13th Chapter

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It's been three weeks since that kiss with Charlie. My parents hadn't come home yet and I was starting to feel sad about everything.

People were afraid of me again, just like I wanted. But for some reason, that hasn't made me feel happier or at least better. I feel bad for being mean to other people. I feel bad for all the choices I've made this past month.

That kiss with Charlie made me feel things that I didn't know that I could feel. Made me question if I should or not use him for my advantage and I came to the conclusion that I wanted to stop. I need to stay away from him.

When I ran away from him that day I knew what would happen if I had stayed. We would probably grow closer to each other and maybe even fall in love, who knows? But I didn't want any of that. I've learnt that people can't be trusted. Everyone who walks into your life will hurt you and that was something that I couldn't afford anymore.

Being a bitch didn't make me feel happier, but at least kept everyone from getting closer to me. That's what I want. I don't want to be mean to anyone anymore nor will I use Charlie, but I will not give my heart to anyone.

That's what I had decided.

"Amanda? Are you ready?" I heard Sammy's voice coming out of the bathroom.

We were going out tonight. We were going to a bar, meet someone new, get crazy and then come back to her house and have a sleep over. I was excited for this.

Sammy and I talked about what happened with me and Charlie in that same day. I explained to her everything that I felt and she understood what I was saying. Since then we have not spoken about it and I'm glad she didn't bring it up.

"Ready!" I said with excitement.

Sammy stepped out of the bathroom and her mouth dropped. "Oh Amanda... You look so good!" Remember that red dress that I had bought for Charlie the first day that I saw him? Well, I decided that I should wear it tonight.

"You do too!" Sammy was wearing the most adorable white dress I had ever seen. Overall we both looked amazingly hot.

We were going to the same bar we went last time, the one owned by Sammy's dad and where Caleb worked. The truth is I missed Caleb. I know that we didn't talk that much, but I really liked him and what harm could a simple 'hello' do?

"Let's go!" Sammy shouted and off we went.

We decided to get ready at Sammy's so that we could walk to the bar. This time I wasn't staying at anyone's house but Sammy's.

The security let us in with no problems. Once again, it's good when your best friend's dad owns the most popular bar in town. The bar was crowded, people were dancing, making out, drinking, rubbing themselves against anything that moved... it was a weird sight.

"Let's go say hi to Caleb!" I shouted at Sammy's ear, but to her it probably sounded more like a whisper. That's how loud the music was. She nodded and we started to walk towards the counter.

When we got there I immediately spotted Caleb who was pouring drinks into a few glasses. "Caleb!" I said with a smile.

He turned his head to see who had just called him. A huge grin appeared on his face. "Amanda! Sammy! What are you guys doing here?"

"We came here to have fun and to forget!" I said quickly. "Will you get us some drinks?"

"Sure thing sweetie."

Caleb placed two shots in front of us. I quickly gulped mine down and ordered another one. And then another one. And another. After that I just lost count. And all my ability of thinking straight.

"Come on! Give me more one!" I said.

"More one?" Caleb started laughing. "No, you're done for the night missy."

"Hey listen. I have to go home okay? Something happened and I really have to go. Will you meet me at my house after?" Sammy asked. She had a worried look on her face and her phone kept lighting up with calls and texts.

"Is everything okay?" I asked trying to look as sober as possible.

"I'm sure everything's fine." She gave me a quick smile before turning around and leaving.

I looked at Caleb and he had a concerned look on his face as he watched Sammy leave. "Caleb?"

"Yeah?" He was now looking at me.

"I'm not feeling well." My vision became a blur and that's when it all went black.


I woke up in a couch with a guy in front of me. I could hear music coming from somewhere, but I was too drunk to think about it.

"You really can't handle alcohol, now can you?" The guy in front of me chuckled. Then I realized I knew that face.

"Shut up, Charlie. Don't be mean." I pouted.

"I'm not Charlie. Charlie's at his house, Amanda." He said.

"Yeah right... oh wait! Is this a game? Because if it is, I want to be someone else too! I'm going to be..." I thought as much as I could in that state of mind about what I was going to be called. "Carly! That's it. From now on I'm Carly."

He laughed at what I said, although I don't quite understand why. "Come on Carly. Let's get you home." He said before helping me get up.

"Charlie? I'm really sorry... I just want you to know that I really loved that kiss and the only reason why I ran away was because I was afraid to fall in love with you. And now I realize that was stupid because even though I ran away I still fell in love with you."

"Amanda... I'm not Charlie..." he had a shocked look on his face which made me confused.

Then a knock on the door, which by the way I hadn't realized, interrupted us and another guy walked in. My eyes widened as I saw that the guy who walked in was identical to the one I was talking to.

And then it all went black.

Caleb's P.O.V.

"Amanda... I'm not Charlie..." I tried to tell her once again. I knew she was drunk, but I never thought she was that drunk.

Just then I heard a knock on the door and Charlie appeared out of nowhere. I was completely shocked and didn't know what to do. Just a few seconds ago Amanda was literally saying that she was in love with him, but thought that I was Charlie and now here he is and here I am and by the looks of it Amanda was just as shocked as I was, because she passed out.

"What the fuck dude?! You kissed her?!" I yelled at Charlie who was trying to understand what had just happened.

"How do you know that?" He was scared, that's for sure. And I was pissed, that's also for sure.

She was his student and he was her teacher! I was almost certain that that was not legal.

"She just told me that she was in love with you and that she's sorry for running away. What do you have to say in your defense?" I said through greeted teeth.

"She did?" A stupid smile appeared on his lips and I had to suppress the urge to punch him, otherwise this would turn out ugly.

"What the hell are you even doing here?!"

"Sammy called me and asked me to take Amanda home, because she had an emergency and wouldn't spend the night at her house." I just stared at him. I knew this wasn't a good idea, but I still let him pick her up from the couch bridal style and walk away.

The truth is, I knew Amanda would be safe with Charlie, it was Sammy who I was really worried about. She looked so scared when she left earlier, but I couldn't leave the bar or I'd be fired. And why would she call Charlie and not me? I thought she had started trusting me more since we started to hang out.

Sammy, what's wrong? Let me help you, please. I'm here for you.

I sent her that text, but she didn't reply.

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