18th Chapter

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How could I have forgotten what day today was? Today was Thursday, "family day", which meant that I was screwed. My dad would kill me, literally.

I drove home as fast as I could after I left the hospital. I nearly ran over a duck, although I'm not sure why the hell would there be a freaking duck in the road! 

A few minutes later I arrived home and jumped out of the car. I ran to the front door and took a deep breath. I knew what was coming next and I was terrified of it, but maybe today would be different you know? My dad said he was sorry for locking me in the bathroom the other day and since then he hasn't done anything wrong, maybe he changed.

And I really do hope so. I put my key in the lock and turned it and for my surprise it was unlocked. That was so weird, they never leave the door unlocked. I opened it further back and stepped inside, closing it behind me. 

"Amanda?" A weak voice called almost in a whisper, I recognized that voice. "Amanda, is that you?" My mom said, her voice breaking in the end. 

"Yes, mom. I'm home and I'm so sorry I'm late, but if you just let me explain I'm sure you'll understand it." I walked quickly to the kitchen where I thought my mom would be. 

"MOM!!!" I screamed lunging myself to the ground where my mother was lying down. There was so much blood underneath her, so much blood. "MOM! PLEASE MOM TALK TO ME!" I shouted desperate to know if she was still alive or not.

"Call 911." She whispered. All the color that she once had, drained from her face. I nodded rapidly and continuously, swallowing the huge lump I had in my throat. Tears were falling down my face and I was now covered in blood. My mother's blood. 

I stood up, sobbing like crazy and started touching all of my pockets, trying to find my cellphone. And then I remembered that I had left it in my car. "M-mom, where where is y-your phone?" I said between sobs.

She lifted her arm up, which probably meant that it was in her room, and it definitely meant that she didn't have much time left. I stumbled upstairs, cursing my legs for almost breaking down. I was crying and shaking, trying to keep my balance by leaning on the walls. 

I opened her door and immediately spotted her purse on top of the bed. I ran there, falling on my knees near the bed. I took the phone out and quickly dialled 911.

"911. What's your emergency?" A voice said from the other side of the line.

"Please, please help me. My mom's h-hurt! She's bleeding a l-lot! Please help me!" I shouted between sobs.

"We'll send help right now. Honey, can you tell me your name?" The voice asked. I knew what she was doing, she was trying to calm me down, I've seen it in movies, but nothing at this moment could calm me down.

When I was just about to answer, the phone was ripped from me and smashed into the wall. I turned around and saw my dad. His eyes were widened and filled with anger and madness, his shirt was all covered in blood as well as his face. I gulped and crawled away from him, at least tried.

"Where do you think you're going, hum?" He grabbed my hair and pulled it backwards, making me fall on his feet. I screamed in pain as he continued to pull my hair. "You and your mother are so ungrateful! I give you everything and all you do is complain! Do you think that's fair?" I shook my head and bit my lip in an attempt to suppress another scream of pain. "Do you?!" He shouted and pulled my hair up with so much strength that I was pulled up to my feet. 

He looked me in the eyes with so much disgust. I gulped again. His arm flew backwards before coming with full speed against my stomach. I screamed at the top of my lungs as he continued to punch me again and again, harder and harder. 

After about 20 punches he stopped and I fell again on the floor. "You worthless bitch." His words were like daggers, so full of hatred. "Get up!" He shouted. I tried to obey him, but my legs just didn't have the strength to do it.

"Get the fuck up!" He shouted again before hitting me in the head. This time I stood up, and he grabbed my forearm and dragged me along the hallway.

We stopped at the top of the stairs and my heart started beating even faster, if that was even possible. I knew what he was going to do. I knew it just to well. I let go of a shaky breath as I prepared myself for what was coming.

And in less than a second he pushed me and I fell down the stairs. I shouted every time my bones hit the hard wooden steps, each one hurting more than the last. At this point all I could do was pray. Pray to pass out and stop feeling all the pain my father was putting me through.

When I fell on the floor I let go of a sigh of relief. But was soon cut off by another scream of pain. I felt all my fingers of my left hand being crushed by a massive weight. He had his foot on top of them, stepping on them again and again. The pain was excruciating.

I looked to the other side, not wanting to watch watch was happening anymore. And that was the best idea I had in my life. On the other side was an umbrella at my reach. I immediately grabbed it and hit my dad where the sun doesn't shine. 

He fell backwards, holding on his crotch tightly and I took that as my only chance to escape what would probably be my end. I ran to the front door and then towards my car, getting in and locking the doors as fast as I could.

I started the engine with difficulty, since I only had one hand capable of driving. Finally starting to pull away from my driveway, my dad stepped out of the house screaming. "Get back here! We're not done yet!" I tried to drive faster and when I was far enough from my house I sighed relieved.

I kept on crying hysterically at all the thoughts that were running through my mind. My mom was still there. What if he killed her? What if she is already dead? What if he's now chasing after me?

 Where was I going now? I couldn't go home, Sammy wasn't home, and there was only one place that was near enough my house so that I could stop there and take a deep breath: Caleb's.

I drove there and soon enough pulled over the entrance of his apartment. I stumbled out of the car and nearly fell. 

I rang the doorbell of his apartment. "Yes? Who's there?" His voice came from somewhere near the buttons. 

"C-Caleb? It's me Amanda. Ple-please! Please l-let me in!" I shouted between sobs looking around me quickly to make sure my dad wasn't anywhere near me.

The door opened a second after and I ran inside, closing it behind me. I stumbled a little more until I reached the elevator and then pressed the button that led to Caleb's floor.

When the doors opened, two figures appeared in front of me. Two almost identical figures if I might add. I started crying even more, although I had never really stopped. 

Both their faces were a mix of shock and concern as they took in my appearance. I was covered in my mom's and my own blood, my hair was all over the place, I had cuts and bruises everywhere, my hand was literally turning blue...

I gulped and let go of a shaky breath before my legs cave in and I fell on the ground. Charlie picked me up immediately very carefully and they took me inside Caleb's. 

Charlie placed me on the couch and both him and Caleb sat in front of me. "Amanda, what happened to you?" Charlie said in almost a whisper. That was a good question, what the hell happened to me? 

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