3rd Chapter

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"Are you in this class?" The man in front of me asked with a mesmerizing smile. Oh God, that smile was out of this world. He was an alien! Yes! That's the only plausible answer for that smile.

"Uhm.. Yes, I'm Amanda." I was surprised by how confident my voice sounded.

"Hi, I'm Mr. Adams. Your new math teacher?" The last part came out more as a question and I assumed he didn't know if we knew about Mr. Johnson leaving.

"Yeah... Mr. Johnson told us yesterday that he was going to work somewhere else."

The new teacher nodded with a smile and when I gave him a smile of my own I caught a glint of something in his eyes, but I'm not sure of what it was.

I headed slowly towards my seat in the back. After putting my copybook and book, as well as my pencil on top of my table I stared at the new teacher while the other students sat on their tables and exchanged weird looks between them.

They probably weren't expecting that kind of a teacher. I honestly wasn't either.

He was the most handsome man I had ever seen. His light brown eyes with his perfectly messy hair gave away the idea that he was a cool person and not a boring adult with the thought of superiority.

He was wearing dark jeans with a white shirt. A very casual outfits so I assume he's not a very dramatic person such as myself.

Suddenly, I saw his eyes travelling through the room and landing on me. His gaze interlocked with mine. And the flirt began.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Charlie, but you should probably call me Mr. Adams. Not that the idea pleases me, but it's the school's rules, so yeah... Sorry about that." Everyone laughed quietly at his apology. "Now that you know my name, I'd like to know yours."

Mr. Adams pointed to the first person in the right row.



And so on, until it was my turn.


"Amanda." He repeated under his breath. A smirk formed on my lips. I have his attention.

After everyone introduced themselves, Mr. Adams started handing out some white sheets.

"This is a sort of test. It doesn't count for your final grade if that's what you're thinking. It's just for me to evaluate where you guys stand when it comes to math."

A bunch of sighs of relief erupted from every part of the classroom. Yeah, we weren't very good at math. But then again, that's partially Mr. Johnson's fault.

Half an hour later we were all handing in our tests. It wasn't a big one and it was just to do circles around the answers we thought were correct.

"Thank you. Now, why don't you talk about the fact that it's Friday while I correct your tests?" Everyone cheered and applauded the new teacher. I think he'll fit in just fine.

I chatted with some of my friends in the back about the most random things, but sometimes looked at the teacher.

He looked so focused on what he was doing, it was actually cute.

After the bell rang, we all started leaving the classroom after going through Mr. Adams desk to get out tests. I was the last one in line.

"Amanda... Have you ever thought about having a tutor?" He asked after handing me my test. A big F was written in red letters. Another one.

"I tried once, but it didn't work out that well."

When I was still a freshman Mr. Johnson gave me a tutor to help me. Turns out he wasn't interested in helping me with math. You know those perverts that sometimes you meet in life? Yeah, mine was called Josh Park. Since then I haven't accepted a tutor.

"That's a shame... I really think you'd benefit from a tutor."

And then I had one of those moments when the light bulb lights on top of my head.

"Well, you could tutor me." His eyes widened a bit in shock by my offer. "I mean, I'd be very thankful if you did that." The last part I said in a slightly lower tone of voice. It always worked on Justin.

Mr. Adams gulped and the nervousness was visible. Works every time. I mentally high fived myself.

"I- I'll ask the principal if that's okay." He stammered a bit.

I leaned a little over his desk and bit my lip. "That would be great." I smiled warmly, took the pen that he was holding out of his hand and wrote down my number on a piece of paper that was clean. "Here's my number. Call me when you have the answer."

He was too shocked to even react. And so I left the classroom with a smirk plastered on my lips.

This could actually work after all.

Two arms wrapped themselves around my waist making me jump startled.

"Hello, gorgeous." I smiled immediately at the sound of Justin's voice.

I turned around still in his arms and kissed him on the lips.

This guy was the only one who could make my heart melt this way. And that's why I think this relationship might last.

"So, the new teacher... I heard his hot." The tone of annoyance in Justin's voice was as clear as non-polluted water. Damn, the news travel fast here...

"You think he's hot? I thought you only checked girls out." I placed a hand over my heart faking being shocked.

He laughed and I did the same. "You know what I mean."

"Yes, and you are even hotter when you're jealous." I gave him a small kiss on the lips before releasing myself from his arms.

I always loved when guys got a bit jealous and slightly possessive, it made me feel special. Of course that there are limits, after you cross that thin line it's not cute anymore.

But Justin didn't cross it, in fact he tried not to be jealous or at least not let it show. But I know that sometimes that's not possible. Specially now with a new hot teacher.

Oh well, he just has to suck it up and deal with it.

"Hey, where are you going?" Justin said loudly as I moved away from him.

"To find Sammy and tell her the news!" I shouted since I was already far from him.

"What?! What news?!" I heard Justin shout, but I pretended not to, so I wouldn't have to tell him what I was talking about. I knew that nothing good could come from it.


"Oh my God! You what?!" Sammy was completely shocked by what I had told her.

I told her everything, from my small conversation with Justin before math class, to the one I had with Mr. Adams after the class.

"How do you do that?! I mean, even when you have a black eye you still let a guy speechless..." I laughed at her impressed and shocked face.

She was exaggerating, I didn't have a black eye, but I did look like crap today and yet I gave an older guy my number.

My mom was right, I was good at getting guys. Of course, she said that in a whole different context, but yeah she was still right.

I got up. Me and Sammy were sitting outside, since it was such a nice day. Summer was almost here and the days were slowly changing.

"Oh no, not a chance!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me down. "We are skipping today. We have a plan to prepare."

She gave me an evil laugh, I'm talking about those muahah kind of laughs. That girl scared the poop out of me sometimes.

I started laughing at her laugh, and she laughed because of her own laugh and that is why everyone that walked by us stared at us as if we were crazy.

I'd do the same if I were them.

After everyone got inside the school building, me and Sammy headed to the parking lot. We got inside my car and drove to the nearest mall.

There's no better place to start a plan than the mall. It's just perfect!

Sammy's Picture ----------->

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