5th Chapter

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"Aren't you girls way too young to be in a club like this? How did you even get in?" Caleb asked curiously.

"My dad owns the place, that's why they let us in". Sammy explained.

"Hey man, I want a beer!" A man beside me rudely demanded. Caleb smiled apologetically and left to get the man's beer.

"Well, hello there." The man said staring at me from head to toe like I was a piece of meat.

I turned around so I wouldn't face him, but I guess he didn't like it since he immediately grabbed my arm tightly. I flinched in pain as the man tightened his grip.

"Let her go, you fucking animal!" Sammy shouted at the man. I kept quiet trying to hold back the tears. Normally, that wouldn't hurt nearly as much as it was hurting at the moment, but there were parts of my body that were still pretty sore from last night.

"Shut up! This one goes first, but you're next sweet cheeks." The man was swaying from how drunk he was, making me swag with him. The obnoxious smell of alcohol in his breath was making me want to vomit. That's how drunk he was.

"Hey. Chill, buddy." A calm but serious voice came from behind the counter. Caleb had his hand on the man's shoulder. "They're with me, so get lost." His face was serious and dangerous at the same time, making me a little bit scared.

"You can't handle both of them, let me help you." The man said with a sick smile plastered on his face and I could only imagine all the perverted things that were crossing his mind at this moment.

"Go. Now!" I jumped with Caleb's shout and so did Sammy. The man immediately let go of my arm and left murmuring something that I couldn't hear due to the music.

"T-thanks." I stammered shaking a little bit. I don't deal well with aggressive behavior, no matter what kind it is. If someone grabs me against my will or shouts with an angry voice, I will be just as scared no matter which one it is.

"No problem." Caleb gave me a smile, but that didn't relax me not even a bit. I needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. This night had come to an end for me.

"W-we g-got to g-go." I mentally scold myself for sounding so scared.

"Hey, why are you stuttering again?" Sammy whispered in my ear. Not exactly a whisper, but low enough so I was the only one who could hear it.

When I was little I used to stutter all the time. Somehow, after my twelfth birthday I started talking like a normal person. But whenever I get scared or nervous I stutter just like when I was younger.

"C-can we j-just go?" I tried to sound more convincing, but failed miserably. Sammy nodded but a stern 'no' stopped us from moving.

"You two drank quite a bit and I will not let you guys drive like this. You're coming with me."Caleb ordered.

He was right, though. Since we got here I had already drunk two vodkas and a beer, and Sammy had her second shot a few minutes ago. We don't usually drink this much, but it just happened.

I and Sammy nodded in agreement. Tomorrow I'd come again and pick my car up.

Caleb shouted something at the other bartender that I couldn't understand. I guess, I'm a little tipsier than I initially thought I was.

A few seconds later I and Sammy were walking towards this beautiful black Ferrari, with Caleb behind us, making sure no one approached us again.

I hopped in first, laying comfortably in the back seat, while Sammy sat in the passenger's seat since she was being dropped at home first. Now that I think about it, we could've walked to Sammy's house. It was like a five minute walk and a two minutes car drive.

I'm not exaggerating, Caleb barely started driving and we were already in Sammy's driveway. She said goodbye to me and Caleb and got off of the car, stumbling a bit on her own feet. I heard Caleb let go of a small chuckle, but that was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep in a very comfy car seat.


I woke up with the smell of eggs, bacon and oh my god! Pancakes!!! I quickly stood up and soon realized that was probably the worst idea ever. My head was pounding like crazy.

I groaned in pain and immediately shut up when I saw that I wasn't in my room. I was lying in a different bed than mine and had different clothes than the ones I wore yesterday.

The room was clean and extremely organized. It was huge! I heard a soft knock on the door and said "Come in."

"Hey... You're finally up." Caleb said in a low tone of voice, I guess he knew that I had this massive headache. He was carrying a tray with loads of food in it and a bottle of pills next to a glass with orange juice.

"Thank you so much!" I said with my eyes wide open. No one has ever done anything like this for me. And I know what you might be thinking 'Come on, it's just a tray with food on it.' but it's more than that... It's a really sweet gesture.

Before I started eating I needed to ask Caleb something. "Where am I?"

"You're at Caleb's house." Caleb said with a warm smile.

"You're one of those people who talk about themselves in the third person?" I laughed at my question. It would be so weird if he was actually one of them.

"No... I'm not sure I understand your question." He had a confused look on his face and soon enough I did too.

"You said Caleb's house..." I gave him a weird look.

"This is Caleb's house. I'm Charlie." My eyes shot open at his words. Holly poop!

He burst out laughing. "It's okay. Amanda. Caleb asked me to come over to take care of you, but he'll be back in an hour or so." He gave me a warm smile.

I nodded, still feeling a bit uncomfortable with this whole situation. I wanted to seduce him, but not in this circumstances!

"How did you get in my brother's bed?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Hey! It wasn't like that!" I could feel my cheeks getting tomato red at his question.

"It's okay, I know how irresistible he can be." He leaned closer. "It runs in the family." He said in a low tone of voice sending shivers down my spine.

Damn it! He's using my trick against me! He wasn't like this yesterday. I thought he was a nerdy boy who didn't know how to react when someone flirted with him, now that nerdy person is me!

I gulped. "I... hum.. I-I should p-probably go." I stammered. God, could this get any worse?

"I don't think so, beautiful." He winked at me and then left the room.

I let go off a huge sigh, I hadn't realize I hadn't been breathing until now.

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