8th Chapter

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"Where have you been?" I looked up and knew I was fucked.

Justin was looking at me angrily.

"How the hell did you get in?!" I shouted.

"Where have you been?!" He shouted back, but much louder than me. I flinched scared of him for the first time since I met him two years ago.

I kept quiet looking at him with wide eyes. I was in shock, I didn't know how to react in this type of situations. Justin wasn't like this, Justin was a sweetheart.

"Answer me!" He shouted again, taking a step closer to me. His fists were clenched and I could see them turning white by how tightened they were.

"I- I was, I was at a fr-friend's." I stuttered. A look of disgust took over his face as he began to come closer. I took a few steps back, but was forced to stop when my back hit the door.

"What were you doing there?" He said in a normal tone of voice. He placed his hand on the left side of my neck gently brushing my cheek up and down with his thumb. "Being the little whore that you normally are?" He whispered near my ear.

I gulped trying to fight back the tears and suppressing my urge to punch him. I could never win a physical fight against Justin, and I knew better than respond violently to a mad man, God knows I've been in this situation more times than I can count.

Suddenly, I felt a pull on my hair and my head flew backwards hitting the door. A small scream left my lips and a tear rolled down my cheek. I couldn't move, Justin had my body pinned down to the door and my hair tightly clenched in his hand. If I moved I knew I would regret it.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" He whispered. "DOESN'T IT?!" I trembled as more tears left my eyes.

All of a sudden he let go of me. I was still shaking uncontrollably, but he didn't feel sorry, his eyes were filled with anger. With only one movement he pushed me aside so hard that I fell on the ground and hit my head on the corner of a small table that was there. He took one last glance of me and left.

I couldn't take this. I couldn't take another person in my life that saw me as a beating bag. I really don't think I'll make it out alive if things continue down this path.

I was scared, blood was running down my forehead and I simply couldn't move. I was shocked and terrified. That's when the doorbell rang.

I looked at the door and saw it slowly opening. My heart started racing faster and faster as new tears began to fall out of my eyes.

"Hello? Amanda?" I let go of a shaky sigh of relief when I saw Charlie coming through that door.

When he saw me on the floor he immediately kneeled beside me and pulled me gently into a hug. What he was doing here I had no idea, but I'm glad he was.

Charlie's P.O.V.

I had just left Amanda and for some reason I couldn't help but feeling a bit sad and lonely. This girl had some sort of power over me and I've known it since the first day I saw her standing by the classroom door.

When she first talked to me I felt my heart beat a little faster than usual. And then when she flirted with me for the first time I was so surprised that I couldn't even react. I knew what she wanted, I knew why she was trying to seduce me, a lot of students have done that to me to get better grades. I would never cave in, but I won't let her know that, I want her to continue doing what she was doing.

The truth is, I had never been like this before. I never actually let myself love or get close to any girl after Sarah. And as much as I wanted to stay away from Amanda something inside me didn't let me do it.

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