9th Chapter

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"That is it! I am done with you, you worthless piece of shit!" My dad was screaming at me, and wagging me harshly. I was so scared, because I knew what was coming next.

We dragged me to the closet below the stairs, opening the door with his foot. My mom just stood there, looking at me disgusted. I was crying and screaming "Please, let me go! Please! Daddy, no!"

He was going to leave me there until he decided that I was worth another chance of being a good daughter. He pushed me inside making me fall in the process. The door closed with a bang and I immediately got up and started screaming and trying to opened it up, but it was locked.

*end of dream*

Charlie had woken me up from that dream, or should I say nightmare. He held me all night in his arms until morning. When I woke up and looked at him I saw him staring at the ceiling. He looked like he was lost in his thoughts.

When he saw that I was staring he cleared his throat, gave me a little smile and left the room. Where he went, I had no idea, but I was too ashamed and shocked to go after him.

I was ashamed, because I remember everything that happened last night. Justin, the nightmare, the whole sleeping together thing. And how could I possibly face him after that? He had no obligation to stay with me, to go through that. Now he probably thinks I'm crazy, and he might be right. But I'm also shocked that he stayed. He stayed with me.

I slowly got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I was still wearing Caleb's T-shirt, but besides the original bruise I now had another one. Maybe my mom's right, maybe I understand why she looks at me with disgust, because now I was disgusted too.

I took my shirt off and looked at myself again. My whole body was covered in small dark spots. They were everywhere, and they hurt.

"What happened to you?" Someone whispered behind me.

I turned quickly, covering my body with my hands and arms as much as I could. A shocked Charlie was standing near my bedroom door with a plate with a sandwich on his hand. I gulped at the thought of someone knowing what I always tried so hard to hide.

And if you ever tell this to anyone I swear to God, Amanda, I will kill you. I don't care if you're my daughter, God won't punish me for getting rid of a mistake like you.

"Mr. Adams." I said with an extremely confident voice. I knew what had to be done, no more distractions. I can't allow myself to feel, to be vulnerable. I need to concentrate in getting that grade.

I've let myself go with the flow for too long, it was time for me to gain control of my life again. And if that meant becoming a soulless bitch then I'll be it. I'm done with being that stupid naive girl that I've been until now, I know better than that.

Charlie gave me a confused look and that look just made me more determined than ever. He thought I was soft, he can forget about that. I am going to seduce this teacher.

I started walking slowly towards him, swinging my hips seductively. The lust in his eyes made me smirk. I can do this.

He looked at me, trailing my whole body from head to toe slowly until I was just a few inches away from him. He cleared his throat and looked away.

"Uhm, maybe you should put something one." He said nervously.

I was well aware that I was only in my underwear, but thankfully it was a sexy lingerie. "Why? It would save you a lot of effort if I just wear this." I whispered close enough to his ear.

"Stop." He said sternly now looking straight into my eyes. My heart started beating faster, but I ignored it.

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything Mr. Adams. Unless you want me to." I said getting even closer. My body was now touching his.

We stared at each other for a few seconds as we began to slowly move our heads closer and closer.

His lips brushed mine, but almost instantly he dropped the plate that he was holding and stormed out of the room.

Charlie's P.O.V.

I had made her a sandwich and went to her room to give it to her. I needed to know what was happening to her. I needed to help her.

But when I got to her room, I stopped. I couldn't move. I was shocked. She had bruises all over her body.

"What happened to you?" I said still not believing in my eyes.

She turned around quickly trying to cover herself with her arms. Her eyes filled with sadness, but that didn't last for long. All the sadness in her eyes disappeared and now no emotions were visible. She started walking slowly towards me not trying to cover herself up anymore.

All I wanted to do was to kiss her right there. I tried to control myself, but when she stopped only a few inches from me I had to look away. What was this girl doing to me?

I only remember my lips brushing hers and me storming out right after that. I needed to control myself! I knew what she was doing and I couldn't let her!

I got inside my car and drove home. How does one person change in a second?

Amanda's P.O.V.

Monday. I hated Mondays. Not because it represented the end of the weekend, no, that's not it... Mondays also represented new beginnings. Something that I clearly will never have.

I got ready for school. Today I was going to show everyone the new me.

I wouldn't exactly call it new, since I was once the biggest bitch the world had ever seen. But one day I decided that I was done with the whole mean girl act and started being nicer to people, well look where that got me.

During that time I was dreaded. People respected me and didn't even dare to cross my way, and now I was getting slapped by my boyfriend. Wait. Cross that, ex-boyfriend I mean.

I needed to focus on my only goal and that was passing math. Nothing else mattered. And to succeed at it I needed to put on my fake mask and get it over with.

I checked my phone and saw a bunch of Justin's texts and calls, but I couldn't care less. That boy was dead. I was going to make sure that he would regret hitting me for the rest of his life. And I knew exactly how to do it.

I drove to school and seconds after that Sammy parked her car next to mine. I had called her yesterday and told her everything. She was the only person I would never be a bitch to.

Turns out she wants to join me in my plan of revenge and she's actually very excited in becoming a bitch again. Everything is always easier to do if you have your best friend right beside you.

We started walking towards the main door, both with a smirk and a confident look on our faces. Everyone was staring at us and getting out of our way so we could pass. You know in movies when those girls walk in slow motion and everyone stares at them? Well, we were those girls.

We were walking down the hallway when I spotted Justin laughing along with his friends. I headed in their direction with Sammy beside me and stopped only a few inches away from him.

"Hi, sweetie." I said with a smile. He had a confused look on his face.

"Listen, I really need to talk to you... We can't be together anymore. It's not me, it's definitely you. You see, I have needs and you and your little pinkie finger down there can't fulfill them." I gave him an apologetic look as embarrassment started to take over his whole body. His friends started laughing and I let go off a chuckle of my own. "Oh and hum... stop calling me, it's pathetic." With that I turned around and made my way to my first class.

People will learn not to mess with Amanda Anderson ever again. I was going to make sure of it.

Picture of Sarah ------------------------>

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