6th Chapter

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Okay... so what just happened? How could I be so wrong about a person? I really thought that seducing Mr. Adams, or Charlie, would be easy. Why can't it be easy?

The roar of my stomach snapped me out of my thoughts, I was really hungry. Might as well give this food a use, right?

As I ate my delicious breakfast, I heard someone laughing quite loudly if I may say. I looked up to see an extremely amused Charlie leaning by the door.

"What?" I said. But of course I had to have food in my mouth and look like a total pig. Let's just say I wasn't the classiest eater in the world... Heck! I've been told I turned into an animal when I was hungry.

"You do realize that the food isn't going anywhere, right?" He asked rhetorically and I couldn't help but to look down with embarrassment.

In my defense I thought I was alone in Caleb's room! Charlie left me here, so I simply assumed that I was going to have some privacy.

I swallowed the remains of food that I still had in my mouth and then stared at him waiting for some sort of explanation as why he was here.

"I just came to let you know that I have spoken to Caleb and he's going to be here in an hour or so. He said that he wanted to talk to you, so don't go anywhere until he gets back, okay?" I nodded.

"Anyways, I have to go somewhere. But stay!" He said in a demanding voice.

"Woof." I barked, at least made an attempt of it.

He rolled his eyes, but the smile on his lips showed that he was amused. Jerk.

I finished eating and as soon as I heard a door slamming I got out of Caleb's bed. I walked a little bit around and stopped in front of a full-length mirror.

I was only wearing a T-shirt! Sure, I had my underwear on and the shirt was so big that just ended slightly above my knees, but still! Someone, who I presumed to be Caleb, undressed me last night and I had no memory of that event. Oh God... what if we? I mean, me and Caleb, you know? Poop! What am I going to tell Justin if what I'm thinking turns out to be true? Sorry, I got drunk and cheated on you with my hot teacher's twin brother one day after we started dating. Yeah... I don't think so.

The sound of a loud thunder made me jump. I immediately turned around to find my purse on a chair. That thunder was coming out of my phone. I always loved weird ringtones and when I found this one I thought it was perfect. But now I'm kind of regretting it since it scares me to death in this situations.

I got the phone out of my purse and my eyes widened. 5 missed calls and 12 text messages, I was so dead!

They were pretty much all from Justin, despite one or two who belonged to Sammy. Basically, Justin was freaking out right now.

I called him and after two rings he answered it. "Damn it, Amanda! Where the hell are you?!" He shouted. Gee.. he was pissed.

"Calm down, I was sleeping. I and Sammy had a fun night yesterday, that's all..."

"God... Can you please not sleep so much so I won't get so worried about you? I thought you had been kidnaped or rapped or worse..." Justin let go of a chuckle. He was a drama queen now and then.

"I'm fine. I have to go now, though. I'll talk to you later." He said a quick goodbye and then I hung up.

So much yelling and drama for a quick call? Jesus... I looked at my phone and in white bright lights it said 4:23 p.m. Did I sleep that much? No wonder Caleb and Charlie had to leave.

I got out of the room, carrying the empty tray with me. The headache wasn't killing me now that I had taken the pills and they were starting to finally work, so I decided that I should at least wash the plates and stuff.

As I walked down the corridor I first thought that this was a house, since it was extremely big. But when I finally made my way into the kitchen and looked out the window I almost had a panic attack. We were way up high, so I'm guessing this was some sort of penthouse or whatever.

The thing is, I'm terrified of heights due to a particular incident that I had to go through when I was about eight years old. I was on a family trip with my parents and we decided to go hiking on a mountain. When we got to the top there was a cliff there and I was a bit frightened by how high we were, but nothing that prevented me from looking at the view or anything. When my dad saw that I was a bit scared, he grabbed me by the waist and held me in the air near the cliff. I cried and screamed so much I thought I wouldn't be able to speak again. Since then I don't go to high places. Ever.

I placed the plates on the sink and started washing them as well as some other plates and pans that were there. When I was drying the last one I heard a noise coming from the door.

The sound of a click echoed through the room and the door flew open. At that moment the only thing crossing my mind was that someone had just broken in and that I needed protection.

I started hearing slow footsteps coming from the living room and the sound of something being dragged on the floor. Holy Moly! What if it's a corpse?!

I quickly grabbed the first solid thing that I saw and luckily was a frying pan. Thank you God. I hid behind the kitchen door quietly.

The steps got louder as the intruder came closer and the minute I spotted brown hair I hit it in the head with all the strength I had in me. A loud "Fuck!" came out of the person's mouth and that's when Caleb fell on the ground with his hands pressing his forehead.

My mouth dropped and so did the frying pan. Unfortunately, Caleb had fallen just below me and when the pan fell out of my hands it hit Caleb's eye.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!!!!" I immediately got on the floor and placed Caleb's head on my knees trying to examine the damage I had made.

"Fuck, Amanda! Are you trying to kill me or something?!" There was a thin line of blood running down Caleb's face and his right eye was getting darker by the second.

"I'm so sorry! I thought you were a thief!" I tried to explain. "Let me get you some ice!" I stood up as quickly as I could, but that was definitely a bad idea. I forgot that I had Caleb's head on my knees, so when I got up it fell hard on the floor. He groaned loudly in pain.

"Oh my God! I'm so so sorry!" I shouted.

"Just stop! Don't come near me, please!" I stood there wide eyed looking at Caleb wiping the blood of his forehead and sitting up slowly. At the same time the front door opened. "I'm back!" A male voice echoed through the house.

"What the fuck?" Close to the kitchen door stood Charlie with a shocked and confused face. He looked at Caleb and then at the frying pan and finally looked at me.

"Careful, she might try to kill you as she did with me." Caleb said now getting up still groaning a little bit in pain.

"Caleb, I'm so sorry!" I was really sorry...

Then all of a sudden Charlie burst out laughing like a mad man, soon to be followed by Caleb and eventually me.

"Seriously, Amanda, what were you thinking?" Caleb asked after he stopped laughing.

"I thought you were a thief, dragging a dead corpse?" It came out more as a question, because now that I said it out loud it sounded extremely absurd.

Charlie chuckled and Caleb just looked at me like if I had grown a third head or something. I guess I couldn't really blame him.

"I was dragging grocery bags, because they were extremely heavy, not a dead person!" He said.

"Well, I know that now..." I gave him an apologetically smile hopping that he would forgive me.

"Just get me some ice and a band aid please." He chuckled and I immediately went get those two things for him. Oops.

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