17th Chapter

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I woke up with drips of sweat rolling down my face. I hadn't slept practically nothing last night and it was all due to the unbearable heat. It was the beginning of Summer and that meant two things: end of Junior year and summer break.

I was happy and sad at the same time with that thought. I couldn't wait to be free from school, but on the other hand I wasn't sure if I would be able to experience that with my best friend.

I quickly forced that thought away and got ready to go to school as I normally did. My dad has been really calm lately, suspiciously calm if I might say. I just hope this isn't a 'calm before the storm' kind of thing.

When I arrived to school I headed to my locker, ignoring all the stares of other people. Lately, I had been receiving a lot of stares because of Sammy's absence. People definitely noticed it and weren't afraid to let their imagination wonder when it came to the reason why was Sammy missing.

"Hey babe." I heard a voice saying before two arms wrapped themselves around my waist. I quickly turned around to face the person who did it.

I immediately felt disgusted at the sight in front of me. "Let me go before I hit you again." I growled at Justin as I tried to release myself from his arms.

"So that you could go back to detention with that favorite math teacher of yours?" The sarcasm in his voice mixed with the glint of anger on his eyes made me feel a little scared. Specially now that I knew just how aggressive Justin could be.

He eventually let go of me, but not due to my efforts. He could keep me trapped against my will for as long as he wanted and there was nothing I would be able to do. He was that strong and he knew it.

"Did you want something or are you here just to annoy me?" I snapped.

Ignoring the clear irritation in my voice, he calmly said. "Yes, actually I have something I wanted to ask you." I gave him a nod letting him continue.

"There will be a party tomorrow night and I wanted you to go." He leaned in closer to me and I took a step back, hitting my back against the lockers. "Maybe that way we could start all over again." He placed his index finger on my cheek and traced an invisible line all the way to my lips. "I'm not ready to let you go yet." He whispered and started to move his head down.

Holy shit he's going to kiss me! No, I don't want that! Amanda do something! React! For some reason I just couldn't move, I was stuck in my place, mentally trying to avoid Justin's lips, but physically I stood still as a rock.

His lips brushed mine, but before he could give me a proper kiss the bell rang and he immediately took a step back. I took that as my opportunity to escape, so I ran as fast as I could to my first class and away from Justin.

What the hell was wrong with me? Why didn't I react? Either way, I sure as hell wasn't planning on going to that party.

After my last class ended I only had one thing on my mind: visit Sammy. I had been going there every day for the past few weeks and it was clear that she wasn't exactly getting better, which made me sad.

She didn't deserve any of this. She only deserved the best.

I drove to the hospital and headed to her room. Her dad was sitting next to her when I walked in. "Hello!" I said enthusiastically.

They both looked up at me with widened eyes as if I was completely mental. I laughed at their reaction and soon enough Sammy's dad let go of a chuckle.

"I'll leave you two alone, so you can gossip all you want." He said before standing up and winking at Sammy. I gave him a smile as he left the room.

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