15th Chapter

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I woke up with an agonizing pain in my head and no memory from last night. The last thing I remember was saying something to Sammy and then watching her go.

I slowly got out of bed trying to find my balance, and let me tell you, it was a hard thing to do.

When I was finally up and ready to walk, my foot got caught in something hard making me trip and fall. "I'm up! I'm up! What happened?!" A man stood up in a fraction of second with his hands in the air.

I was still on the ground trying to figure out who the hell this guy was when realization struck me and I was finally able to recognize him. "Mr. Adams?"

"I can see you still refuse to call me Charlie." He said with a smirk.

He helped me up, but I immediately regretted it. My head was literally killing me and when I stood up it felt like a bomb had just exploded inside of it. I groaned in pain pressing my hands against my forehead.

"That's what you get for drinking at your age." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Last time I checked you are only a couple of years pass the legal age of drinking."

"That's just a rumor." I couldn't help but smile a little at his attempt of being funny. And again: attempt.

Suddenly, the sound of the front door slamming caught me off guard and I started panicking. "My parents." I whispered.

Charlie was looking confused, he didn't understand why I was so scared of the fact that my parents were home. Well, if I don't hide him quickly we will understand faster than he thinks.

I pushed him inside the bathroom just as my door opened. "We're home." My dad said.

"Hi dad. Hi mom." I smiled and gave each one a hug. Then my dad started sniffing the air like a dog who had caught the scent of meat.

"What's this smell?" He sniffed a little more and stopped right next to me. "You smell like shit." I didn't say anything. "We bought you a bathroom so you'd smell nice. Go take a shower!"

He pushed me inside the bathroom and locked the door from the outside. "I'll let you out when you start acting like a person and not a pig!" He shouted before I heard footsteps and a door slamming. At that moment I regretted leaving the key on the outside of the door.

"Amanda?" Charlie whispered and I closed my eyes shut. I had totally forgotten about him. I slowly opened them and he was already staring at me with an intense gaze.

"Ahm... I think he woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning." I tried to laugh it off but Charlie didn't find it funny. I gulped at how serious he looked.

"Look I'm really sorry that I dragged you into this mess." I looked down embarrassed. "I don't know when he'll let us out of here."

He placed a finger under my chin making me look up at him. "It's okay, I don't mind. But he's right, you really need to take a shower." We both burst out laughing.

"Okay, turn around I'll be quick." He did as I said and I quickly stripped out of my clothes and stepped inside the shower.

I have no idea how he got inside my room, or why he's here. Heck, I don't even know why he's talking to me, let alone being nice to me. But I like it, and I don't want to mess any of this up. I missed Charlie, he made me smile.

When I was finally done I wrapped myself around a towel and looked for some clothes, but I didn't have any. I mentally cursed myself for not leaving a spare shirt in the bathroom in case of something like this happens.

Charlie turned around and immediately looked away, but not before I caught the glint of lust in his eyes. I smiled at the effect that I had on him. But I guess any girl wearing only a towel would have that effect on a guy.

"Shouldn't you put something on?" He said nervously.

"I would, if I had any clothes in here."

"What about the ones you were wearing?" He asked finally facing me again.

"The ones covered in vomit? No way, my dad would kill me." Another difference between Caleb and Charlie, Charlie didn't change my clothes. I mean, if he was the one who brought me home last night.

"Yes, I did bring you home last night." My eyes widened at his words. Oh god, did I just said that out loud? He laughed and I could feel my cheeks turning red.

"Stop. it's not funny..." I whined like a little child about to stomp their foot.

"Aww, is little Amanda going to cry?" He said pouting his lower lip . I have to admit he did look cute with that face, but I couldn't help but feel quite annoyed by his words.

"Again, do I have to remind you that you're not that much older than me?" And that sentence applied to more than one situations, one of them being the feelings that I felt towards him but refused to admit.

Charlie did make me feel good, and his kiss made me feel things that I had never felt before with anyone... But the truth is, I was afraid of the feelings that he brought up. I was afraid that I might get too attached to this guy and end up hurt, because that's what always happens. Humans are not trustable, they lie to us. They make us believe in things that aren't real. They use us for their advantage. What if Charlie was one of them? I barely knew him, how could I possibly trust my heart with him?

"But I'm still older than you. And we can't deny the fact that that plays a major role in all of this." He said looking me in the eyes. Then he let go of a sigh and looked away. "I'm sorry I kissed you, I should have never done that."

I couldn't help but flinch at his words. "I'm sorry I even let you, I never thought you'd regret it so much." I snapped at him.

"Don't you get it?! I don't regret kissing you! What I felt was genuine, I do care about you! What I do regret was letting myself fall for your act." He was now towering above me. His eyes filled with so much emotion that was almost overwhelming.

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on. Don't make a fool out of me. We both know you just want a good grade." With those words he turned around and sat on the toilet seat.

I walked over to him adjusting my towel a bit so it wouldn't fall, and kneeled in front of him. "Look, I would be lying if I told you that what you said wasn't true. But I would also be lying if I told you that my feelings towards you hadn't changed since the first day I saw you. I did just want a good grade, but now I want so much more." I admitted.

We stared at each other's eyes until he broke the silence. "I could never have anything with you." His tone of voice was harsh and just like that, my heart, or what was left of it, broke into a million pieces.

Suddenly, I heard the door opening and footsteps coming towards the bathroom door. I rushed to the door and quickly got out of the bathroom when my dad opened the door. Charlie stayed inside so my dad wouldn't see him. "I and your mother are going out for dinner, we will be back in an hour or so." He gave me a kiss on my forehead and then he left.

"Amanda, I- I didn't mean-" I could feel his breath brushing my shoulders as he got closer to where I was standing. "You should leave." I said in the flatter tone I could possibly talk.

"Please, just let me exp-" He touched the back of my arms gently and I turned around to face him. "Now!" I shouted. I couldn't take this anymore. He had to leave before I started crying.

He didn't say anything after that. He just walked past me and got out of my room. I was glad he didn't push it any further. And as soon as he closed the door, tears roll down my cheeks.

Just as I thought, humans can't be trusted.

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