my tears were finally starting to dry. I looked like a mess. My eyes were all red and puffy and my nose was the same color as Rudolph's the reindeer.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, making me jump startled at the loud sound. Who could that be? My parents have the key, so it couldn't be them.

I rushed downstairs and opened the door. It weren't my parents. It wasn't anyone. A huge teddy bear was sitting at my porch with a bunch of balloons wrapped around its wrist. 'I'm sorry, I'm a jerk' was written in them. There was also a shopping bag on its lap.

"What the-" I whispered to myself.

I looked around and since no one was there, I took all that stuff inside and into my room. Creepy.

I opened the shopping bad and took a dress out. It was my dress! The one I used Friday night and that had stayed at Caleb's. I had totally forgotten about it. A paper was attached to the bag.

Amanda, I am a jerk. And I should have never called you that, firstly because I didn't mean it and secondly, because you are definitely not one. You are an amazing girl. I'm very very sorry for everything.

P.S.: Here's the dress I was supposed to give you. Sorry for being such a jerk.

I couldn't help but to smile at his note. Of course I wouldn't let him know that he was forgiven. Hell no! He would have to try so much harder than a simple teddy bear and a note. Oh and balloons.

None the less, it was still a sweet gesture.


"He did what?!" Sammy shouted.

"Shhhh! Keep it down!" I tried to shut her up, which was pretty much impossible.

I had just told her about everything that had happened yesterday and she was way too excited about it.

"Oh my God! He totally likes you." I looked at her like if she had grown another head. There was no way that Charlie liked me.

"You're delusional. Besides, I don't want him to like me. I just need him to want to be with me, so I can have a good grade. I don't need or want a relationship with anyone." I closed my locker and hugged my books against my chest.

"Hum Hum, whatever you say." Sammy said jokingly. I rolled my eyes at her.

Sammy left me at my class and then headed to hers. Oh joy, math was my first period of the day. I sighed deeply before walking inside. Charlie was already sitting behind his desk and there were only a few students inside.

I sat on one of the seats on the back of the classroom and when I looked up Charlie was already staring at me with a thoughtful look on his face. I gave him a look of my own. It was a mixture of 'What?' with 'I'm still mad, so stop looking at me you ass'. He chuckled.

As more people started to arrive, Charlie stood up from his chair. "Well, good morning class."

"Good morning Mr. Adams." Everyone said in union.

"Today we are going to talk about equations." Everyone groaned, but he simply ignored.

An hour and a half later the bell rang, signaling the end of this torture. They say that nowadays torturing people is illegal, but have they ever seen these classes? I strongly believe that if they did, they wouldn't say that torture doesn't exist anymore.

"Miss Anderson, can I please talk to you for a minute?" Charlie said just as I was about to leave the classroom.

I slowly got closer to his desk and stood there in silence as he finished writing something down. Since he was starting to take a little longer than I could wait I decided that it was the perfect time to clear my throat.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I wanted to inform you that I have spoken to the principle and he doesn't agree with me being your tutor." He said calmly.

"So? He's your dad. Talk him into it. I really need a good grade, Mr. Adams."

"Mr. Adams?" He said with a hint of disappointment on his voice.

"Isn't that your last name?" I asked in a duhh tone.

"You used to call me Charlie."

"Yeah, and you used to call me slut." I gave him a fake smile and left his classroom. When I heard him punch the table I smirked in triumph.

The hallway was almost empty when I finally reached my locker to grab the books that I needed for my next class. Guess, I was going to be late today... Great, another detention. Please note the heavy sarcasm.

Suddenly I began to hear footsteps and I started to panic. There was no one in the hallway now and all the teachers were in their classrooms. Please don't be a murderer, please don't be a murderer. I should probably stop watching so many horror movies.

I started walking faster, and now I could even feel a presence behind me, but I was too afraid to look back. I walked even faster, but the person behind me did the same. When I turned the corner I felt an arm pulling me by my waist and dragging me inside the janitor's closet.

I gasped and closed my eyes tightly, preparing myself for the worst. When I felt a hand gently lifting my chin up, I opened my eyes reluctantly and when I saw Charlie looking at me with a worried face I started hitting him as hard as I could in his arms and chest.

"You asshole! You scared the living poop out of me!" I half shouted half whispered.

He started laughing, making me hit him even more even though I knew that wasn't hurting him at all. He grabbed my wrists, making me stop and look at his beautiful brown eyes.

I gulped at how close we were. The janitor's closet was designed for only a person to be there and there was two of us now, so you can imagine how close we really were.

"I ha-have to-to go." I stammered. Damn it! Now he's going to know that I'm nervous.

He smirked. "Do I make you nervous?"

"N-no." Yeah, very convincing Amanda...

He got even closer to me and now our lips would touch if one of us moved even just a bit. "Are you sure?" He whispered.

I didn't respond. How could I really? This guy was making me feel something weird. Something that I had never felt before. It was like if something in my stomach was alive. Also my heart was beating extremely fast.

I bit my lip, trying to control myself from kissing him right there. But this time, it had nothing to do with math, I wanted to kiss him just because my whole body was demanding it. It was demanding his kiss.

"Don't do that." He said shaky.

"Do what?"

"Bite your lip." He said quickly looking at my lips.

"Why not?"

"Because you make me want to do something that I can't." He gulped.

I bit my lip teasingly. All of a sudden, one of his arms wrapped around my waist and he placed his other hand behind my head and he crashed his lips against mine. The kiss was so passionate, so demanding yet so sweet.

As our tongues began to dance with each other I let go of a moan without even realizing it. I could feel the smirk forming on his lips, but I didn't care. All I cared about now was how much I wanted Charlie.

A few seconds later we pulled apart. He rested his forehead against mine as he stared deeply into my eyes. We were both breathing heavily.

"This was a mistake. I'm sorry." I said before coming out of the closet. Bad time for a joke, but I couldn't help it.

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